Mindset & Boundaries
What if we told you that getting what you wanted in health, life & business relied on one thing: your mind?
When we change our mind, we change our life.
— Joe Dispenza
This is why mindset is a necessary component of The Funk’tional Nutrition philosophy and why we must focus on mindset if we want to optimize our health, our finances, our career, our relationships...and our life.
Did you know that higher levels of purpose in life (a positive mindset) can actually reduce the pathology of Alzheimer's?
Brain autopsies showed that some individuals had all the markers of the disease, but lived free of the dementia due to their mindset.
Isn’t this wild??

The mind dictates the body.
René Descartes was a French philosopher in the 1600s who is known for Mind-Body Dualism, the philosophy that the mind and the body are distinct and separable. Modern medicine is built on this premise, so many of us still adhere to this belief...DESPITE the fact that modern research says otherwise.
The things we believe and say about ourselves have the greatest impact on our well being and energy levels. Our thoughts, our mindset, and the stories we tell ourselves can make us well...or they can make us unwell.

The late, great neuroscientist, Dr. Candace Pert (one of Erin’s sheros!!) said,
Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely, physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or the emotions. But the body and mind are not separate, and we cannot treat one without the other.
When it comes to health, mindset matters.
Understanding this concept can be the rate limiting step of healing.
To take it a step further, there is a lot of evidence pointing to the idea that illness is unprocessed experiences manifested in the body.
This is why those with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and PTSD are at higher risk for autoimmunity. It's why more than half the women with IBS report childhood trauma. It's why there's a higher prevalence of emotional, physical, sexual abuse in patients with GI disorders vs. controls.
Please understand this DOES NOT MEAN that you've done anything wrong or you're doing anything wrong if you struggle with chronic illness. It doesn't mean it's your fault. It doesn't mean that you've brought this on yourself or there's something broken about you.
And it ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT MEAN that there's no hope. Literally, just the opposite.
If we can learn how to process our experiences—past, present, future—and if we can change our mind about what we believe to be true—we can change our bodies.
Our beliefs inform our biology. Healing is available to all of us—we just have to believe it.

Manifest Your Health™
Use your own biology to heal.™

Belief in oneself is required for healing.
— Caroline Myss
Setting Boundaries
There’s a reason Erin talks a lot about boundaries. After years of disordered eating, mental health issues and chronic illness, part of reclaiming her health was learning how to protect her energy: Enter boundaries.
It is our belief that boundary work is the antidote to burnout.
When we put our own needs on the backburner, when we serve others to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm….nobody wins.
In the international bestseller, When the Body Says No, author & physician Gabor Maté outlines the common characteristics he saw in his patients struggling with illness:
Need to feel in control
Inability to say no
Unable to pace self
Unable to assert feelings
Putting self last
Unmet needs
Sacrificing one's own needs to be of service to others
Can’t ask for help
Lack of boundaries with parents
Lack of emotional competence
Compare that to this list from our Boundary Course—these are common characteristics of people who struggle with setting boundaries:
Over-giving, over-doing
“I have to do it all”
Doing more than your share
Doing things you weren’t asked to do
Doing things that others should be doing for themselves
Deriving a sense of value & purpose for being all the things to all the people

Notice the overlap? Houston, we have a problem.
If we are raised and conditioned to put everyone else’s needs above our own, our physical & mental health can suffer. The truth is...we can (and we must!) care for ourselves WHILE caring for others. We just need to learn how.

Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.
— Prentis Hemphil
Resources for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, & Practitioners
Learn how to set boundaries in your business. These Strictly Biz episodes were created with the entrepreneur in mind, but we’ve received feedback that even non-business owners have benefited from tuning in!
Funk’tional Nutrition Academy
Online training and guidance for health practitioners, a program where functional medicine, deep nutrition and intuitive healing meet.
The Boundaries Course
A 7-part course for practitioners, healers, business owners, and people. Learn how to define and hold boundaries for your life and business. Available to take anytime.