Episode 232: Brain Health, Intentionality & Social Media

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Whether you like it or not, social media is a pretty omnipresent part of our life. It’s here, and it’s here to stay. So it makes good sense to figure out how to engage with it in a way that supports us and makes us feel good. And based on Erin’s recent Instagram polls (oh, irony), this is currently not the case for many.

In today’s episode, Erin examines how she has been feeling about social media, which seems to be part of the collective felt experience – for creators and consumers alike.

We’re calling this one a “think piece” because it’s designed to do just that – get you to think about your consumption AND evaluate: How does this make me feel? And do I want to change? From there, we can incorporate that data into actionable steps.

Erin rounds out this discussion with strategies to redefine how you engage with social media, including ways to bring more intentionality, presence and appreciation into your consumption (and creation!).

This conversation is relevant whether you’re a content creator, consumer, an educator, someone looking to be educated, a business owner, a parent/caretaker…or some mix of all of the above.

In this episode:

Lessons from eclipse szn [2:48]

Hyperconnectivity vs. disconnection from self [9:09]

What’s up with social media? A collective felt experience [10:19]

The 3 main reasons why people are feeling overwhelmed [16:41]

Why rest is resistance [18:26]

Perspective & insights from creators [19:32]

Why unconscious consumption feels bad for everyone [29:07]

Social media & your brain chemistry [39:00]

What’s dopamine got to do with it? [44:44]

Moving from distraction to clarity [47:06]

Your power is in your presence [48:31]

A POWERFUL question to ask yourself [52:02]

Specific practices to redefine your relationship with social media [58:59]

Bringing intentionality, presence and appreciation into your consumption - and creation [1:02:19]

Resources mentioned:

Submit your case for a Manifest Your Health™ episode

The Energetics of Expansion Course (3 Course Bundle)

Carrot Ginger Smoothie Recipe

Ned Natural Remedies (get 15% off your order with code FUNK)

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase)

Organifi supplement powder (Save 20% on your order with code FUNK)

Learn more about Mindset & Boundaries

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