A brand-new system of healing to get you OUT of health hypervigilance, break the code of your symptoms and activate your TRUE healing potential, so that you can spend less time googling your symptoms and more time living your life!
We have more power in our healing process than the current medical model would have us believe.
The current disease model of medicine has disempowered us to the point where we are completely unaware of our healing potential – and we even doubt our own ability to heal
But clearly, this system isn't working
Over half of adults have at least one diagnosed chronic condition and it’s estimated that 1 in 12 women will end up with an autoimmune disease, which is thought to be “incurable”.
Our inability to see past the current medical paradigm is hindering our healing potential.
We cannot take acute, emergency care and map it over to complex, chronic conditions and expect good results.
Modern medicine is very good at saying “you have this” but not very good at asking “but why?”
People are looking for solutions without knowing why they have the problem in the first place.
If your mystery health syndromes aren't being "solved" by conventional or functional medicine…
If you feel like you’ve tried everything and you’re still stuck…
If you’re looking for an altogether new approach to health…
Manifest Your Health is for you.

Does this sound like you?
You’re ready to…
Learn more about why you have the health patterns that do
Learn how to change the patterns that don't serve you
Be in a more hopeful mindset about your health and wellbeing
Have tools to utilize regularly and a clear framework to follow
Move from stuck to unstuck
Activate your healing process
Access new levels of health
So how do you go from healthxiety, autoimmunity, chronic illness & chronic pain to being healthier than ever before?
You learn to view – and address – illness not just from a physical body perspective, but through the lens of your emotional, mental & energy bodies.
This is how you begin to unlock and access your own inner healer.
True healing often requires us to go beyond what we think we “know” about health and healing – and that’s exactly what we do in Manifest Your Health.
Decoding Symptoms
Symptoms are a conversation your body is trying to have with you. In Manifest Your Health, you’ll learn how to listen.
Lab testing can be a great start…but what happens when the root cause is deeper than the physical body? What happens if your mind, your own thought process, your own beliefs keep you pitched into a hypervigilant state – and what if this is the thing that’s preventing your body from healing? What happens if your true “root cause” is deeper than what a lab test can find?
Through self-data mining exercises & other exploratory practices, MYH provides tools to decode your symptoms and learn the language of your body – in a way that lab testing cannot.
Subconscious Reprogramming
Dr. Candace Pert, neuroscientist & forerunner in mind-body medicine, theorized that the body IS the subconscious mind. The mind dictates the body. Our beliefs inform our biology. This is why if you want to change your body, you have to start in your mind.
MYH includes specific subconscious repatterning techniques to get to the root of your subconscious – and repattern any beliefs or stories that prevent you from healing.
Rewiring the Brain & Body
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to change and to “rewire”. With this understanding, we can create new communication from the brain down to the body. The brain – and body – can restore itself.
MYH leverages the use of rewiring techniques to create new neural networks, change in the brain, change in the body.
Emotional Release
The body expresses what the mind suppresses. Whatever is unprocessed or unconscious (emotions, experiences, beliefs) has the potential to play out through the landscape of the physical body. Symptoms are a sign that something is being suppressed and repressed emotions are one of the main causes of chronic health issues.
Our body is a storage space for any and all experiences that we’ve had. If we can learn how to process our experiences - past, present, future – healing becomes more available to us.
In MYH, we use emotional and somatic release practices to release experiences from your body so they no longer negatively impact your physical health.
Energy & Quantum Healing
We are bioelectromagnetic beings. Each of our cells has its own electromagnetic field which plays a role in healing. Ancient systems of medicine saw this energy as a bridge between consciousness and healing. This potential bridge between consciousness and healing may be the missing link in understanding our health, which is why we explore it – with practices – in Manifest Your Health.
Compassionate Self Agency
Manifest Your Health teaches you to be your own healer, leader, and guide. But it’s important to understand that radical responsibility is NOT the same thing as of self-blame. There can be a fine line between self-empowerment and the destructive patterns of self-blame — and each has very different physiological consequences. As a Stanford-Trained Compassion Teacher, I will help you walk the fine line while accessing the healing power of self-compassion. 100% of our participants have more compassion for themselves by the end of Manifest Your Health.

Manifest Your Health is for anyone who feels constricted and limited by what they’ve been told about their health.
Manifest Your Health™ is for you if…
You feel hypervigilant - like there is a constant need to scan your environment and your body because you feel like something is always wrong.
You’re on the perpetual hunt for the “root cause” of your symptoms or feel like you’re waiting for the next problem to come.
You identify with having what I lovingly refer to as “healthxiety” - an ongoing fear or anxiety about your health, and you’re always assuming the worst-case scenario.
You feel stuck in a negative playback loop of negativity or inevitability about your health.
You feel like you’re not in control of your health.
You’ve worked hard to heal your body - nutrition, movement, stress management - but recognize that there’s more to your healing than just that.
You feel like you’re doing “all the right things” but you still feel there is room for healing to happen.
You intuitively know that there is a deeper emotional root to your health – and you’re ready to identify and dive into the "root" of the root cause.
Manifest Your Health™ is probably not a good fit for you (yet!!) if…
You feel attached to your diagnosis
You’re opposed to having your views and beliefs expand or change
You haven’t worked on diet, movement, lifestyle or the health foundations yet
If you’re *just* looking for functional medicine testing (we offer that through our 1:1 Membership!)
If you know you have a history of trauma but have not worked with any mental health professional or trauma specialist to process it, Manifest Your Health may not be the appropriate first step in your healing journey.
Previous participants joined Manifest Your Health™ to help with:
Lyme and mold toxicity
Chronic fatigue
Chronic pain
Ongoing GI and digestive issues
Extreme health anxiety
Weight loss resistance & unexplained weight gain
Crohn’s, Hashimoto’s, MS, fibromyalgia and other autoimmune conditions
Lingering health issues
Let’s Take a Look Inside
Join Manifest Your Health, and get 8 weeks of modules, live classes AND practices that will revolutionize your health.
Here's what you'll get:
You’ll receive access to the MYH pre-work upon enrollment.
The power of belief
Setting your goal from an “intention point”: when you’re intentional with your energy, magic happens
Shift your brain to reach your health goals: Learn about how the subconscious mind is primed and how this impact your health
Journal prompts to get started
Building new neurological pathways to create biological shifts that last
Workbook with journal prompts & practices for rewiring
Healthxiety Fear Spiral Meditation
Future You Meditation
Where Manifestation & Neuroscience Overlap
Self-Directed Neuroplasticity
How do we create our vibration?
How to Hardwire Health & Overcome Negativity Bias
Vivid Re-Imaginings (VRs) and Elevated Emotion Embodiment (E3)
Hardwired symptoms & neuroplastic pain
Trauma & ACEs
Hypervigilance & Your Limbic System
Breaking the cycle & overcoming the amygdala hijack: a step-by-step process
Opening up lines of communication with your body to access your inner healer
Root Cause Resolution: Metaphysical & Emotional Roots of illness and symptoms
Symptoms as messengers
Dis-ease as an Invitation or Initiation
Building an intuitive rapport with your body
Energy Anatomy
The Sacred Pause
Unlocking your heart medicine
The power in the creative void
Brain-Heart Coherence
Viewing autoimmunity through the lens of emotional, energy & mental bodies
Why vilifying the ego doesn’t promote healing
Shame & Self Compassion
Integrating parts into the whole
Habits & Identity
Your Story (and why it matters)
Victim Consciousness & Trauma-Based Identity
Post-Traumatic Growth
The Power of Cause v. Effect
Monday, August 19th, 4 pm EST | Orientation
Tuesday, September 3rd, 1 pm EST | Community Check in & Q&A
Tuesday, September 17th, 1 pm EST | Live Breathwork Healing
Tuesday, October 8th, 1 pm EST | Final Module Taught Live!
All classes will be recorded and replays will be made available for those who cannot attend live!
Connect with others going through this experience with you - share your wins, ask questions, and receive support in this private community.
We believe that true magic happens when we get to combine all 4 bodies in our healing: mental, energetic, emotional AND physical.
Because the brain rewires more easily (ie is more “neuroplastic”) when it’s not inflamed, supporting deep nutrition, blood sugar regulation, eating hygiene and an anti-inflammatory diet can be key for success. This is why we give you access to our self study nutrition program.
This program is absolutely not a requirement of Manifest Your Health, however we include it as a bonus for those who are looking for more support around their nutrition!
Here is what other MYH participants have experienced so far…
This class was probably the most impactful thing I have done on my journey for better health.
Having done almost all the programs that Erin offers, and having tried so many ideas to feel better—this is by far the best and was truly the missing link for me and my growth and health.
This experience has been life-changing
I also love how interconnected the curriculum is in allowing us to evaluate relationships, career goals, and self-compassion... a good reminder that true health is not in a tidy box but is a realization of our true authentic selves living out our full potential.
Thank you for breaking down these complicated topics in such a simple way
This was a really fantastic program and I have seen more movement with a lot of my symptoms and general quality of life than I have with most other programs I have completed.
Sitting through this program has really unlocked something in me that I know I needed, but I'm not sure how I would have gotten here without this type of container.
All the information is life changing and Erin’s energy is a force❤️
Incredible impactful program to help me understand myself, discover self trust, and uncover my unique worth! Thank you!
There was a click and shift in my mindset around my ability to access my own internal medicine and heal.
This has been worth every penny!
I feel inspired, hopeful, and motivated to continue my healing journey.
Less overall anxiety, calmer demeanor, less projection & tension in relationships.
I feel like I have a better relationship with my body. There is less feeling like it’s against me and less “separateness” of me vs my body
I have been feeling more at peace.
Manifest Your Health is a life-changing program!
When I started Manifest Your Health in August, I knew I needed to do something different. I was frustrated and feeling some level of defeat managing the various physical issues I contend with, as a result of Sjogren's syndrome, RA, and being a menopausal woman.
I knew that my beliefs were powerful. What I didn't consider is how limiting they were. As I type that, I chuckle, because I'm also a therapist of many years.
This morning I walked one mile without pain. I cannot tell you the last time I did that. So much of my ability to do that was resting in my thoughts and beliefs about what my capacity is.
So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Today is one day, tomorrow is another and I do not know how I will feel. But I do know how I feel today. Today at 11:39 I feel strong. I'm not in pain and if I had not taken manifest your health, I would not have noticed.
100% of participants have a more positive outlook on their health
100% have more tools to work through what is keeping them “stuck”
100% have a clear framework to follow when triggered, anxious or in a fear spiral about their health
100% have more compassion for themselves
98.4% have less fear and anxiety about their health
98.4% have a deeper appreciation of their body
98.4% have a deeper sense of trust in their own ability to heal
96.7% spend less time focusing on “what’s wrong”
98.4% have more tools to navigate a flare
93.4% have more of an understanding of the root of their symptoms
95.1% have more of an understanding of what is subconsciously keeping them “stuck”
And over 70% experienced a reduction in their symptoms
Picture This…
You feel your literal best - strong, vibrant, and tons of energy. You’re surrounded by people you love, doing the things you love to do. No thought, concern, or worry about your body, symptoms, or health flares that might pop up. Just joy, relaxation, and vibes.
This was me last month when I took my team on a girls’ trip to wine country. At one point, in the middle of a (very) happy hour, I thought to myself: WOW. This is it. This is the life, the body, and the health that I once dreamed of. And now it’s here.
Just a few years ago, this was not my reality. In fact, I lived in such fear of another health flare-up or getting sick again, that I was too anxious to make any plans, never mind book a cross-country trip.
Back then, I was struggling with autoimmunity and other chronic health challenges. And the thing is – I did all the “right” things to heal.
I ate well, exercised (but not too much), detoxed, prioritized sleep, worked on my stress, met with all the right practitioners and providers, and even became a pretty awesome functional medicine practitioner in the process.
I knew everything there was to do - and I was doing it. All the labs, the supplements, herbs, mold inspections - I had done 👏it 👏all 👏.
And I got better.
Like, by a lot. But not 100%. And not enough to release the fear of getting sick again. And eventually, I got tired of living like that.
I felt stuck, and I didn’t want to be stuck anymore.
One day I realized that my world had gotten smaller…and I knew there was a bigger life out there waiting for me. (Yes, one with vineyards, girls' trips, seaside hikes, and fancy restaurants).
Even though I had already exhausted all of the options that existed…I knew I hadn’t quite reached my full healing potential. I wanted more for myself.
And so I decided to find a new way to heal. And then…I did.
Close your eyes and imagine someone telling you EXACTLY what you want to hear about your body and your health. Feel the relief flooding your body. Feel the excitement of what’s on the horizon for you.
And then listen when I tell you this:
Your tissues & organs have the ability to regenerate themselves.
Your body is literally designed to self-regulate and self-heal.
YOU are your best healing agent.
YOU are your own best medicine.
Your body has an innate healing power built right into it…
You just need the key to unlock it.

What if someone gave you that key?
What if someone taught you how to use your own biology to heal?
What if you had the tools & resources to access your internal pharmacy - anytime, anywhere?
What if you could turn on your own inner healer - anytime, anywhere?
What if you had a step-by-step plan on how to create your own perfect picture of health?

Manifest Your Health is the way.
Manifest Your Health™ can serve as a companion guide for anything else you’re currently doing for your health.
Since this program activates your optimal healing mode, it can help to make other protocols and strategies more effective. If you don’t change the environment of the body, protocols can be inefficient, frustrating and results can be temporary.
You are welcome to join MYH alongside other healing modalities.
Since Manifest Your Health™ is an altogether new framework, it can be considered a methodology in and of itself.
Manifest Your Health *is* designed to optimize brain change and re-write neural pathways. Brain rewiring is an aspect of this program, but not the program in its entirety.
The MYH process also includes:
Understanding how the subconscious mind works & how it is programmed. In order to heal from chronic conditions, we have to re-write programs, in order to re-write programs, we have to get into the subconscious, which requires us to shift brain waves states.
Self-directed positive neuroplasticity
Emotional & somatic release. The body expresses what the mind suppresses. Whatever is unprocessed or unconscious (emotions, experiences, beliefs) has the potential to play out through the landscape of the physical body. We need ways to release what has been suppressed
Understanding & integrating your shame & shadow (and why that’s so important for healing)
Intuitive energy medicine, Biofield science & Quantum healing
Practices for decoding your symptoms. Symptoms are a conversation your body is trying to have with you. In Manifest Your Health, you’ll learn how to listen - so you can create an opportunity for change and resolution.
MYH is a comprehensive program that is unlike anything else you can find on the market.
We give you so many different tools - so no matter what is going on, you can reach into your toolbox and pull out the exact right tool for you which is why 100% of participants say they now have a clear framework to follow when triggered, anxious or in a fear spiral about their health. 100% say they have more tools to work through what is keeping them “stuck” AND 100% of participants have a more positive outlook on their health!
Monday, August 19th, 4 pm EST | Orientation
Tuesday, September 3rd, 1 pm EST | Community Check in & Q&A
Tuesday, September 17th, 1 pm EST | Live Breathwork Healing
Tuesday, October 8th, 1 pm EST | Final Module Taught Live!
All classes will be recorded and replays will be made available for those who cannot attend live!
Yes! All classes will be recorded and posted in the membership area for those who either can't make it live or wish to rewatch and rewire.
Yes! You can enjoy a 50% off discount and join MYH for $555! Email us at support@thefunktionalnutritionist.com for your discount.
Yes! You can rejoin with a renewal rate of $333 or 3 monthly payments of $111. Email us at support@thefunktionalnutritionist.com for your discount.
Mostly the course is staying exactly the same, we are just tweaking the format slightly to make it more digestible.
We *are* adding a new module (module 8!) and it will be taught live. There will also be 3 additional live classes for group Q&A and breathwork.
A few new practices will also be added, and we have a newly designed workbook to keep all practices and journal prompts in one place. You can access this as a fillable PDF or print it out as an e-book.
We will also have a brand-new live community for additional support.
Those who do well with accountability, repetition, and live community will benefit most from re-joining!
On average, there are about 2 hours of content per week. If you plan to attend the live classes, those will be an additional 60-90 minutes on the weeks they are offered.
We ask that you commit to a 20 minute practice every day. Each week, there is a new 20 minute practice rolled out with very clear “homework” for you to do. Some participants are looking for more support and prefer to do multiple practices a day.
I love what therapist Astrid Schmidt said:
“If your label or diagnosis makes you feel hopeful, expansive, accepted, alive and like there’s room for growth…go with it. But if it makes you feel inhibited, limited, stuck, like “this is me forever and I will never change, this is my life sentence”…then don’t go with it. There's more.”
Manifest Your Health is the “there’s more” part.
This is where you learn how to access your internal pharmacy, unlock your inner healer & activate your true healing potential.
It’s an 8-week process that has the potential to change your life forever.
Some of the evidence-based practices that we will use in MYH™ are designed to open up lines of communication with your body and your subconscious mind, including different parts or aspects of yourself. There will be discussions about shame, triggers, and shadow work. While not the intention of our work together, this does have the potential to bring up repressed or unprocessed memories and experiences.
If you know you have a history of trauma but have not worked with any mental health professional or trauma specialist to process it, Manifest Your Health may not be the appropriate first step in your healing journey.
If, however, you feel confident that Manifest Your Health is the best next step — and you have the tools, resources, and support in place should repressed trauma be activated — then we are happy to accept you into MYH.
Ultimately, you know you best, and we trust you to make the decision that’s in the highest and best interest and safety of yourself with this information in mind.