Your Hormone Revival™


Which Labs to Choose


Why get functional lab testing?


What do you do when your blood work is normal...but your health isn’t? We’re a big advocates for accurate functional testing to get a good picture of your health. Conventional medicine is geared toward providing care once a disease has taken hold. Even if you feel terrible, you are considered “healthy” until a disease manifests.

Functional medicine nutrition supports you from the standpoint of health, not disease. These functional labs help to decode your symptoms, assess risk and implement support BEFORE disease develops. One of the reasons this program was created is because so many of our clients didn’t have access to these functional tests—or if they did, they would pay hefty markups and didn’t have anyone to analyze them. These labs can provide clarity, answers and a more personalized approach.

Your Hormone Revival gives you access to functional lab testing for your hormones - for an additional (but affordable) cost.


Which tests are appropriate for you?

Take a look at the signs of imbalance for adrenals, female hormones, and thyroid to determine the best choice for you.

  • Signs of Adrenal Dysfunction

    The DUTCH adrenals & hormones test is perfect for you if you answer “yes” to 5 or more of the following:

    I always feel like I have something to do/feel like I never accomplish enough.

    I’m often pushing myself to do more.

    I have a hard time relaxing.

    I often feel stressed or overwhelmed.

    I often feel exhausted and burned out.

    I catch a second wind at night or feel “tired and wired.”

    I have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

    I wake up hungry during the night.

    I feel tired in the morning, even after a full night’s sleep.

    I rely on caffeine or sweets for energy.

    I need caffeine/coffee before I exercise.

    I don’t have the energy or motivation to exercise.

    I have a hard time losing weight around my middle.

    I feel anxious, irritable and/or blue often.

    I am emotionally exhausted.

    I feel like I catch every cold or sickness that comes my way, and they linger.

    I have high blood sugar, metabolic syndrome and/or insulin resistance.

    I have low blood sugar.

    have no sex drive.

    I get dizzy or light headed.

    I’ve been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.

  • Signs of sex hormone imbalance

    The DUTCH adrenals & hormones test is perfect for you if you answer “yes” to 5 or more of the following:

    My menstrual cycles are irregular, including long cycles (greater than 32 days), shortened cycles (less than 24 days), and alternating cycle lengths.

    I get severe pain and cramping during periods.

    I have heavy blood flow with menstruation.

    I have scanty blood flow with menstruation.

    I get breast pain and/or swelling during menstruation.

    I have pelvic pain during menstruation.

    I get irritable, mood swings and/or depressed around my cycle.

    I have acne.

    I have facial hair growth.

    My hair is thinning, falling out, or I have male pattern baldness.

    I have low sex drive.

    I have vaginal pain, dryness or itching.

    I get pain with sex.

    I get frequent UTIs.

    I get hot flashes.

  • Signs of thyroid imbalance

    You’ll want to add on the full thyroid panel if you answer “yes” to 5 or more of the following (*not available if you live in NY, NJ or RI):

    I often feel sluggish; even my limbs feel heavy sometimes.

    I have muscle aches and/or joint pain.

    I have high cholesterol.

    I’m often fatigued.

    I notice my memory and concentration declining.

    I feel blue and/or struggle with depression.

    I have anxiety.

    I worry a lot.

    I have sluggish bowels/tend toward constipation.

    I feel cold all the time.

    I tend to have a low body temperature.

    My skin is dry, itchy and/or rough.

    My hair is dry.

    My nails are brittle.

    I’ve been losing a lot of hair and/or my hair is noticeably thinning.

    The outer thirds of my eyebrows are thinning.

    I have a puffy face or puffiness around my eyes.

    I’ve been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

    I have carpal tunnel syndrome.

    I have/had postpartum depression (if applicable).

    I have/had low breast milk supply (if applicable).


DUTCH PLUS™ by Precision Analytical

This test is an add-on available for an additional cost

Most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites.


Stress hormones, like cortisol (free & total) and DHEA

Estrogen, progesterone , and testosterone status

Estrogen metabolism (Are you clearing estrogen well? Are you pushing down the protective pathways or the harmful ones?)


6 Organic acid markers to assess vitamin B6, B12 and glutathione deficiencies, and neurotransmitter status

PLUS! 4 point Cortisol Awakening Response

After purchasing YHR and enrolling in the course, you will be prompted to add on additional labs. After completing your paperwork, you will receive your test kit in the mail. You do the dried urine & saliva test, then mail it out to the lab. Results are sent directly to our team.

YHR Lab Panel

This bloodwork lab panel assesses thyroid status, iron status, blood sugar, insulin, inflammation, autoimmunity & vitamin D status.

Anemia and blood sugar problems are deal breakers when it comes to hormone health, which is why we include a basic screening in addition to a full thyroid panel.

Based on what we have seen with previous YHR participants, we also find it helpful to add on inflammatory & autoimmune markers, as well as test for vitamin D status.

This blood draw *must* be done at a LabCorp lab

Not available in the following states: NY, NJ or RI or anywhere outside the U.S.

Additional Cost: $175

After purchasing YHR and enrolling in the course, you will be prompted to add on additional labs. When you purchase, you will receive a lab requisition form via email. You take the form to your local LabCorp lab for the blood draw. Results are sent directly to our team.


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