Episode 352: Imposter Syndrome in High-Achievers: Why It Happens and How to Stop It
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If you’ve ever struggled with imposter syndrome, felt like you’re not qualified, or doubted whether you’re truly “ready” for the next step in your career or personal growth, this episode is for you.
Here’s the truth: Feeling like an imposter is often a sign of growth—not failure.
In this episode, I break down:
What imposter syndrome is and why it happens (especially to high-achievers).
Why imposter syndrome never fully goes away—and how to manage it when it shows up.
How your brain is wired for survival, not success, and why this creates self-doubt.
A simple mindset shift to stop fear from holding you back.
A powerful journaling exercise (from Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott, PhD) to identify and overcome subconscious fears.
How taking action helps rewire your brain to build confidence and resilience.
If you’ve ever felt stuck in self-doubt, you’re not alone. Most high-achievers, entrepreneurs, and practitioners experience imposter syndrome at some point. In fact, most of the practitioners who have graduated from The Funk’tional Nutrition Academy (FNA) started in that exact place. The good news? You can train your mind to work for you, not against you.
🎧 Tune in now to learn how to reframe self-doubt and step into the next level of your growth with confidence!
In this episode:
Embrace Imposter Syndrome for Growth [01:35]
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Tools [06:15]
Balancing Excitement and Anxiety [12:49]
"Mixing Excitement with Safety" [15:21]
Overcoming Self-Doubt with Positivity [19:07]
Uncover Subconscious Fears Exercise [22:14]
Fear of Success and Exposure [25:03]
Reframing Negativity: Embrace Positivity [30:33]
Overcoming Self Doubt [35:47]
Resources mentioned:
Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™ (Next cohort starts in April of 2025)
Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK)
LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!)
Qualia Senolytic (get up to 50% off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with link + code FUNKS)
Bon Charge (Use code FUNK to save 15%)
Kion Aminos (Get 20% off monthly orders and 10% off one time orders)
Erin Holt [00:00:00]:
I'm Erin Holt and this is the Functional Nutrition Podcast where we lean into intuitive functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience and because of that I've got a major bone to pick with diet, culture and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us, but functional medicine isn't the fantasy that it's made out to be either. We've got some work to do and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect, so I founded the Functional Nutrition Academy, a school in mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you.
Erin Holt [00:00:46]:
If you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show rate, review and share because you never know whose life you might change and of course, keep coming back for more. Hello my buddies. Today let's talk about imposter syndrome. Specifically what to do when you are feeling it, when you feel like an imposter. I've talked about this on the show before, I've talked about it in my programs, but I recently got walloped with it with this feeling of imposter syndrome. So I wanted to record an episode talking through what I specifically do when I am feeling it to break myself out of it.
Erin Holt [00:01:35]:
I know that this is something that a lot of folks struggle with, and I think that if you are someone who is continuously growing and evolving, if growth is one of your values, if it's something that you're constantly striving toward, I do think that you'll hit different levels and layers of this collection of feelings that we label imposter syndrome, whether it be self doubt or fear or thoughts of Am I really good enough? Can I really do this? In fact, I have come to realize that when I feel this way, when I feel this constellation of thoughts and feelings, it's actually usually more often than not, maybe like 9 times out of 10, maybe 10 times out of 10 is usually a sign of growth. So that either means the growth just happened or it's about to happen. And I think it's common to think that once I get to a certain level, I won't have the Self doubt or the imposter syndrome anymore. And I don't think that that's true. I think that's a hard. Nope, not if you're someone who is constantly striving for growth. I think that this is something that may always come up and it's our job to a stop pathologizing it because it's not necessarily a sign that something is wrong. I think it's our job to b reframe it into a positive.
Erin Holt [00:02:55]:
Just like I said, like, oh, this means I'm on the precipice of growth or I'm doing something altogether new. And that's why this feeling or this collection of feelings are bubbling up. I think we also have to understand exactly what's going on when imposter syndrome pops up. If they're really significant feelings of self doubt, the point that it's about to hold us back. We want to understand why the mind is creating these stories that are attempting to hold us back. And then finally we need tools to navigate when it does come up again, especially if we want to grow and we don't want these feelings of imposter syndrome to hold us back. So that's what we're going to get into today, all of that. And I'm doing something a little different.
Erin Holt [00:03:38]:
I'm recording on a Sunday, which I pretty much never do, and it is the Sunday before the Monday that I'm kicking off a four day live training. So I wanted to record this episode when I was still in the imposter syndrome versus on the other side of it, because it's so easy to look back and be like, oh, yeah, that was hard, but I got through it and here I am. No, I'm in it right now. So this is what I'm actively doing to navigate myself through it. By the time you hear this, I will have already led my four day training. But as of right now, tomorrow is the first day that we kick things off and I'm teaching over 100 practitioners about autoimmunity. So I am sitting in a zoom room with over a hundred practitioners, people that I could consider peers and colleagues, and I am teaching about autoimmunity, which is like one of the most complex things ever. So a little bit nervous.
Erin Holt [00:04:36]:
Definitely tripwired some imposter syndrome. And in addition to that, I had a friend and a colleague of mine, somebody I really respect in this industry, she reached out and she's like, hey, do you mind if I sign up for this training? Because she's like, this is your thing. Autoimmunity and I really want to learn from you. And I caught myself in that exact moment feeling like an imposter, like, who am I to do this? Who am I to teach her on this? And I caught myself in real time downplaying what I was about to do, what I was about to teach. Now, for context, I've been working on this training for a month. Obviously this is the byproduct of over 10 years of my own experience, plus working with clients with autoimmunity. But actually, you know, pen to paper, head down, working on this for a month, that's a long ass time for a four day training. I think you can all agree I've created over 80 pages of new content, new curriculum.
Erin Holt [00:05:29]:
That's a lot. And knowing how much attention and energy I've put into it, I still downplayed it to her because the thought of her signing up to learn from me made me feel really scared. Like, am I going to let her down? Am I going to disappoint her? So I had to sit with all of those feelings of imposter syndrome. I have to sit with all of those feelings of fear. And so what I'm going to share with you today is exactly what I do in those moments. Because I am not somebody who whoever lets self doubt or feelings of imposter syndrome hold me back. And I think that that is a key to my success and why I've been able to grow and grow and grow and evolve and do the stuff that I came here to do, do the work that I came here to do, get my mission out there into the hands of more and more and more and more people. It's not because I don't feel self doubt.
Erin Holt [00:06:15]:
It's because I have tools to navigate the self doubt when it comes up. And so that is my hope and my intention with recording this podcast is to give you some tools. So you are not somebody who's like, I'm just gonna let imposter syndrome hold me back from my dreams and just stay in this comfort zone and never grow. The other reason that I wanted to record this episode now is that this is the biggest thing that is coming up on FNA applications in discovery calls. So FNA Functional Nutrition Academy, it's our 14 month practitioner training and we are in open enrollment season right now. So we're seeing a lot of applications come through and people are scheduling Discovery calls. The number one, hands down, the number one thing that holds people back is self doubt and feelings of imposter syndrome. And what I want to share with you is that almost every, maybe every single person, actually every single person who has enrolled in and graduated from FNA had to overcome some type of self doubt or imposter syndrome in order to do it.
Erin Holt [00:07:17]:
We've graduated by this point over a hundred practitioners. So I want you to know that if this is something that you, you feel or experience, you are not alone. And I think it's the feelings of isolation or the feelings of I'm the only person that feels this way is the thing that exacerbates the, the emotion. It's the self doubt. Plus the, this idea that I'm the only person to feel the self doubt that makes it so much worse. So whether you're somebody who's interested in FNA or not, I want you to know that you are not alone. We talk to a lot of super highly intelligent, capable, successful, really strong people who are also doubting themselves. I heard this.
Erin Holt [00:07:58]:
I don't remember where I heard this, but somebody was talking about how Oprah shared that after every single interview, the person she interviewed always said the same thing. How did I do? So we all grapple with feelings of not being good enough. We all grapple with this feeling of self doubt and who am I really to do this? And am I doing a good job? I'm giving it my all. Is it good enough? All that stuff that kind of makes up imposter syndrome. So why, why are we like this? It really boils down to one simple fact, which is your mind wants to keep you safe. So your mind and your brain are more concerned with your safety and your survival than your growth in thriving. So sometimes this can feel self limiting because in order to grow, it necessitates that we break out out of our comfort. We break out of the known and we step into the unknown. But anything unknown registers as unsafe to the mind and the nervous system.
Erin Holt [00:12:06]:
We have stories that pop up in our mind, mental stories that tell us why it might not be safe. And then we also might experience physical feedback as well. Because the thoughts that we think create feelings in our body and so we might feel racing heart, we might feel anxiety in this doubles back to the mind to see. See, it's not safe. If it was safe, you wouldn't be having this physical reaction in your body. I am no stranger to this as an anxious Annie and somebody who is also striving for growth. I did a lot of things over the past six months or so. A lot of new things, made a lot of new decisions, specifically growth decisions.
Erin Holt [00:12:49]:
And what I can tell you is this. There is a pretty fine line. Now listen, if I've lost you, come back to me because what I'm about to say is really important. There is a pretty fine line between excitement and anxiety, or even excitement in fear. We tend to get excited about things we haven't done before, which is the unknown, which can easily trip wire feelings of anxiety and or fear. So a practice that I started doing and it literally takes like a minute or two super quick, it's to mix feelings of excitement and feelings of safety together. So trying to couple these feelings together in my body, in my nervous system, so when I start to think about the big things that we're doing or about to do, or the spaces that we're growing into, I don't automatically go to fear, which is like kind of where my mind wants to go. Like if you told me a few years ago that I would be teaching a four day training to a hundred practitioners, I would have shit my pants.
Erin Holt [00:13:56]:
Right. This is big stuff. My mind wants to go to fear. So here's the practice. Just take a few moments to feel feelings of safety in your body. So I'm a kinesthetic person, so I often talk about feelings a lot because that's how I experience the world. You might be more visual, so you could also, in your mind's eye, see yourself in a place that has always felt safe to you, but somehow some way create the feelings of safety in your body, in your mind. So what does that feel like? If it is a mental picture, can you translate into actual feeling? Drop down into your body.
Erin Holt [00:14:31]:
So source safety, feelings of safety, and then from there sense into your goal. So whatever you're stepping into, whatever you're calling in, feel the excitement of that. So we're basically creating two separate feelings. So we feel feelings of safety, we pause, and then we feel the feelings of excitement. Okay, so you want to capture those two feelings and then third step is to mix the feelings together, the feelings of safety and excitement. And so I kind of visualize this almost like an infinity sign where there's like they're mixing up together. So maybe the safety is on my left side, the excitement's on my right side, and they're starting to mix up together. You might envision a pitcher of water or two pitchers of water, and you're mixing them back and forth, back and forth.
Erin Holt [00:15:21]:
You might visualize yourself stirring, I don't know, Kool Aid mix into water, I don't know. But basically, you're trying to create the sensation of mixing these two feelings in your body. And the more you can actually feel this on a visceral level, the more it's going to anchor and secure it in. So every single time over the past few weeks that I thought about this training and I thought about new growth, I would do this. I would just take a moment or two to source safety in my body and then think into the exciting feelings and then mix those feelings together. So it's coupling excitement with safety. It's showing your body, your nervous system, in your mind that excitement can actually feel safe. And that's trying to reprogram the coupling of excitement in fear.
Erin Holt [00:16:10]:
Okay, so the more you do this, the more you're teaching your body that it is okay to feel excited. It is safe for me to feel excited. As a side note, that's also a mantra that I will do. It is safe for me to X, Y, Z and state your goal. So we're reinforcing this idea that this new thing, this new growth, this new thing we're stepping into is actually safe. So try that technique. It's been really, really effective for me, and I hope it is effective for you as well. I said this earlier, but I think it's really important that we're not pathologizing imposter syndrome.
Erin Holt [00:16:44]:
I think imposter syndrome is just a fancy way of saying self doubt. I don't trust myself that I can actually do this. I'm having doubts. And I think we should not pathologize self doubt because self doubt isn't in and of itself a problem. Self doubt is only a problem when we let it rule the show. When we let our negativity bias override our hopes, dreams, desires, goals, that's when self doubt becomes a problem, is when it holds us back. If we can just reframe imposter syndrome and self doubt, to be like, oh, that means I'm on the precipice of growth or I just had a big growth spurt. Okay, there's nothing wrong here.
Erin Holt [00:17:21]:
I just need to re. I have to self source feelings of safety. I have to show myself that it is actually safe to grow. If we stop pathologizing, it kind of loses some of its sting. So let's talk about that negativity bias. I know I've mentioned it a bunch of times here on the show, but just as a refresher, Our brain is like Velcro for bad experiences and Teflon for good ones. That's a Rick Hansen quote. But basically we latch onto the bad and the good ones just slip, slide away.
Erin Holt [00:17:51]:
Because our brain is wired to look out for what's wrong, what's not working, what's dangerous. It's tilted toward survival. So there's this predisposition, predisposition of our mind to latch onto the negative. It is the default setting of the mind to overestimate threats. Again, tilted toward survival. So so much of our mind and our brain is set up to keep us alive, not necessarily set up for like our growth, our personal growth. So we're just gonna be more likely to perceive negative stimulus over positive stimulus. A little mantra, a little quote that I have is don't let the criticism speak louder than the love.
Erin Holt [00:18:35]:
Because, man, don't we do this. We can have a hundred people tell us a hundred great things about us. And we can have one person say one negative thing. And where does our mind go? What does our mind want to fixate on? It's that negative thing. And this is the negativity bias of the brain. So we have to remind ourselves, to entrain ourselves quite frankly, to look for the positive. So don't let the criticism speak louder than the love. But criticism can also look like your own inner critic.
Erin Holt [00:19:07]:
So another way to say this is don't let the self doubt speak louder than the desires or the goals or the hopes or the dreams. The really good news about all of this is that we have a tremendous amount of impact over this. The brain is neuroplastic. And we can direct and train the mind to see more of what we want to see, to collect evidence of what we want versus evidence of what we don't. We can experience more of what we want to experience. I'm going to talk about that in just a second, but I think to just do this, just focus on the positive without uncovering the whys, behind and underneath the self doubt, it can like, put us in a little bit of bypass territory. And when we're bypassing the shadow work, when we're bypassing the subconscious stuff, when we're bypassing the shit and we're just focusing on the negative, I find that that approach doesn't always stick. So we do have to kind of go spelunking into the underworld sometimes if we want to make true, lasting change.
Erin Holt [00:20:11]:
There's a Carl Jung quote that I love and it goes like this. No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. So sometimes I have found this to be true for myself. If we want to go up, if we want to up, if we want to glow up, we have to go down. We got to get down before we go up. And so we also want to understand why the self doubt is there in the first place. And what I will tell you is this self doubt is almost always a protective mechanism. So we must ask the question, protection from what? If self doubt is popping up, if it's bubbling up, the mind probably thinks it's a good thing.
Erin Holt [00:20:54]:
What does the mind think it's protecting you from? And my number one way to answer this question is through this exercise from a book called Existential Kink. It's by Carolyn Elliott. And the exercise is called the Deepest Fear Inventory. And this is something that I do often. This is a practice that will help you identify any resistance or fear to receiving the thing we claim we want. So a lot of us are really good at being like, this is what I want, this is my goal, this is what I want to call in. But then the second an obstacle pops up, we're like, oh, guess it's not meant for me. But that resistance is there to oftentimes be worked through.
Erin Holt [00:21:36]:
It's showing us the underbelly of what we really need to work through in order to get to the other side. And oftentimes self doubt is really just masking a whole bunch of fears. And so what this practice does you. It's our journal exercise. And you write out this I hate in resent having blank. And you fill that blank with what your goal is, what you're trying to call in. Another alternative is you can write out I absolutely refuse to have blank. And you fill that in with your goal.
Erin Holt [00:22:14]:
So it seems a little counterintuitive because you're saying consciously I want this thing. But what we're trying to do through this exercise is call up any subconscious fears, meaning fears you're not even aware that you have, so you can look at them and work through them. So you write out I absolutely refuse to have blank. That blank is stating your goal because I have a deep fear. Fear that. And you write that out 20 times. So I just like to sit in almost like stream of consciousness style, just dump the bucket and write out 20 different things that could happen if this goal was achieved. So let me give you an example to anchor this in and I'll use very vulnerably, I will use my own self as an example.
Erin Holt [00:23:01]:
So this friend, colleague of mine reached out to me to see if she could join this training. And I was like, ah, this feels scary, this feels hard. I'm an imposter. So I wrote down, I absolutely refuse to have. And I wrote my goal of the training because I have a deep fear that the people that sign up will be disappointed. Maybe they will think, oh, she's not as good as she thought she was, or oh, I looked at Aaron as a thought leader. But after doing this training I realized she's not. Or I already know all of this information.
Erin Holt [00:23:34]:
She's not presenting anything new. As I'm saying this, I'm getting flushed. This, this actually feels pretty freaking vulnerable to share. But being honest with you, that is, that was what was on the other side or underneath the self doubt and the imposter syndrome. And I'm like getting hot. There's an emotional charge to this as I talk about it. And that leads me to my next theory. This is my theory.
Erin Holt [00:23:56]:
It is easier for us to choose self doubt. Whether that's a conscious choice or not, whether we realize we're doing it or not, then to face our fears. Because facing our fears is earmuffs. Fucking scary. Looking head on at our deepest fears, it that is not for the faint of heart. So it's actually easier to choose self doubt than do that. It's actually easier to allow self doubt to rule the show. It's actually easier to be like, oh, I feel imposter syndrome.
Erin Holt [00:24:29]:
Ergo, can't do it. Whoopsie. There goes all my hopes and dreams. I'm just gonna sit right here. I'm gonna sit right here in my little comfort zone and I'm unwilling to look at my fears. And so I'm just gonna sit here and I'm never gonna grow. That's really what we're choosing again, whether we're conscious of it or not, because it is easier to choose the self doubt than face our fears. And let's take this even a step deeper because what are those fears really? It's easy to be like, oh, I'm afraid to go for this because what if I fail? Right? But it's not typically, I have found it's not typically failure.
Erin Holt [00:25:03]:
That truly is the deepest fear. The fears that I've often uncovered are like, what if this works like, what if this goes big? What if this goes really big? It's like that Marianne Williamson quote that you've no doubt heard before. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. And I think this is where self doubt swoops in as a protective mechanism. Because what if you actually go really big and then you're really big, There's a lot of eyeballs on you in your work. What if. Then you have to look at the fear of exposure, the fear of vulnerability, you know, Then you have to look at the fear of all the things that can happen when you have more eyes on you. That’s scary.
Erin Holt [00:27:45]:
There's a business course in FNA called Energetics of Expansion. And this is exactly what we tuck into because it's such big, deep work. I find that consistently this is the number one thing that holds people back from growth.It's not their lack of skill, it's not their lack of knowledge, it's not their personality. It's not because, you know, they're, they don't haven't chose like the perfect branding colors. It's this. It's these subconscious fears of like, oh my God, what if this actually works though? Like, what if this actually works? So strong recommend to do that exercise. I'm always pretty surprised at what comes up. So then we unveil all of this subconscious stuff and these fears that are holding us back that we might not even be aware of. And then what's the next step? Once we've identified those fears, we want to ask. This is my.
Erin Holt [00:28:36]:
My secret sauce. My secret sauce question. What would I rather believe instead? So if I'm afraid this is going to happen, what would I rather believe instead? So, sticking with the example, let's say I'm afraid that people will be disappointed in this four day training. What would I rather believe instead? Because I fear that I can't carry the weight of people's disappointment at the end of the day, I'm afraid that I cannot sit with that many people feeling disappointed in my work. That's the real fear. I can't carry that. I cannot carry that feeling around in my body of like this. I let this many people down.
Erin Holt [00:29:18]:
I have a lump in my throat just, just thinking it. That's really the core fear. If I say, let's say I want to call in 200 people to this practitioner training, but I, at the end of it, I can't carry the feeling of letting that many people down. I am going to block, subconsciously block the growth of this. My subconscious mind is always trying to protect me. So that's going to swoop in and be like, we're going to protect her. She's really afraid that this thing's going to happen. You guys, let's go.
Erin Holt [00:29:44]:
We got to protect her. Let's go. So the subconscious mind is working overtime, right, to keep you safe. So we have to show the mind what's possible instead of that fear. So what would I rather believe instead? I would rather believe that the practitioners joining are going to learn so much, they're going to be so expanded, they're going to feel so hopeful in their Practice this hope is going to carry out into their clients and their patients. They're going to be able to help so many more people with this really complicated situation, with the new knowledge that they have and the new tools they have. And this is going to create this beautiful ripple effect. That's what I would rather believe instead.
Erin Holt [00:30:33]:
So now the next step from there, after identifying what I would rather believe instead, because we're really good at coming up with the things that could go wrong. Because hashtag negativity bias, we still sing hashtag anyway, let's move on. But negativity bias, that's why we do that. So we have to use that neuroplasticity of our mind and self, direct it into a more positive, more positive direction. So what would we rather believe instead? So you have to do that and then we collect evidence that that gets to be true. We show our mind that that thing that we want to feel or believe instead actually gets to be true. So what that might look like for me is to look at all of the ways that my work has positively impacted people. So I have a list of, you know, DMs or emails or testimonials that people, clients of the past or podcast listeners of the past have reached out to me and said, like, hey, this really changed my life.
Erin Holt [00:31:28]:
This really impacted me in a positive way. And so I have to show my mind that what I want to believe this ripple effect is possible, is actually possible. And that helps to overcome the negativity bias. Personally, for me, I think it's also helpful to pair things with affirmations. I do love an affirmation as long as I'm pairing it with the feeling inside of my body. So I say the thing, but then I actually believe it. If that were true, how would I feel? So I'm matching the affirmation with a positive experience in my body, positive felt experience. So what would I rather believe instead? And that's a such a powerful question, but B can create a really bitchin mantra.
Erin Holt [00:32:09]:
Really powerful mantra. I choose to believe. I choose to know and believe that blank. So I choose to know and believe that my work can create this beautiful ripple effect and help hundreds or thousands or even millions of people. I choose to know and believe that by me teaching this four day training, I will help thousands of people heal. So that's an affirmation. And as, as I'm saying it, I'm allowing myself to feel the gratitude and the excitement and the expansion and the love and the heart coherence while I say the Affirmation. So ask yourself what you'd rather believe instead.
Erin Holt [00:32:49]:
Maybe do a little boosty boost with an affirmation. If you do well with affirmations and what happens is that your brain will start to search for and therefore see opportunity and potential and solutions it didn't see before. So we're showing our mind what to look for when we decide what to believe instead. And then the four final last step is action. So I would say this is probably the step that most people want to skip. Or if you've ever done affirmations and you're like, this isn't working, this isn't working at all, have you taken action step to reinforce that affirmation? Because action is where everything shifts on a permanent level. Action is what crystallizes the change. When your mind sees you take action toward what you want, it automatically deems it important.
Erin Holt [00:33:47]:
So when you go out of your way to do something different, to take a different action step. When you are willing to overcome the self doubt in the imposter syndrome to take action on something, your mind says, oh, this is serious, she means business and you're reinforcing that. This is the new normal thing we do now. We don't do that old thing. We're not in that old pattern. This is what we do now. Now is not the time to shrink. Now is not the time to play small.
Erin Holt [00:34:19]:
We're making power moves now. That's just what we do. We make decisions based on what I would rather believe instead. If that thing were true, this is the action I would take. And then you go take the action versus making decisions and taking action from self doubt because that's only going to reinforce the self doubt and then you're going to continue to get more of the self doubt and you're going to ask yourself, why do I feel like an imposter all of the time? Take different choices or make different choices and take different action steps. So when my friend sent me that message and said, hey, can I join your program? And I was like, oh no, I don't think it's anything you would learn. I don't, I think it's gonna be pretty basic. I don't know if you would learn anything.
Erin Holt [00:35:03]:
I wouldn't, I wouldn't sign up for it. That's what I told her originally. And then what I did after I did all of this stuff that I just walked you through, I circled back to her and I was like, hey, first of all, thank you. Thank you for showing me my fears. Thank you for showing me My self doubt. Thank you for showing me exactly what I needed to face head on in order for this to be as successful as I want it to be. And also, there's nothing basic about this training, babe. This is not basic.
Erin Holt [00:35:28]:
I'm going for it. I'm bringing all the Erin Holt, Raz and the Taz to this training. That's an example of an action step. I circle back around to her and I took a different action. I said, I originally told you not to sign up and now I am changing that. I'm taking a new action. And I'm like, yeah, you can sign up. This is going to be great.
Erin Holt [00:35:47]:
Another action step is recording this podcast before for the training in, not waiting until after, which feels a lot safer to tell you the truth, because I have to. What would I rather believe instead? This is, this training is going to be magic and so I have to take an action as though that belief were true. So I'm recording this before the training happens. I have no idea what the lived experience is going to be from participants, but I'm recording this anyway because I believe that strongly and I'm taking the action step to reinforce the new belief rather than the self doubt belief. And that is how we transcend self doubt and imposter syndrome. That is how we acknowledge how we're feeling and we sit with ourselves. We don't try to bypass the fears, we don't try to bypass the doubt. We understand what's going on.
Erin Holt [00:36:34]:
We have some tools to work ourselves through it. We do walk with ourselves and work ourselves through it. But at the end of the day, we don't allow the imposter syndrome and the self doubt to have more weight than our own growth desires. So I hope that this was helpful for you. I hope it's something that you can actually use and put into practice and it's a resource that you come back to time and time again because I absolutely do so. With that said, love you guys and I'll see you next week. Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Functional Nutrition Podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend and keep coming back for more.
Erin Holt [00:37:18]:
Take care of you.