Episode 317: Chronic Inflammation, Neuroplasticity & Your Healing Potential | Manifest Your Health Series

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This week, we discuss how the body and brain are connected through the gut-brain axis. Learn how supporting yourself on a physical level via decreasing systemic and chronic inflammation can allow your brain and mind to rewire and therefore allow for new ways of thinking (& healing!)

In our Manifest Your Health™ mini series, Erin continues to offer up new ways to think about your health via our Intuitive Functional Medicine™ approach.  You'll walk away with perspective shifts to help you view your own healing potential!

In this episode:

Why healing is not a linear track [7:14]

The differences between the modern medicine and Intuitive Functional Medicine™ [9:18]

Neuroplasticity and the brain’s ability to rewire itself [13:58]

How the brain and immune system are connected [16:01]

Signs and causes of inflammation of the brain [21:01]

Ways to decrease inflammation in your brain and body [27:57]

Resources mentioned:

Manifest Your Health

Funk’tional Nutrition Collective

Carb Compatibility Project™ (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Eat to Achieve™ (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective

Your Hormone Revival™ (Only available within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Energetics of Expansion Business Course

The Boundaries Course (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Body Intentions Breakthrough (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective

Wheat Zoomer Functional Lab Test

Digestive Guide

Ned Natural Remedies (get 20% off your order with code FUNK)

Qualia Senolytic (get up to 50% off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with link + code FUNKS)

Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) 

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!)  

Learn more about Manifest Your Health

Related episodes:

147: Inflammation & What You’re NOT Eating

55: How to Tell if Your Blood Sugar is a Problem

  • Erin Holt [00:00:02]:

    I'm Erin Holt and this is the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, where we lean into intuitive, functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions, and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience, and because of that, I've got a major bone to pick with diet culture and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us. But functional medicine isn't the panacea that it's made out to be either. We've got some work to do, and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect.

    Erin Holt [00:00:39]:

    So I founded the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy, a school and mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you if you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show, rate, review and share because you never know whose life you might change. And of course, keep coming back for more. Hello podcast buddies. We've got some new podcast cover art. Did you notice? I think it depends on where you listen because from my understanding, it's not going to be updated everywhere, just a few select places.

    Erin Holt [00:01:28]:

    So let me know DM us if if actually, better yet, screenshot it and post it to your instagram and tag us so we can see it. But the reason we're doing it, because we're going to do a little series in the next few weeks, we will be exploring other pathways to healing here on the show. So my promise to you is that I will always bring you new ways of thinking about your health. That's kind of my jam. That's my stutter and that's my jam. But it's my goal over the next few weeks that we have here together that you will have some perspective shifts that can help you view your own healing potential. All right? So that's the goal for the next few weeks, the next maybe, like, I don't know, six weeks or so of this series, this Manifest Your Health series. And what I ask during our time together, if this podcast, whether it's during this series or any other episode, has made a positive impact on your health, on your life, on your body, on your belief systems, then I would love for you to leave a review and tell me exactly how.

    Erin Holt [00:02:40]:

    So I know. I love positive reinforcement. I love to know about the impact that I'm making on the world. So when you guys take time out of your day to let me know, it means the world to me. And if you screenshot your review and you DM  it to us, you can also email it to us. Whatever's easier for you, we will enter you to win a free seat in Manifest Your Health, because we are reopening Manifest Your Health in August, which I am so excited about. This is the methodology that I used to heal from autoimmunity. I use it to heal from chronic pain and chronic health anxiety, which is the term that I use to refer to health hyper vigilance and fear about my own health. Here's the deal.

    Erin Holt [00:03:28]:

    You are your best healing agent. You are the medicine for you. So with Manifest Your Health, I teach you how. I remind you how we have these healing superpowers. They're innate to us, they're built in, built into our own biology. But many of us have not A) been taught in how to utilize them and leverage them to our benefit, or B) given the tools to know how to do so. So that's what we do in Manifest Your Health. It's a program that I ran twice last summer, and we had over 100 participants in it, which was so exciting for me.

    Erin Holt [00:04:06]:

    And 100% of those participants had a more positive outlook on their health after the six weeks of the program, which is amazing. 100%, 100%, all of them, everybody had more compassion for themselves. And this one's really cool to me because I joke that I had to spend $10,000 and a year of my life to study with Stanford just to learn how to be kind to myself. I had to learn how to do the self compassion, but it was a really, really, really good investment. It was a really good investment. So today we're going to get into inflammation, kind of a big deal. So we're going to talk about inflammation. But something I want you to know is that self compassion can actually lower inflammation in the body.

    Erin Holt [00:04:51]:

    So we are with Manifest Your Health with the series, we are approaching health and healing from a mind, a brain, an emotional, and even an energetic and metaphysical perspective. But these things can have real, measurable physiological effects in the body. How cool is that? So, for example, we know that getting somebody out of fear shifts their physiology. So if we can interrupt fear and anxiety patterns in the mind, we can shift somebody's physiology toward optimal healing mode. So real physical healing in the body, and 98 of people in Manifest Your Health had less fear and anxiety about their health. That's a really big deal. They also had a deeper sense of trust in their own ability to heal. And so because of all of these things, I wasn't surprised to see that 70% of participants had a reduction in their actual physical symptoms.

    Erin Holt [00:05:57]:

    Now, this is only after six weeks, which is incredible. And most of these people had tried everything for healing. So we're going to be tucking and rolling into some of this stuff over the next few weeks here on the podcast. And of course, there'll be an invitation for you to go deeper with me in Manifest Your Health, especially if you're someone that does well with a proven framework to follow. Manifest Your Health does give you a clear framework to follow in different situations. When you feel triggered, when you feel anxious, when you feel like you're in a fear spiral about your health. And so you will walk away with a clear framework and a deeper understanding that you can follow. So that's coming in August.

    Erin Holt [00:06:44]:

    And for those of you interested in that, I want to get you prepped and primed for it. I want to set you up for success. So that's what today is going to be all about. And even if you're not interested in the program, this episode will still help you, because a lot of people are running around inflamed. And so we're going to talk about how to get uninflamed, because it's really, really, really hard to rewire an inflamed brain. So let's tuck into inflammation. When we start to talk about mind body healing, sometimes the body gets missed in this whole discussion. So when we're dealing with health anxiety or health hypervigilance, we can get hyper fixated on the physical body.

    Erin Holt [00:07:30]:

    But we can also pendulum swing and try to bypass the physical body altogether. Healing isn't about transcending the body, though. Healing is to make whole. That's the definition of healing, to make whole. So it's really uniting all bodies, mental, emotional, energy, spiritual, physical, all bodies. It's about full presence, fully inhabiting your bodies. So what I'm saying to you is that what you're doing to support the physical body matters, it's important. And in doing so, you can actually support the other bodies as well for more complete healing.

    Erin Holt [00:08:11]:

    Generally speaking, healing is kind of incomplete without addressing all four bodies. But you don't have to address all four at once. I'm going to say that again, you don't have to address all four at once. One more time for my perfectionist. My if I'm not doing it 110% I'm not doing it well enough. You do not have to address all four bodies at once. The way that I think about it, it's like there all healing on ramps. They're always to like, get on the highway of healing.

    Erin Holt [00:08:40]:

    They're all on the table as potential entry points. Healing, we all know it's not a linear track. So where you come in on your healing journey really depends on you and what you're ready for. What have you tried before? What has worked for you, what has not worked for you? Where are you at mentally, emotionally? Have you received a diagnosis? Are you still searching for one? All of these kind of influence where you might come in to your healing journey, and you can come in at any point or even multiple points. It's all good, it's all okay, it's all allowed. And this is really what I'm doing when I practice what I call intuitive functional medicine, ultimately what we're trying to do is lead people back to their own inner healer.

    Erin Holt [00:09:27]:

    So you get to choose, you get to decide, what is my healing on ramp? What's my entry point today? You've heard me no doubt reference this idea of bridging the science with the sacred. It's like taking all of the things that can be quantified, like, for example, lab data with the things that cannot be quantified, like, for example, leveraging the placebo effect to our advantage. Our current model of health and medicine doesn't really support our understanding of the placebo effect, even though it's verifiable that it's happening. It's real, it's happening. It's just that we have such an overemphasis on pathogenesis, meaning there's a pathogen outside of our body that is causing disease. Modern medicine really stems from mind body dualism, this idea that the mind in the body are separate, which, I mean, has been disproven, and I have about a bazillion podcast episodes speaking into that. But we are energetic beings in a physical world, and if that statement agitates you in any way because it rubs up against your beliefs, I'd say it's probably time to update your beliefs. You know, no big deal.

    Erin Holt [00:10:43]:

    Just like a little update, a little upgrade for you. So we all have, you know, this isn't, like, wild to say that we're energetic beings. We all have a biofield energy and information that regulate the functioning of our, you know, meat suits our living organisms, and it's not so crazy when we think about it with from EKG or EEG perspective, that's we're literally measuring electromagnetic emanations from our organs. You know, so it's not crazy when we think about it that way. But some people still view any talk of energy as, like, a little woo woo or a little out there. And, you know, I'm cool with being woo woo and out there, but also, this is like science hun, so it's also real.

    Erin Holt [00:13:39]:

    So if we're only dealing things from the level of the physical, we're probably missing something. And so this is really what we talk into with Manifest Your Health.

    Erin Holt [00:13:50]:

    And what we'll be speaking even more into in upcoming podcasts. I've certainly talked about it a lot already, so get ready, get hyped. On the flip side of that, though, and this is really what today is all about, on the flip side of that is, if we're only dealing with things from the mind, then we're probably also missing something. So we need to take a mind down approach to healing and health, and a body up approach to healing and health. Both are important, both are relevant, and, dare I say, both are required. It's really hard to rewire an inflamed brain. So if you're like, I'm just going to rewire my brain, but the brain is inflamed because the body is inflamed, then Houston, we have a problem. So let's talk into neuroplasticity, shall we? No doubt by now, if you've listened to the podcast, or even if this is, you know, your first time listening to me, hi.

    Erin Holt [00:14:54]:

    Hello. Nice to meet you. You've probably by now heard of this concept of neuroplasticity. But neuroplasticity is the brain's capacity to adapt and change, and to rewir. The brain can restore itself. How cool. Brain neuroplasticity is like saying brain plasticity. It's the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. That's the rewiring aspect.

    Erin Holt [00:15:26]:

    It's the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections. Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, which is essentially just the process of new neurons forming, is how we create change in the brain and then therefore, in the body. It's how we create new neural networks. It's how we change things. The brain and the body are never static. They are always in the process of becoming and changing through this process of neuroplasticity. Cool. Cool, right? Very cool.

    Erin Holt [00:16:01]:

    But here's the bummer. Neuroinflammation, inflammation in the brain, compromises neuroplasticity in neurogenesis. So the brain is highly plastic. It can always remodel and restructure itself, but it can't do that as well or as efficiently in the presence of chronic inflammation. So how does the brain get inflamed? Well, here's a key concept to understand. If there's inflammation in the body, there is inflammation in the brain, most likely. So let's tuck into that.

    Erin Holt [00:16:38]:

    There are two types of cells in the brain. We've got neurons. They get all the press, they get all the attention, especially when we're talking about neuroplasticity and rewiring the brain. All the cool and exciting stuff that I'm totally obsessed with. Neurons, like, star of the show, but there's also glial cells, and glial cells are the immune cells of the brain. And we actually have more immune cells in the brain than we have neurons in the brain, which is funny, because just a few decades ago, we didn't even think that the brain and the immune system were even connected. And now we know all about the PNI super system, all systems talking to each other all the time. And by the way, this is why it's important to be willing to update your beliefs.

    Erin Holt [00:17:19]:

    So, glial cells were originally thought to just be kind of like a. Like a side have, like, a sideshow role. Like, just hold neurons together and kind of more of a passive supporting role, but they actually do have a critical role. They help control the blood brain barrier. They're kind of, like cleanup crew. They get rid of dead cells and debris. Um, they get rid of pathogens or antigens that might make it past the blood brain barrier.

    Erin Holt [00:17:50]:

    They also help to impact neurons and help the neurons do what they need to do, help them function optimally. Typical metabolism of neurons can cause protein buildup, so there's just kind of, like, junk in the brain, and then the glial cells swoop in and, like, sweep everything out. And when they're doing their job appropriately, neurons can synapse together and function well. So you've heard that term, neurons that fire together, wire together. This is like, helping neurons fire. So, with inflammation in the brain, these glial cells can get turned on. And when that happens, neurons can lose that conduction speed.

    Erin Holt [00:18:32]:

    That firing slows down, they become inefficient, and so the brain's speed will also be impacted. So, in other words, your brain is not as plastic, it's not as rewirable in the presence of inflammation. So I'm sure you're listening to this, and you're like, oh, my God, do I have it? Do I have the neuroinflammation? How do I know? I'll share some signs for you. And by the way, this can change from day to day, because inflammation can change day to day depending on what you're doing, like, what your diet is. You know, if you're eating highly antigenic food, if you just, like, kind of, like, go on a food bender one day, you know, and just eat a lot of highly inflammatory foods, that's going to impact inflammation in the body and then therefore the brain. If you're under slept for a couple of days in a row, that can create inflammation in the brain. If you were drinking a lot one day, if you had a really high stress day. So inflammation levels can kind of go up and down.

    Erin Holt [00:19:31]:

    And therefore, some of these signs that I'm going to share with you, especially more of the subtle signs, those can go up and down, too. So some subtle signs that you may notice. Brain fog. That's a big one. So, hazy thoughts, slower recall, slow cognitive processing. I feel like I'm talking slower now that I'm saying this. Variations in mental speed, reduced brain endurance, slow motor processing, feeling like your arms or your legs feel kind of heavy, you don't feel as coordinated. Brain fatigue after exposure to specific chemicals like scents, pollutants.

    Erin Holt [00:20:12]:

    I'm a big one with scents. So bad smells, toxic smells, or even food proteins like gluten, for example. So those might be some of the more subtle signs. As inflammation intensifies, so do the signs and the symptoms. So more moderate signs would be depression, the inability to concentrate for long periods of time, lethargy, fatigue, sleepiness, needing a lot of sleep and still not feeling well rested, lack of motivation. And then we can get into really severe symptoms like delirium, confusion, disorientation, trembling, twitching, tremors, even dementia. Okay, so there's really a spectrum in terms of signs that you might have some degree of inflammation in the brain. Now, what causes this? You know, just like leaky gut, people can have a leaky brain, they can have a permeable blood brain barrier, and the same things that cause the gut barrier to break down, which we've talked about a lot here, can also break down the blood brain barrier.

    Erin Holt [00:21:20]:

    So chronic inflammation, like we're talking about stress hormones. So just unchecked, rampant stress hormones, chronic activation of the gut. So if you've just got, you know, poor digestion all of the time, that's gonna ramp up inflammation in the gut. If you have any type of pathogen or dysbiosis, that can cause some problems, environmental load. So this would be like toxin exposure, oxidative stress, all of these things can break down the barrier of your gut, but also the blood brain barrier as well. And when this barrier breaks down, the brain becomes vulnerable to different inflammatory triggers. So it can just turn on inflammation in the brain. But even if this barrier is intact and healthy, there are other ways that inflammatory signals in the body can turn on glial cells in the brain, one of which is the vagus nerve.

    Erin Holt [00:22:14]:

    So we know that's kind of like the major superhighway of our brain-gut access. And the brain and the gut are speaking to each other bi directionally all of the times. And one of the ways they do this is the vagus nerve. So messages of inflammation can be sent to the brain via the vagus nerve. So, again, just reminding you of that key concept, if there's inflammation in the body, there's inflammation in the brain. So it's not so much of like, oh, why is my brain inflamed? It's just like, why do I have chronic inflammation? Why do I have unchecked inflammation in the body? The brain just happens to be pretty vulnerable to inflammation. It doesn't have a huge antioxidant system or a huge anti inflammatory system. So you will notice that, like, sluggish brain.

    Erin Holt [00:22:59]:

    I mean, how many people have complained or, you know, talked about? I don't use, like, using the word complain. So I'm trying to think of another word on the fly here. How many people have experienced. There we go. Experienced brain fog, like, a lot, a lot, a lot of people. And it's pretty responsive to certain things. One of the main things that I do for brain fog is just getting people eating consistently, because low blood sugar, really inflammatory to the brain. I've been saying it for so many years, and so you just eat more consistently.

    Erin Holt [00:23:27]:

    Poof. The brain fog goes away. It's like magic. It's like magic. But that's just an example of how this stuff shows up. 

    Erin Holt [00:25:25]:

    Inflammation can also compromise neuroplasticity by reducing BDNF. So BDNF, maybe you've heard about it, maybe you have not. It's really the most well studied or well known neurotrophic factor. Neurotrophic factors are proteins that regulate the signaling for neuroplasticity in neurogenesis. So BDNF is a good thing. We want BDNF. I take supplements to increase my BDNF. Actually, actually, let me just.

    Erin Holt [00:25:57]:

    Shameless plug here. Qualia Mind is a supplement that I take every single day for my brain health. I'm laughing because I wasn't planning this, but it's literally sitting here on my desk. I'm like, let me just pick it up and tell you guys about it. And there's a lot of different compounds in Qualia Mind that help with cognitive support, but also help with that. BDNF. So, like, anytime I see BDNF anywhere, I'm like, I want that. I want that.

    Erin Holt [00:26:26]:

    I want to help my brain fire and wire. I am doing my, um, my brain rewiring practices, my manifestation practices all the time. So I want to keep inflammation low in my body and support all of the critical factors in my brain to help with that process so I can fire and wire towards the things that I want in my life. You know, I love me some manifestation, but we got to support the physical body, too, to help with that manifestation. Don't worry, we're going to get into this more and more and more over the next few weeks and even deeper in my program. Okay, take a quick sip of water, and then we move on. So, in a nutshell, let's wrap this up in a little nutshell. Inflammation goes up, plasticity goes down, which is not a good thing, because plasticity is what creates change in the brain.

    Erin Holt [00:27:19]:

    And the mind and then in the body, especially with any type of chronic stuff. Chronic condition, chronic ailment, chronic anxiety, chronic headaches, chronic pain, any of it. Any of the chronic stuff. Stuff that has been kicking around for three months or longer. Okay. That gets dropped into the bucket of chronic. And by the way, we can see overactivation of these glial cells with chronic conditions, oftentimes in the limbic system portion of the brain, which is something that I've addressed here on the show, and we will get more into that and Manifest Your Health. So, of course, we want to reduce inflammation in your brain and your body, right? That is just like a good overall health goal, whether you're trying to rewire the mind or not.

    Erin Holt [00:28:06]:

    But the more we can keep inflammation at bay, the more we are supporting an overall mind body approach to health. So, first things first, anti inflammatory diet. You know, I'm not going to spend, for the sake of time, I'm not going to spend a ton of time reteaching you things that have been taught here on the podcast for years. But we have a handy dandy search bar on our podcast, uh, podcast page on the website, and you can search for anything there. So, anti inflammatory diet, we have episodes on this, so go check those out. One thing that I'll say, I do not believe that everybody needs to be on a gluten free diet, but if you are sensitive to gluten and you are eating gluten, it is going to cause inflammation. It's going to cause inflammation in your gut, in your body, and in your brain. In fact, for folks who have celiac disease and even non celiac gluten sensitivity, some of the chief issues and chief symptoms of that are more neurological and brain based.

    Erin Holt [00:29:10]:

    So just keep that in mind. If you're struggling with any of the brain fog stuff, um, it might be worth doing a gluten test. We have one on our website called the Wheat Zoomer. You can just purchase it. You don't have to be an active client of ours. And that will kind of tell you what's going on. We'll tell you if you've got leaky gut going on. It will tell you if you're reacting negatively to gluten, and so might be something to look into.

    Erin Holt [00:29:31]:

    And I'll share this anecdotally. Um, I struggled with eating disorders for 13 years. Eight years. A chunk of years that was around ten. I always. I always forget. Um, but a long time, a good long time.

    Erin Holt [00:29:50]:

    I think it was 13 years. Anyway, I digress. I think I'm going to be talking about my recovery from eating disorders here on the show soon. I've been teasing it out for, like, literally six and a half years, and I'm like, this might be, you know, this might be the time that I share, finally share how I recovered from something that was not supposed to be recoverable. Anyway, one of the things that I did was remove gluten. And I feel like this is like, a little risque to say, but it's the God's honest truth. I could not make changes in my life to my behavior with that much inflammation in my brain. I was depressed, I was anxious, I was chronically fatigued.

    Erin Holt [00:30:33]:

    Um, I slept so much, I had to take so many different medical leaves of absence from school. And of course, there were so many things going on mentally and emotionally, but I just couldn't untangle that insane web when I was eating something that my body was negatively reacting to and having an inflammatory and immune response to it every single day, I couldn't heal in that environment. Um, and so once I realized I was sensitive to gluten and finally took it out, I really noticed that I was able to put other behaviors in place. It wasn't just like, oh, I removed the gluten and the eating disorder went away, but I removed the gluten, I brought down the inflammation, and then I was able, more readily able, to make the appropriate changes to shift on identity levels and do more of the emotional healing. And, you know, at the time, like, I was, I was hip to dip. I was doing the CBT, the cognitive behavioral therapy. I was reading Louise Hay, I was reading Eckhart Tolle. I was doing the meditations and the manifestations, like, I was in it.

    Erin Holt [00:31:36]:

    And it still, I still couldn't, could not heal from bulimia. It was bad. So excuse me. So do without what you will, but an anti inflammatory diet is key. It's critical. This also includes balancing your blood sugar. Like I said earlier, blood sugar, whether it's high, low, or fluctuating in between, is very inflammatory to the brain and the body. So we have to dial in our blood sugar balance. Got loads of podcast stuff for you to help you with that.

    Erin Holt [00:32:07]:

    Supporting the microbiome in the gut health. Like I talked about, the gut-brain access. If there's inflammation going on at the level of the gut, it's going to travel on up to the brain. If you haven't by now downloaded my free digestive guide. Go do that. It's a PDF, you can get it for free. We'll link it up in the show notes, but that could be helpful. It's more so supporting digestion before you get to the microbiome, but, um, can be really helpful.

    Erin Holt [00:32:31]:

    Uh, like we talked about, leaky gut can also lead to leaky brain. So we want to make sure that we are supporting the gut. Certain things can drive inflammation more significantly, like LPS or endotoxemia. LP's stands for lipopolysaccharides, and they're compounds that are on the, basically on the outside of some of the negative bacteria that we might have in our guts. And, um, if they breach the barrier and they get into circulation, they can cause a lot of inflammation throughout the body and the brain. Mold and mycotoxins can do this. So we're really looking at the overall environment that you're in and asking, is there anything here that could be contributing to inflammation? Big one is chronic stress. Big one is chronic stress.

    Erin Holt [00:33:15]:

    Chronic stress makes your brain less fireable. It makes your brain less neuroplastic. So we always want to be practicing getting into a parasympathetic healing response with our bodies and doing anything that we can to reduce stress, or reduce our perception of stress, too. This will really allow us to access more of the power of our brain and the ability to rewire it. So, like I said, we've got lots of free resources all throughout this podcast to help you with this, so you can, you know, just duck dive right into the podcast and just like, binge your little heart out. If you need a more specific plan, you can join our functional nutrition membership called the Collective. You know, I'm going to just take a minute here to talk a little bit more about my offers, because sometimes people get confused of like, where do I start? But basically it's on a timeline, so you can, you can jump in anywhere. You know, we have Eat to Achieve, which is 21 days.

    Erin Holt [00:34:19]:

    You can stretch it out over longer than that. Most people do. It's really about how to learn to eat an anti inflammatory diet. You can use it as an elimination style diet if you're trying to suss out food sensitivities, because if you're eating foods that you are reactive and sensitive to, that can of course contribute to inflammation. We've got the CCP, the Carb Compatibility Project, which is all about learning how to eat, to regulate your blood sugar, and just overall metabolism. We've got Your Hormone Revival, which is a three month process to balance your hormones and learn how to support your nervous system, which is, which is a big one. We've got the Boundaries Course. And I throw that in there because in my experience, working with thousands of women over the years, over functioning, lack of boundaries can absolutely lead to severe cortisol dysregulation.

    Erin Holt [00:35:12]:

    So I throw in the Boundaries Course as a little bonus treat for folks who are looking to balance their hormones or support leaky gut anyway. Love that course so much. And then we have Body Intentions Breakthrough, which is how to start to get into subconscious mind work. So you could go through these programs exactly like I just laid them out for you, and we've actually mapped them out that way as a timeline in the collective, like a healing timeline. Or like I said before, you can really jump in at any. Any old place. So just know that that's available to you if you're, like, getting ready, if you're like, okay, Manifest Your Health.

    Erin Holt [00:35:59]:

    It's like, on my vision board, I'm coming for it. I'm gonna do it. But you're like, in the meantime, I want to really support my physical body. The Collective is probably the best way to do that. And here's the deal. If we resource our bodies, we can better change our minds. If we bring down chronic inflammation in the body, if we reduce these wild blood sugar swings, if we support the gut, that all helps to reduce inflammation in the body, and then therefore, inflammation in the brain, it helps to bring down neuroinflammation. And when we do this, we can more readily change neural networks.

    Erin Holt [00:36:34]:

    We can stabilize ourselves. We can create the changes that we want to see in our minds and in our bodies. So think about it like this. You're basically preparing the physical body to build new networks. How cool. All right, that's what I've got for you today. We're actually taking a break next week for July 4, and then we're going to be back in action, talking more Manifest Your Health stuff. So I hope you guys love it.

    Erin Holt [00:36:58]:

    I sure do. Can you tell? And I'll see you in two weeks. Bye. Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend, and keep coming back for more. Take care of you.


Episode 316: Microbiome, Metabolic Health & GLP-1 with Colleen Cutcliffe