Carb Compatibility Project™
An intuitive 4 week self study plan to determine your body's unique carbohydrate needs and end the carb confusion.
Without carb counting, calorie tracking, or my fitness pal logging—learn how to eat for your body.
Using weekly templates, you will step your way into your own carb threshold for optimal body function. It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure meets a Low Carb Diet.
You’ve heard about the merits of a low carb diet—you may have even attempted one yourself.
But you have questions.
If only someone could just tell you what the perfect amount of carbs for your body is.
Here’s the secret: no one can tell you that. No person, no program, no paradigm. Only you have the answers.
You’ve got to turn down the noise from everybody else, listen to your body and let your inner wisdom be your guide. This is the one true way to end the carb confusion for good.
I admit..."just listen to your body" is frustrating advice when you DON'T KNOW HOW. Learning to feed your body what it needs is a skill that requires practice.
Will a low carb diet help me lose weight?
Is a low carb diet good for my gut? Is it bad for my hormones?
Can I do low carb if I work out?
Is low carb the same thing as keto? Is keto the same thing as Atkins?
How low is too low? How high is too high?
What are the good carbs? What are the less healthy carbs?
Is this right for me?

We have worked with hundreds of women to cut through their food fear, carb confusion, and macro mania.
Do you experience any of these symptoms?
Symptoms of low blood sugar:
Increased energy after eating
Dependency on coffee and sugar for energy
Irritability, lightheadedness if you skip meals
Episodes of being spacey, shaky or jittery
Chronic headaches
Agitation & nervousness
Brain fog, poor memory & forgetfulness
Symptoms of high blood sugar:
Fatigue or drowsiness after eating
Needing coffee or sweets after meals
Intense cravings for sweets
Constant hunger
General fatigue, aches and pains
Difficulty losing weight
If you experience some or all of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have blood sugar issues. Dysregulated blood sugar can lead to many common health problems, including hormone imbalance, thyroid issues, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
The first step to regulating your blood sugar is figuring out your unique carbohydrate threshold. This program does just that.
Give your body a chance to adjust to a new way of eating, with opportunities to pump the breaks. This is a platform to assess and receive feedback from your body.
Use whole food, nutrition science and mindfulness to gauge cooperation between carbs and your body.
Gain the confidence to determine your own compatibility with carbs.
End the carb confusion once and for all.
(And P.S.—this work extends far beyond carbohydrates.)

Looking to balance your hormones?
You can’t balance your hormones without balancing your blood sugar.
The Carb Compatibility Project is a nutrition plan for balancing blood sugar.
We also take into account all the other factors required for healthy hormones:
Gut Health, Liver Support & Brain Health
For the first time in over a decade, I’ve been able to lose weight. Not only that, but my stomach issues have disappeared and the constant bloating is gone. I have more energy, feel more emotionally stable…and I’m enjoying and looking forward to meals with no guilt afterwards. THANK YOU, Erin for the CCP; it’s changed my life!!
It’s funny how much I THOUGHT I knew about food and nutrition and then during the CCP I realized how little I actually knew!
Erin, I just wanted to genuinely thank you. I’ve been struggling with my weight and health issues associated with it for years now. Tried every single fad diet there and failed miserably. To know that I can eat as much as I am eating now and lose weight while doing so is astounding to me. I’m not trying to be braggy, but I’m down 10 lbs in these four weeks. I have a big journey ahead of me, but I feel confident with the knowledge I now have. You’re the best, Erin and thank you!
This program is different.
While low carb diets can be extremely therapeutic and beneficial, approaching them with a restrictive diet mindset DOESN’T work.
Erin battled her own health issues from eating disorders and anxiety to adrenal fatigue and autoimmune disease. She’s been forced to hone the skills of self trust and body intuition.
The reason she’s thriving today is because she’s learned to give her body what it’s asking for. She’s found her own unique carb rhythm after years of tinkering and testing. By asking the questions: What feels right in my body? How is my energy? How is my digestion? What do my labs say? We can find your sweet spot.
In this program, Erin brings you the latest research, as well as almost a decade’s worth of clinical experience and strategies.
Get rid of the fear.
Even though the CCP is a lower carb eating plan, it has somehow had the effect of dispelling the asinine fear of carbohydrates.
The keto craze isn’t going anywhere. Ketogenic and low carb diets can have powerful and therapeutic effects. Unfortunately, they’ve been so wound up in diet culture madness that carbs have (once again) been villianized leading to a ton of unnecessary carb fear.
Some people come to the CCP to learn how to stabilize blood sugar, energy, and mood by limiting processed carbs and fueling themselves appropriately.
Some people come to the CCP and realize they were unnecessarily restricting carbohydrates. By adding certain carbs back into their diets at certain times, they improved energy, exercise performance, and mood while lowering anxiety—and food fear!
Join the program and learn:
How to tell if you’re eating too many carbs
How to tell if you’re not eating enough
How and why to use a low carb diet for weight loss
How and why to use a low carb diet for PCOS and insulin resistance
How and why to use a low carb diet for gut health
How to approach a lower carbohydrate diet without eradicating all the beneficial bacteria in your gut
What to do if you have poor digestion
What to do if you don’t digest fats well
The best carb approach for adrenal fatigue
The relationship between carbs, fats, and female hormones
Whether or not a low carb diet is bad for the thyroid

Each week includes:
Foods to include/foods to avoid list
5 breakfast/5 lunch/5 dinner recipes that are whole food, nutrient dense & low sugar
Sample menus to make sure you’re eating enough of the right types of food
Audio lesson & written transcript for those who prefer reading to listening
Q+A/coaching replays with timestamps
Mindful Eating Practice
PLUS: optional prep week of material to prepare and transition into the program!
Weekly Topics
Macros: carbs, protein, fat.
Types of carbohydrates: the good, the bad, the ugly.
How many carbs we need.
How many calories we need.
Blood sugar regulation explained & why it’s SO important.
High carb vs. moderate carb vs. low carb vs. very low carb.
How to determine if you would do better on a lower-carb or moderate-carb diet.
Total recording time: 60 minutes
Adrenal fatigue: what causes it, how to assess if you have it, what to do about it.
How to eat to get your energy back.
Types of female hormonal imbalance and how to eat for hormonal balance.
Thyroid health, especially in relation to low carb diets.
When and why you should be conscientious of dropping carbohydrates TOO low.
Insulin resistance and how to correct it.
Total recording time: 53 minutes
Signs of going TOO low carb.
The best time to eat carbs.
Carb cycling.
Pre and post workout nutrition.
Gut health and the microbiome.
SIBO and low FODMAPs.
Potential problems with low carb diets and how to safeguard yourself against them.
Total recording time: 62 minutes
Nutritional ketosis.
Pros and cons of keto diet.
How to determine if the ketogenic diet is right for you.
The best ways to avoid keto flu.
Intermittent fasting: what is it and should you do it.
Benefits and downsides of fasting.
Total recording time: 36 minutes
Exclusive Bonuses
For vegans and vegetarians who want to participate in the CCP.
Did you know that certain bacteria in your gut are responsible for metabolic health, blood sugar regulation and weight control? In fact, if certain bacterial species are low, it can even impede weight loss attempts!
As an added bonus, I’m sharing with you my top clinical strategies for microbiome restoration—how to feed the good guys in your gut!
These recorded calls are chock full of valuable information and answers to frequently asked questions. You’ll be able to access them as you move through this self led program for an added level of support. Timestamps are included to help you find what you’re looking for.

Hi Erin! I just want to thank you, thank you, thank you for this program! I have felt like absolute garbage for a really long time and I also found out I have an autoimmune disease just as this project was starting and am finally starting to feel better!!! My inflammation is down, my digestion issues are improving, my energy levels are creeping back up, I have lost some of the stubborn weight I had gained and for the first time in my whole life I am even having hunger cues! I also feel less trapped in the way I have viewed food and now see it more as fuel and that I have choices and less that I have to restrict or steer clear of things because diet culture tells me to. This project opened up my relationship to food to a place I have not been in before and I now feel like I can make choices because of how it makes me feel in my body, my mind and my emotions. You are such a gift, Erin!!
Just finished up reading the week 2 material and I'm crying. As someone who was diagnosed with PCOS 6 years ago, and Hashimoto's 3 months ago, I finally feel like I've found the spot where someone understands the underlying issues and how to treat it without just throwing some medicine on it and hoping it works. Thank you so much Erin Holt for sharing your knowledge and really doing the work to help women who feel like they have been struggling. I can't even tell you what the weight off my shoulders feels like right now.
I've been in a cooking rut for so long, and in the past few days when I've started incorporating these new recipes it's RELIT A FIRE in me. I love to cook, and have been so uninspired for so long.
Do I think you need to be in the kitchen all day long or spend hours a day learning about nutrition in order to be healthy?
All of the recipes in this project were created for their ease of use. The Carb Compatibility Project provides simple ideas that don't take a lot of time or energy. The average dinner takes about 15 minutes to prep.
All in, the core content is about 90 minutes or less per week.
That's only 12 minutes a day.
(If you're anything like me, you probably spend more time than that scrolling on Instagram!)
All content can be consumed as you enjoy—while driving, on a walk, folding laundry or making dinner. It’s like listening to your favorite podcast! :)
You’ll be given 3 days to settle in and explore the getting started materials before you officially begin.
Then, all resources are rolled out on a weekly basis to give you time to look through recipes and plan for the week.Weekly recipes and food templates are delivered in a PDF booklet. This booklet will take you no more than 15 minutes to read, although you’ll probably reference back to it throughout the week for recipes! You will receive 4 booklets total.
There will also be two recorded lessons: one on nutrition, one on mindful eating. Total recording times are all indicated above. You can listen to each week's lesson in one fell swoop, or in small doses as you have time throughout the week. I have them set up as recordings so you can access them on the fly—while getting ready in the morning, in the car, or in your headphones while on a walk.
(There is also the option to read the transcript of recordings if you prefer.)
It is definitely a plan catered toward safe weight loss. Some of the resources do discuss weight loss and weight loss resistance. If you do have significant weight to lose, I'd say the only way you wouldn't lose weight is if there's an underlying health issue, as the body prioritizes healing over weight loss.
Having said that, this plan is designed to regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation, so in theory it can be a healing way of eating in and of itself.
This program was not designed for those who are already in ketosis; it’s designed it for those wondering about a low carb diet and whether or not it would work for them.
Having said that...
Common drawbacks of the keto diet: it feels unsustainable, it's overly restrictive, it lacks variety, and it causes diet paralysis (knowing it's not right, but too nervous to change anything).
Erin has had a lot of female clients unnecessarily locked into a very low carb diet, afraid to deviate. This needless restriction and food/carb fear is part of the reason she designed the CCP.
We know that lack of variety in the diet can negatively impact the gut microbiome and also lead to nutrient deficiencies and adrenal problems (amongst other things) which is why Erin’s worked so much variety into the program. This is so if folks *want* to attempt keto, they can do it in a safe and effective way.
So if you are already "keto," but you're feeling some of the things just mentioned, then the CCP could be a good experiment for you. See how you feel adding in more variety and potentially more carbs.
Yes! There is now a plant-based eating guide to help you tailor the CCP to your vegetarian diet.
Generally speaking, pregnancy is NOT the time you want to drop carbs. We do not recommend this program for pregnant women.
We also don’t advise dropping carbohydrates too low while you’re exclusively breastfeeding (meaning, your milk is the only source of nutrients for your baby). If you intuitively feel pulled to this program while breastfeeding, we recommend sticking with the Week 1 or 2 meal plans.
If you have purchased this program outright, you will have access to the materials for life!
Short answer—yes! While the CCP was designed with women in mind, it's absolutely an eating program that men can do! Some of the modules—in particular the hormone modules—are catered towards female hormones; however, this program is completely appropriate for men to do as well.
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Get Inspired
Invest in yourself.
The Funk’tional Nutritionist private practice is dedicated to helping clients resolve their longstanding GI issues. Initial investment in functional labs and 1:1 services can be upwards of $2000 to get started.
Erin has found the dietary recommendations made in the CCP, along with the mindfulness practices, can resolve a lot of digestive discomfort—without all the labs and costs!
This is why we’ve included so much bonus content here to help you to troubleshoot your gut issues and support your microbiome.
The Carb Compatibility Project 4 week online program is $399.
Your investment in this 4 week program plus all the bonus content is less than a single 1:1 session.
Join the Carb Compatibility Project
Carbohydrate intake exists on a spectrum. Let’s figure out where you fall on that spectrum so you can feel your best!