Episode 12: All About CBD with Blue Ridge Hemp

The owner of Blue Ridge Hemp, Will Oseroff, talks about topical CBD, and why he created a company based on CBD infused natural care products.

In this episode:

How fibromyalgia sparked this small business

CBD vs. THC in the cannabis plant

Will you get “high” using CBD?

CBD effects on chronic pain

Can CBD replace opioids in managing chronic pain?

Side effects of opioids

Dosing for pain, restful sleep, injury, yoga soreness

How does bioavailability differ with topical use vs. ingesting vs. inhaling?

What’s the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil?

CBD from domestic sources vs. China

What are terpenes and what are their effects?

Will’s all-time favorite product

Resources mentioned:

Blue Ridge Hemp, CBD infused natural care products

Cannaboid research

Goddess Ghee

Follow Erin and Kyle on Instagram


Episode 13: Vernon Family Farm


Episode 11: Lunchbox Makeover & Eating Organ Meats