Carrot Spice Juice

This concoction is so simple that it barely warrants a recipe, however it's such a tasty treat that I couldn't not share. I've been whipping this up every day for the past couple of weeks for the fam. Hattie is a spice junkie, so she just loves it. She really thinks she's a superstar drinking out of her own straw.

I don't often juice because I find it cumbersome and expensive. I'd much prefer to throw everything into a blender and call it a day. Juicing requires a lot of prep work and (depending on your machine) a lot of clean up. It takes a LOT of produce to get one glass of juice. The cost can add up, particularly when using organic produce (which is good idea when juicing—and always, really).

With that said, I've been having some digestive issues, so I've brought juicing back as part of my daily routine. Juicing strips away fiber, so consuming juice asks a lot less of your digestive tract (and right now, I'm all for letting my food do more of the work for me—I'm eating lots of slow cooked stews and fermented foods which, in a way, are pre-digested).

The caveat: without the fiber, any sugar in the juice has easy and quick access to your bloodstream, which can be problematic to those sensitive to blood sugar spikes. Carrot juice, although inexpensive to make, does have a bit of sugar (13 grams per cup according to the Bolthouse Farms). So I temper this with added fat, in the form of coconut oil. Blending in the coconut oil also helps to give the carrot juice a creamy consistency, making this beverage feel like a decadent treat. With some added spice, it's the perfect thing to sip on chilly fall mornings or crisp afternoons!



Serves 1

8-10 carrots (depending on size), or 8 ounces carrot juice (seek out an organic option if using store-bought)

1 1-inch knob fresh ginger root (can use 1/4 tsp ginger powder of not juicing)

1/4 warm water

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Pinch nutmeg powder (a little goes a long way!)


Juice the carrots and ginger root, or set aside 8 ounces store-bought carrot juice.

In a blender, combine warm water and coconut oil and blend until smoothly combined. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP. If you try to blend the oil straight into the juice, it will get chunky and not mix properly. You need the warm water to help mix the coconut oil.

Add the juice and spices and blend. Serve immediately!

If I'm having this as a snack, I'll often add a tablespoon of collagen, and blend that in as well - I use this brand (use code FUNK for 20% off)


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