Episode 48: Exploring Female Hormones & Birth Control with Dr. Jolene Brighten

In this episode:

Interview with Dr. Jolene Brighten

What is Post Birth Control Syndrome and why you should care

When your doctor doesn’t believe your story

When medicine borders on dogma

Why birth control is NOT “the pill for every female ill”

Doctors are not a one-size-fits-all: the importance of building a healthcare team

A brief history of birth control

How birth control can delay your diagnosis

What pain with sex & chronic yeast infections have in common

Vaginal pain & shame

Why you need to be a troublemaker

The nutrients depleted by birth control

Foods to eat if you take hormonal birth control

How birth control affects your thyroid, hormones and gut

Birth control, leaky gut & autoimmune disease

Is the pill causing your depression?

The two theories of depression and how birth control affects both

The importance of your period & cycle regularity

Amenorrhea after the pill

Tests to ask for if your period is irregular or missing

How insulin, blood sugar regulation affect your hormones

How stress affects fertility

The best hormone, thyroid & adrenal tests

Learn More About Hormones


Episode 49: Why You Need to Test Your Thyroid (& How to Do It)


Episode 47: Weaning off Antidepressants, Eczema Diets & the Problem with Nutrition