
Meet the Team

Rachel Heintz, MS, RDN

Rachel Heintz is a registered dietitian with years of clinical experience working in a prominent functional medicine clinic. As an IFM Certified Practitioner and a graduate of Erin’s Funk’tional Nutrition Academy, Rachel is well aligned with our philosophy.

Dubbed a “phenom” by Erin, we essentially head hunted Rachel to pull her into The Funk’tional Nutrition fold. If you get the opportunity to work with Rachel, you will see why we are honored and excited to have her on the team. We know you will love her calm and grounding demeanor and comprehensive approach. 

Degrees & Certifications: 

Certified in Erin’s methodologies through the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy

Institute of Functional Medicine certified functional medicine practitioner

Bachelor of Science with a double concentration in Applied Nutrition & Nutrition Science, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Minor in Biology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Master of Science in Nutrition Diagnostics, Cox College

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Rachel’s Story

It wasn’t until I began dealing with some of my personal health conditions that I discovered my passion for functional medicine. Around 18 years old, I started developing seasonal allergies. I chalked it up to being in a new environment for college, and was instructed to start taking allergy medicine by my PCP.

  • As my allergies got worse, I was told to increase the dose of allergy medicine and also began using inhaled nose spray. By the end of my senior year of college, I was taking 6-8 Zyrtec a day, and was using Flonase 2-3 times a day. I started to develop eczema, for which I was prescribed a topical steroid, and my eyes were so irritated all the time that I was prescribed steroid eye drops. I had a handful of medical providers for various conditions that were driven by the same process—immune system dysfunction and overwhelm. 

    With specialized testing, adjustments to my diet and daily routine, and personalized supplementation, I have been able to improve my health and manage symptoms through a root-cause approach.

    Functional medicine allowed me to take a deeper look into my food sensitivities, address dysbiosis, mold toxicity, and nutrient deficiencies. It was a long process, but with time my allergies slowly subsided and I was able to wean off all of my over-the-counter and prescription medications. 

     My personal experience influences the way I work with clients. It’s not about giving you a pill, medication, or supplement for every symptom you have. It’s about addressing the underlying reasons for your health concerns and symptoms that others have deemed as normal.To me, being healthy is more than just what you eat or how much you exercise. It’s about taking care of yourself, nourishing your body, and having fun while doing it! My goal is to show people that building a balanced lifestyle while addressing underlying issues is the first step in disease prevention and management.

Nicole Antes, MS, RDN

I am a registered dietitian with a strong background in autoimmune care. I am passionate about using holistic and mindful approaches to help people improve their health and heal their bodies through nutrition. My journey with chronic illness has been challenging and non-linear, like many others. Through this, I’ve learned the integral role of nutrition and lifestyle changes in managing and reversing chronic conditions. When conventional answers failed me, I discovered functional medicine, where I now focus on understanding the root causes of my client's health concerns. This journey has given me a deep empathy for those who feel unheard and unsupported, fueling my drive to provide thoughtful, individualized care.

Degrees & Certifications: 

Certified in Erin’s methodologies through the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy

Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences with an Emphasis in Dietetics, University of Arizona, Tucson

Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Nicole’s Story

I became passionate about functional nutrition as a way to heal my own body. I went through traditional education and training to become a registered dietitian but quickly realized that my conventional training wasn’t enough. These cookie-cutter recommendations weren’t helping me or the clients I was working with achieve true healing. At that point in my health journey and career, I started to dig deeper, leading me to discover functional medicine. 

  • Shortly after college, I decided to come off of hormonal birth control to understand how to support my hormones naturally. In just a few months after coming off, I began to notice symptoms coming up that were pointing towards hormonal imbalances. I started experiencing severe pain and cramping during my cycles, hormonal acne, and migraines. I felt scared and alone because I knew my conventional doctor was going to recommend that I go back on the pill to "balance my hormones." After struggling for a few months, I finally plucked up the courage to go to my OBGYN, I was told nothing was wrong and that I probably just have bad luck when it comes to my cycles. This was the moment I decided to take the leap and fully invest my time into functional medicine. 

    Through functional testing, I finally received my diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). I began to understand my symptoms and how to treat their root cause instead of simply covering them up with the pill. With the help of some dietary and lifestyle adjustments, along with intentionally targeted supplementation, I was able to heal my body and feel like myself again 

    Like many others, my healing journey was challenging and nonlinear. Through it, I learned the integral role of nutrition and lifestyle changes in managing and even reversing chronic conditions. Functional medicine gave me the tools to unlock deeper healing through a root-cause approach, which is why I now focus on understanding the root causes of my client's health concerns. This journey has given me a deep empathy for those who feel unheard and unsupported, fueling my drive to provide thoughtful, individualized care.