Episode 226: Understanding Autoimmunity Series: What Is It, What Causes It, & Can It Be Cured?

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When Erin was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness, she found herself in a new, somewhat unknown, world. Her autoimmune illness allowed her to grow to a new level in her career and expanded her understanding of her body and health. She realized that autoimmunity is widely misunderstood by both professionals and patients.

Many people are searching for information on autoimmunity and they don't know what to do or where to turn. Erin's goal with this series is to thoroughly explain every aspect of autoimmunity. This series will provide you with information to help you understand autoimmunity and act as a resource you can share with people in your life who can use it.

In this episode:

Celebrating The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast's 5th anniversary [1:01]

Why it's important to share information on autoimmunity [4:45]

Disclaimers and intentions of the series [8:00]

We need to create better resources, understanding, and treatment for autoimmunity [14:00]

What is autoimmunity? [21:00]

Red flags that you might be dealing with autoimmunity [24:00]

Is there a cure for autoimmunity? [28:00]

Two different ways of looking at autoimmunity, conventional health care and functional medicine [33:30]

What causes autoimmunity? [39:00]

Contributing factors to autoimmunity [48:30]

Resources mentioned:

Work with us in our Functional C.A.R.E. Method™ 1:1 Services

Body Intentions Breakthrough - A course to rewire for weight loss, health goals & body success

Organifi supplement powder (Save 20% on your order with code FUNK)

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase)

Ned Natural Remedies (get 15% off your order with code FUNK)

Dry Farm Wines Natural, Organic, Paleo Wine (get an extra bottle for only a penny)

The treatment strategies of autoimmune disease may need a different approach from conventional protocol: A review

Learn more about Autoimmunity

Related episodes:

212: A Functional Medicine Approach to Labs

220: Hormone Lab Testing: A Non-Algorithmic Approach

222: Creating Sacred Space for Healing & Transformation


Episode 227: Understanding Autoimmunity Series: Components, Stages, & Conventional Testing


Episode 225: How Concerned Should You Be about Antinutrients? with Deanna Minich