Episode 318: Reframing Chronic Health Symptoms | Manifest Your Health Series

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Erin interviews Cameryn, our Client Success Coordinator and previous client of TFN, for our first ever expander episode. They dive into how the framework within Manifest Your Health™ can help you shift your thoughts related to chronic health symptoms and diagnoses to a place of growth, expansion, and possibility so that you can reach your full healing potential.

In our Manifest Your Health™ mini series, Erin continues to offer up new ways to think about your health.  You'll walk away with perspective shifts to help you view your own healing potential!

In this episode:

The difference between the field of predictability and possibility [4:52]

What it means to reach your full healing potential [11:11]

How self-compassion plays a role in healing [13:16]

Reframing your diagnosis to feel hopeful and expansive [19:04]

Metaphysical underpinnings of symptoms [26:18]

A practice to rewire your brain for possibility [41:37]

Resources mentioned:

Manifest Your Health

Shift Your Brain to Reach Your Health Goals on August 1st at 4pm ET

Eat to Achieve™ (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective

Carb Compatibility Project™ (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Qualia Mind (get $100 off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with code FUNK)

Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) 

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!)  

Ned Natural Remedies (get 20% off your order with code FUNK)

Learn more about Manifest Your Health

Related episodes:

317: Chronic Inflammation, Neuroplasticity & Your Healing Potential | Manifest Your Health Series

298: Where Science Meets the Sacred

267: It’s Not Always Your Mind (But Sometimes It Is)

  • Erin Holt [00:00:02]:

    I'm Erin Holt, and this is the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, where we lean into intuitive functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions, and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience, and because of that, I've got a major bone to pick with diet culture and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us. But functional medicine isn't the panacea that it's made out to be either. We've got some work to do, and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect.

    Erin Holt [00:00:39]:

    So I founded the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy, a school and mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you if you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show, rate, review, and share because you never know whose life you might change. And of course, keep coming back for more. Hello, friends. Today we're back and we're going to share with you an expander. So, if you're not familiar with the concept of expanders, let me clue you.

    Erin Holt [00:01:25]:

    As my husband's father would say, let me clue you. An expander shows your subconscious mind that what you desire can actually be done. So it's very cool. It will show your mind what can be achieved, what can be manifested. And that's a really big deal. If we are trying to change. Like, here's the whole deal. If we want to change, we have to actively seek out evidence that change is possible.

    Erin Holt [00:01:52]:

    I'm going to say that one more time. If you want to change, you have to actively seek out evidence that change is possible. You have to show your mind that what you want to create actually exists out there. We need to search for evidence of what we want to see, what we want to create, what we want to do, what we want to be, what we want to have, always. So it's really important that you look for what's possible rather than looking to reinforce what you already believe and what you already have. But that's what our mind is designed to do. Our minds are designed to showcase more of our beliefs, reflect more of our beliefs back to us, almost like a mirror. This is what I believe.

    Erin Holt [00:02:31]:

    This is what I see. This is what I see, this is what I believe. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's like a cycle. So if we want to change what we see in our reality, what we see in our life, or what we see in our health, our physical bodies, this requires active participation and it's what is known as self directed neuroplasticity. Self directed means you are the self and you are directing it. You're steering the ship. And if you don't make use of this power, this innate power that we all have in us, if you don't make use of it, if you don't self direct it, then other forces will shape your brain for you.

    Erin Holt [00:03:05]:

    And, you know, if you like your reality, if you like your current life, if you like your current current circumstances, if you like your current health situation, no big deal, that's great. But if you don't like it and you want to change it, okay, well, now you have to be an active participant in it. So it's really up to you to look for what is possible. It's up for you to look for evidence of what you want to see and to show your mind what's possible, to wire your brain for possibility. Now, if you want to learn more about this, we actually have a free masterclass called Shift Your Brain to Reach Your Health Goals. We'll link it up in the show notes for you, but that's. That's a free class that you can just watch and have a better understanding of how the subconscious mind operates, how it kind of runs the show, how you can reprogram it if you don't like what you see. So good stuff there.

    Erin Holt [00:03:54]:

    But today is, like I said, more of an expander. Many of you have asked for actual client case studies, like, you want to see and you want to hear from actual clients. And since I love nothing more than helping you wire your brain for possibility, we're doing that today. And today we're using Cameryn as an expander. Cameryn is our Client Success Coordinator here at the Funk'tional Nutritionist, but before that, she was actually a client of ours here at TFN. So welcome, Cam.

    Cameryn [00:04:22]:

    Hi. Thanks for having me. This is nuts. This is wild.

    Erin Holt [00:04:26]:

    It's a little meta because Cameryn also edits and produces the podcast.

    Cameryn [00:04:31]:

    I'm not looking forward to hearing my voice.

    Erin Holt [00:04:34]:

    I didn't even think about that until now. It's going to be so cringey for you.

    Cameryn [00:04:38]:


    Erin Holt [00:04:39]:

    Oh, you're just gonna be like, I don't know. You're gonna have to, like, take a shot before you listen to something. Okay, so I'm so glad you're here. We've been talking about doing this for a while, and now we're actually making it happen. Before we tuck and roll into your story, I really want to discuss this concept, because I've been talking about it a lot lately in different places and spaces and FNA and IMPACT, and I want to bring it here because I haven't talked about it on the podcast, but it's a really helpful way to think about these things, I think. There is a difference between the field of predictability and the field of possibility, and you get to choose which field you're playing in. So the field of predictability says, here's what's happened in the past.

    Erin Holt [00:05:21]:

    This is what's happened. I have evidence that it's happened. And so this is what's predictable. I can predict what's happened. It's kind of like taking our past and, like mapping it over into our future. This is like statements. This is how things are. You know, when you're making a statement, you're playing in the field of predictability.

    Erin Holt [00:05:39]:

    This is how things are. This is how things have always been. This is how things will be. This is how things are. Also usually when somebody says, yeah, but look like, oh, I want to do that. I want to believe that. I want to have that. But that's usually you operating in the field of predictability, and operating in the field of predictability is how things tend to stay the same.

    Erin Holt [00:06:01]:

    Kind of makes sense. But here's the deal. If you are trying to get somewhere that you haven't yet been, you can't get there through predictability. You need to open up to the field of possibility. And we get in the field of possibility by asking questions. What if this could be another way? It's not bypassing your current circumstances. It's not saying this isn't real. It's just saying, but could this be different? How could this be different? I am open to seeing this in a different way.

    Erin Holt [00:06:29]:

    What could this look like? How could I be the person who has x, y, and z? I think that Gay Hendricks refers to these as wonder questions, and he says that a wonder question takes you into infinity. There's no limit to these questions. And this is how we grow into new territories. This is how we allow for new ideas, new perspectives, new experiences to drop in. This is what allows us to stay open, to receive. This is what allows us to quantum leap into a new identity. But we get there through questions, not through statements. So we can.

    Erin Holt [00:07:09]:

    If you're looking to create something new. And you want to play around in the field of possibility. How could this look? You get there through asking questions. Stay a match for possibility by asking, what if? What if this could be real? What if this could be true? What could this look like? How could I be the person who? So, again, I will remind you that if you want to change, you have to actively seek out evidence that change is possible. You have to show your mind. You have to direct your mind, like, hey, this could exist. What could it look like for me? This is already existing out there for somebody else.

    Erin Holt [00:07:42]:

    Now, what could it look like for me? Search for evidence that what you want to create is real and look for what's possible, rather than looking to reinforce the field of predictability, which is what you already believe. Okay, so how's that for an intro? Did I set us up pretty good?

    Cameryn [00:08:01]:

    I think you did great.

    Erin Holt [00:08:02]:

    Okay, so let's talk about your predictability and possibility. Tell us about your health journey, because, like most of our listeners, you've got one.

    Cameryn [00:08:11]:

    Yeah. And that's obviously why I became a client of yours, because I wasn't feeling great. And so that's how I found the podcast. But it started.

    Erin Holt [00:08:22]:

    I know. Did you like Google? Like, how did you find the podcast?

    Cameryn [00:08:26]:

    The studio that I was managing in New Hampshire, the girls, the yoga teachers, were, like, whispering about this podcast. I don't think they knew that I was, like, struggling with health issues, but they're like, you should check out this podcast. And that's how I found it. And then I just, like, dove into everything The Funk'tional Nutritionist.

    Erin Holt [00:08:46]:

    All those yoga and barre teachers out there whispering in the studio are doing God's work. Keep it up. Keep it up, folks.

    Cameryn [00:08:57]:

    It was 2020, naturally, right after the pandemic, and I had a lot of GI issues and debilitating anxiety, like, doing all the yoga and all the self care and just still, it was terrible. It was, like, the worst anxiety I could ever imagine. Like, didn't want to teach my yoga classes, couldn't get out of bed, and I started listening to the podcast and ended up doing Eat to Achieve. And that's still how I eat to this day, four years later, like, totally revamped the standard American diet into, like, eating whole foods, you know, like, foods I wish I learned about in elementary school. And I also ended up doing CCP as well right afterwards and then got the email that I was accepted to work with you as a one to one client. So I felt great working with you one on one. We resolved a lot of my gut issues, did a whole leaky gut protocol and set my boundaries, left some unhealthy situations, and felt really great for a couple years. Like, a solid three years, I'd say.

    Cameryn [00:10:03]:

    I rode that wave. And then 2023, basically a year ago, last summer, was when a lot of the same symptoms from 2020 came up. Burnt out. We also had a flood at our apartment at the time, too, which was really stressful for me and my roommates. I had lost, like, my grandmother and my cat unexpectedly. So life was lifing like it was in 2020, but it was even more so frustrating this time because I'm like, okay, I'm eating gluten free. I'm dairy free. I'm eating all the whole foods. Like, I'm eating the best that I can.

    Cameryn [00:10:39]:

    Why is this happening again? Like, I just felt like I was in the best, the best health I could have been. But yet my health was still steadily declining, and that's when I found to Manifest Your Health.

    Erin Holt [00:10:53]:

    So it's kind of like the tools that had got you well, they kind of, like, stopped working, or they, like, you couldn't revert to the same resources and the same tools that kind of, like, fixed the original problem. Those things weren't. You're like, I'm doing all of the things, and I'm still not making progress. Like, what gives?

    Cameryn [00:11:10]:


    Erin Holt [00:11:11]:

    So I feel like that was a turning point for me in my whole, you know, health trajectory. It's when I felt like I haven't quite reached my. My healing potential yet. Like, I feel good, but I feel like I could feel great, but I've also, at the same time, exhausted a lot of the options that already existed. And at this point, I was a functional medicine practitioner. Like, I know a lot of the options. I kind of know all of them, you know? And I was doing all the things, and I'm like, I feel like maybe I'm 80% there, but there's still that 20% that I'm like, I just. I know, like, talk about the field of possibility.

    Erin Holt [00:11:46]:

    I'm like, I see what's possible. I just don't really see how I can get myself there, but I know it's out there. Do you resonate with that at all, like, where you were in 2023?

    Cameryn [00:11:56]:

    Yes. Yes, definitely. I'd say more, and I know we'll get to this, too, but, like, more on an energetic standpoint of feeling. Like, I knew what future Cam was capable of and what the capacity for myself, I guess. And I felt like I was at, like you were saying, 80% capacity. I'm like, I want to be living at 100% capacity. But I felt very stuck of, how do I level up?

    Erin Holt [00:12:25]:

    That's a good way to put it. I. You know, it's. Everything happens on an energetic level first before it, like, takes form in, like, the physical plane. And I think sometimes our. I don't know what you want to call them. Our spirits, our higher selves, like, our souls. They're like, hey, come on up.

    Erin Holt [00:12:44]:

    Like, it's great over here. We're, like, in these human bodies, and we're like, totally, like, how do I get there? I would love to. Show me how. And sometimes, honestly, that's how I get my answers, is I, like, you know, tap into my future self, and I'm like, show me how I want. Yes. Love that for me. Show me how to get there, please. So you were kind of, like, dipping your toe into the world of manifestation at this point, because you said you, you.

    Erin Holt [00:13:10]:

    I know that you had enrolled in Manifest Your Health, but there was a moment before then, right?

    Cameryn [00:13:16]:

    Yeah, I. There was this Instagram, this very young Instagram girlie who basically, like, grew her whole manifestation business through Instagram, and she teaches you the methodologies. And I was debating on doing. She does, like, one on one, or she does monthly memberships, and I was debating on doing it, but something with her didn't sit well with me. Like, I would listen to her and she would. It felt very much like, don't think negative thoughts, anything negative you think you are producing that in your life. Like, a lot of the spiritual, like, bypassing, like, I felt like, yeah, but if I'm gonna.

    Cameryn [00:13:55]:

    If I'm upset, I'm gonna cry and, like, be upset and feel that, or I'm just. It's gonna show somehow. It's gonna come up somehow. So I was really, really close to taking her course just so that I had some type of framework to work with. And then literally, like, I shit you not 24 hours later, you were posting about Manifest Your Health. I'm like, I manifested. Manifest your health.

    Erin Holt [00:14:17]:

    You did.

    Cameryn [00:14:18]:

    I love this.

    Erin Holt [00:14:19]:

    You've manifested a lot when, like, me and our company, there's a lot you're doing behind the scenes, but I love that. Yeah, you know, that's. That's actually a really important point that you bring up, and I think it's why I didn't use the word manifestation for so long, even. I mean, I've already joked that it's like, I had to, like, have my come out of the closet moment when it came to manifestation. I got to a point where I'm like, I gotta stop hiding this from people, because this is how I, like, recovered from the things that everybody told me I couldn't recover from the things that people told me were incurable and unhealable, like, I done did that. So I got to, like, actually tell people the full story, not just 80% of how I did that, but, like, all the way, you know? And manifestation was a huge part of it, using principles in concepts of manifestation. And, you know, there's so much, so much of it, especially the work that I do, is steeped in science, that I feel like the science kind of grounds it. But there is a huge propensity to just completely bypass, and that is not what we're doing here.

    Erin Holt [00:15:21]:

    There's so much. So self compassion. I'm a Stanford trained compassion teacher, and compassion is the willingness and the ability and the capacity to sit with suffering. And so self compassion is being willing, able to turn toward your own suffering, and sometimes building capacity to do that, because it's not as easy as it sounds. And so if we're in a moment of suffering, which is any moment, that here's the way I want things to be, here's where things are, it's different than the way I want them to be, that's a moment of suffering. That's how a moment of suffering is defined. And we have to be willing to acknowledge that, to not go dark on ourselves, to not pull a black curtain over that and say, oh, I can't look at that. Because if I look at that, then I will no longer be manifesting and thinking positively.

    Erin Holt [00:16:11]:

    That is not. That's not what we're doing here. And so I'm really glad that you brought that up, because it's such an important distinction. We are not teaching or training or encouraging people to not turn towards themselves. In fact, just the opposite. We have to build capacity to turn towards the inner parts of ourselves, the inner aspects of ourselves that need us. But a part of compassion is also taking action away from that. So we have to build up the machinery, build up the resources and the tools, have the practices to not stay mired in the suffering.

    Erin Holt [00:16:42]:

    And I think that's sort of the difference. And I think that's the nuance that gets missed oftentimes in this conversation.

    Erin Holt [00:18:19]:

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    Erin Holt [00:19:04]:

    Manifest Your Health is our system of healing, where we essentially teach you how to use your own biology to heal. And all this stuff that we've been talking about, you'll hear us talk about. But I also feel like there is. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this, Cam. I feel like there's a certain readiness level for Manifest Your Health. I think it comes in at a certain point in somebody's healing trajectory. I would never tell somebody to not do it because I think there's a lot of medicine in it. However, this is the way that I think about it in my brain.

    Erin Holt [00:19:34]:

    This is how I created it. It's for people who feel constricted and limited by what they've been told about their health, because we know that sometimes if we receive a diagnosis or receive even functional lab data, that backs up, hey, this is why you've been feeling the way you're feeling. That can feel so validating. So I'm never trying to rip that validation away from somebody, but I'm like, if you get to a point where you feel like you've outgrown that, then Manifest Your Health is for you. And I always quote my pal Astrid, who's a therapist. She's been on the show before, Astrid Schmidt. And she says, if your label or diagnosis makes you feel hopeful, expansive, accepted, alive, and, like, there's room for growth, go with it. But if it makes you feel inhibited, limited, stuck, like, this is me forever, and I will never change.

    Erin Holt [00:20:24]:

    This is my life sentence. Then don't go with it. There is more. And so I kind of say that Manifest Your Health is the, "This is more." I'm curious if you feel like that's where you were at when you found Manifest Your Health.

    Cameryn [00:20:43]:

    I don't think I was aware of it, but I think that's where I was at. Even now, it's been a year out of the program, like, I did it, I think, last June, and I'm realizing now, on a subconscious level, or even on, like, my high, like, personal soul spirit level, that me getting sick again was because I needed to dive deeper into myself. It's like, okay, here are literally all the same symptoms that you went through before, but you need to approach it differently this time. And I'm also now looking at it, like, four years ago, three years ago, when I was sick, that was a big shifting and up leveling in my life. And now that I'm sick again, it's a big redirection and shifting again in my life. And I needed the support of the framework within Manifest Your Health to kind of redirect and course correct. I think without it, I would have been, like, out on a ship at sea with no directionality, just lost.

    Erin Holt [00:21:46]:

    Yeah. Holy smokes. Yep. Mm hmm. Yes. And I don't know if I've ever said this. I'm sure I've shared this with you, but maybe not. And I don't think I've ever said this on the podcast.

    Erin Holt [00:21:57]:

    Oftentimes when I'm teaching programs or philosophies or whatever, I have to go, like, I go through it another time. It's like, one more time. And I have to, like, it's like. But it. At first, I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? How am I fucking back here. That's my initial reaction, you know, that's my. That's my little, like, inner child having a temper tantrum. But then I realized, like, oh, I'm coming at it a from a completely different vantage point, you know? And I'm saying this for people who are.

    Erin Holt [00:22:28]:

    Who feel like they're, like, back in the same struggle. It's probably not the same struggle. It's probably same theme, similar patterns, but you have different tools, different resources, different vantage point, so you can get different medicine out of it. So it's like a deepening of the spiral, like you're going deeper in the same spiral so that you can come up out of the spiral with new, unique medicine, new unique perspectives, like an up level, like you said, Cam. And when I was teaching last summer, when I was teaching the beta rounds of Manifest Your Health, I was, like, in a weird little, like, health pocket, and I'm like, I haven't been here for years. Like, what's going on? And I realize, I'm like, oh. Like, I have to.

    Erin Holt [00:23:10]:

    There's more medicine here for me so that I can teach other people through this program. And so it's such a completely different way to look at it. It's a wonderful reframe for anybody listening who's like, oh, I feel so frustrated. Why am I back here? And so that's a unique perspective. It's like you're saying you were back at the same symptoms because you needed to look at things differently and learn a different lesson.

    Cameryn [00:23:32]:

    And it's been hard because I just moved back home with my parents, kind of right at the tipping point of when I started being sick. And, like, it's definitely gotten worse before it's gotten better. And so my mom will look at me. I'm, like, so bloated, like, so pregnant looking, and she panics, and I'm like, mom, like, it's not a big deal. Like, I've been here. I know I'm going to come out of this. Like, I am very much not worried about it.

    Cameryn [00:23:58]:

    And she's very much like, helicopter mom over it, which was how I was. Like, I was in that same mind space when I was initially sick of, like, how do I heal? My doctors aren't listening to me. This is no help. Seeing so many doctors, no answers. And now I'm like, I've been here. I've healed. I've grown so much. I've learned so much through this.

    Cameryn [00:24:20]:

    It's going to be okay. I just need to be patient with it.

    Erin Holt [00:24:23]:

    How cool. Like, and how cool. But, like, now you can see you have perspective that, like, so how your mom's handling it is, like, how you used to handle it, but it's like, she's almost like, a mirror of, like, hey, this is what I used to be totally coming at this from a different perspective. Wow. Like, healing is actually happening, or it has happened. This is good. We're moving on from it.

    Erin Holt [00:24:43]:

    And even just the way that, like, because here's the deal, you guys. We have human bodies, so we're not trying to manifest our way outside of a human body because then you're dead. So, like, we have to, like, you know what I'm saying? Like, we're here on earth. Like, let's, you know, take a beat and take advantage of it. But we have human bodies, and sometimes they don't feel great. You know, we can go through, like, big life stressors, like Cam said. We can have big transition periods. We can just go through things.

    Erin Holt [00:25:15]:

    And so it's more about the story that we tell ourselves about what we're going through. Like, that's gonna have the most impact. So, like, yeah, sometimes my GI stuff flares up. Okay, great. I've, like, you know, I've been through some things. My gi tube has been through some things. It makes sense that once in a blue moon, it's gonna have, like, a little cranky moment. Like, that makes sense.

    Erin Holt [00:25:39]:

    But now I don't go into a spiral, like, for three months of, like, what does it mean? What could this be? What's wrong with me? Like, I knew it. I knew I would never get better. This is just proof positive. There's no, there's no storyline. There's no negative narrative that's attached to it. I can just look at it kind of from a less biased perspective and just be like, oh, okay. I'm just looking at the facts here.

    Erin Holt [00:26:01]:

    I'm not operating from a wounded place and making decisions from a wounded place. I can look at it from more of a clear cut. Like, let's look at all the facts. Let's look at this less from a, like, an amygdala hijack response and just, like, look at. Look at the facts of this, and everything's gonna be okay. So I think that that's just such a positive, positive thing. Can you talk a little bit more about, like, um, specifically how Manifest Your Health taught you to view your symptoms?

    Cameryn [00:26:34]:

    Yeah, I I still use it to this day. And I also I don't think I realized it during Manifest Your Health, and then it became more helpful afterwards. But we had this whole listing of all symptoms and what it can be tied to from a metaphysical standpoint. And at this point, I didn't really know what I was, what my underlying kind of diagnosis was. I just knew I wasn't pooping. Like, that was the biggest thing. I'm not going to the bathroom. This reminds me of a few years ago, and it was actually after maybe a week after we closed out Manifest Your Health.

    Cameryn [00:27:14]:

    And we were doing a lot of breath work and a lot of somatic work, and I was laying in bed, and I was like, whoa, I think I need to test for mold exposure. And it had made sense because when you and I worked together, initially, you were like, you're a moldy girl. We need to test you. And you were right. And the dorm I had lived in at college was, they don't use it anymore because the mold is so bad in that building. They used it to quarantine people with COVID in, actually.

    Erin Holt [00:27:42]:

    Oh, that's fine. Yep, yep.

    Cameryn [00:27:45]:

    So this was maybe three or four months after our flood and our landlord, so they came to fix a toilet in my apartment, and they didn't properly reattach the toilet, so they flooded the whole apartment. My bedroom, it was like the bathroom attached to my bedroom. So my bedroom was the worst. And they were just going to blow dry our carpets and just lay them back down. And I was like, no. I was like, I had mold exposure before. Like, I'm not screwing around with this. You need to replace our flooring.

    Cameryn [00:28:17]:

    They refused. And then, like, two days later, I go in and there's black mold everywhere. So they replaced everything. But I was like, I don't know if I really trusted they properly remediated. So I'm like, oh, my God. Why didn't I think of, like, having mold exposure from this experience? So I took a urine test, and I had mold exposure, but, like, you know, my family was like, you need to get out tomorrow. You need to move, pack your bags.

    Cameryn [00:28:43]:

    I'm like, you know, we're going through a lawsuit and everything now, too. Like, I'm. I can stay here for a couple more weeks. I've. I've lived five months in this apartment at this point. And then I looked at what mold exposure was from Manifest Your Health standpoint, and it's, like, not feeling safe in your, like, living situation in your life. And we had serious back and forth with our landlords. I mean, we were suing them.

    Cameryn [00:29:09]:

    And it also caused a ton of stress between me and my roommates and having to move while they were remediating and putting my cat down. I was like, I don't feel safe in my living experience right now. Like, that makes total sense. And so now when I have symptoms like that, I look at what they could mean and I reflect on it, and it's usually pretty accurate. And then it takes, like, the, why? Like, why is this happening? I'm like, oh, no, this makes sense.

    Erin Holt [00:29:39]:

    Yeah, it's. It's like the premise is that the body is really wise in all knowing and the body is the subconscious mind to steal from Candace Pert. And it's all interconnected with our energy field in our spirit. And so I recognize that this is a pretty big conversation for a lot of people. And, you know, I'm not going to get into the science of it.

    Erin Holt [00:31:57]:

    One thing I will say, though, is that for folks who, like, have to be anchored in, grounded in the science, you have to understand our understanding of what is real and what is valid has changed over the years. And just because we have not discovered something yet does not mean that it doesn't exist. So for the folks who are waiting for, like, a white paper to prove and to back up all of this, like, you might, you know, you might be missing out on healing potential, healing possibilities. So some people will bristle at this conversation, and that's totally fine. Maybe it's just not the conversation for you right now. And some people will. It will feel like a warm hug, and we're like, come in closer.

    Erin Holt [00:32:38]:

    We're like, we're. Come on in. You know, like, jump in. The water's warm. Like, trust us on this. So I recognize that this is. Can be a little bit wild, and I don't want to do too, too, too much, like, you know, posting disclaimers here. But what we're not saying is that you brought anything on yourself.

    Erin Holt [00:32:54]:

    What we're not trying to do is create an on ramp for self blame. That's not it. That is not the process here. That is not what we're doing at all. But in its infinite wisdom, sometimes the body will send us messages that we are not otherwise getting. You know, there might be, like, whispers and, like, nudges. And if we're not really keyed into our energy body and to, like, picking up those messages when they're just whispers, then the body itself is going to be like, okay, all right, I got you.

    Erin Holt [00:33:23]:

    I'm gonna direct her where she needs to go, because the body is always trying to protect you no matter what. And sometimes, you know, we can look at it and be like, okay, that's a little bit of a quirky way to go about it, but ultimately, it's trying to direct you and guide you on your path. And so that's kind of what this. Looking at some of the, what I call metaphysical underpinnings of symptoms, that's kind of the point of that. The other thing I love about that is because if you've struggled with chronic stuff in the past and you start to get symptoms or they, like, flare up, it's really common for us to want to do something about that. Like, when we're not feeling well, when symptoms pop up, we want to go into, like, fix it mode. So this, I believe.

    Erin Holt [00:34:14]:

    I'm curious to hear if this is your experience, for me, personally, it gives my brain a task to do. So I feel like I'm doing something. You know, like, I'm like, okay, I'm doing something great. Rather than spend that time, like, Google searching or going, like, what's wrong with me? Or going into a Facebook group where everybody identifies as having chronic conditions and then continue to reinforce that identity for myself. So I will plow, you know, the list and then look at it, like, write in my journal. Like, okay, how could this be showing up in my life? And usually there's, like, a really clear cut message, and when I take the wisdom of that message and take action steps on it in my life, the symptoms do go away.

    Cameryn [00:34:56]:

    Yeah, I think I'm the same way. Like, I want to feel like I'm doing something and somehow taking control of the situation. And the reason why I like having that metaphysical list is that I feel like I'm looking for the answers inside of myself rather than looking for the answers outside of myself. Like, it brings me more home to me rather than going on this complete spiral down WebMD.

    Erin Holt [00:35:27]:

    Love that. Love that. All right, so when we originally ran the beta group, which you were in, it was a six week program. So for inquiring minds, did you totally heal yourself in your entire physical body and your mental body and your emotional body in six weeks?

    Cameryn [00:35:45]:

    I did not. Oh, I did not. But it just keeps getting better with age. Like, we joke. I I actually, it was hard for me to just picture, like, I loved, loved, loved, loved the breath work that we did. Like, that was the wildest experience that I have ever done. Like, at 02:00 p.m. on a Tuesday, completely sober.

    Cameryn [00:36:08]:

    It was, like, such a special day. I had to, like, go outside and sit on a rock and, like, let it marinate what just happened. But it was hard for to picture, like, my healthy body, just, like, just me being healthy, like, on an empty white canvas. So I had to picture naturally, like, what my life was like when what my life picture was, like, like, zoom out more and be like, what is this Cam doing? And I was thinking at the point about, like, leaving my full time job, and I wanted something remote, and I knew I wanted to get another cat, but I wanted to get two. It's like just having one. I wanted him to have a partner.

    Erin Holt [00:36:52]:

    Yeah. Cam's a wicked cat lady. Maybe we should have led with that. Yes.

    Cameryn [00:36:57]:

    Very witchy of me. I manifested a black cat, too, naturally, but. And I was like, I really want a new Jeep Wrangler. Like, I just. I knew that those things were happening at the time of healing. And it's been, you know, a year. And I landed a job with you very unexpectedly, like, literally just sent your team my resume. And, like, three months later, we ended up connecting and, like, it just aligned really well.

    Cameryn [00:37:23]:

    And I was fostering a couple of cats, which, like, really didn't end up, like, really didn't think it would end up in adoption, and it did. And then I just got the keys to my new Jeep Wrangler, like, two weeks ago. So it's taking. It's taking time. But it's so funny to me that, like, the things that I really worked on and felt in my body last summer are, like, happening IRL.

    Erin Holt [00:37:44]:

    It's so cool. It's, like, just, like, so fun for, like, me to witness and watch. I. So here's my experience. So Cam's over there, like, manifest in her whole life, and she does send in an email with a, I think it was, like, back in November, maybe. I don't know. Yeah, with her resume. And she's like, hey, just in case you're ever hiring.

    Erin Holt [00:38:05]:

    And, you know, people do that, but I was like, we got to keep this one on file. Like, it was like, I mean, I knew Cam because I had worked with her one on one, so we already had a relationship established, and she was, you know, you would dm me. So we, like, kind of maintained connection. But I was like, there was something. It was an energy, you guys. I can't explain why. I was just like, keep that one on file. And then in December, I don't know, like a cup.

    Erin Holt [00:38:31]:

    Two months, maybe like, two months later, we had to hire. And I was like, wait a second. I was like, I know. And I just randomly, it was like a nighttime email. I was like, hey, are you still looking for a job? And you wrote right back. And I was like, okay. And it just, like, all, like, it just synced up well.

    Cameryn [00:38:49]:

    I went to bed. It was a Saturday night. I went to bed, and I was like, okay, now I just get good at talking to the universe. I'm like, okay, this is what I am looking for. And I was like, I was just teaching yoga part time, like rubbing pennies together. And I was like, okay, I'm ready for you to show me the next step of my career. And the next morning, Sunday morning, you're like, hey, are you still looking for a job? And I was like, I asked you for this and you answered.

    Erin Holt [00:39:13]:

    Oh, my God.

    Cameryn [00:39:14]:

    You had said that you, like, that night, too. You were like, okay, I need to put together a good team.

    Erin Holt [00:39:20]:

    Yeah, it was like the universe is like, sit back, ladies. I got you. Shut up. Go to sleep. I'm gonna make some shit happen tonight.

    Cameryn [00:39:31]:

    It all sounds really out there, and I know it can sound out there like, I have very few friends I can talk to you about this, but in your program, you do make it very science backed and, like, why this stuff works the way it does. So if you're, like, getting lost in this conversation, know that there's a lot of science behind it that you will learn within the program.

    Erin Holt [00:39:52]:

    I'm always going to ground things in science because it is. I think Joe Dispenza says this. Like, it's like the common. You know, it's like the common ground for all of us to be like, okay, you know, this is real. And even some things that haven't been technically discovered yet, there's, like, a lot of evidence and, like, proof, you know? So I'm always bringing that to the forefront, because what it does is, like, allows our conscious mind to kind of, like, relax a little bit. Like, so it's not, like, resist, resist, resist, you know, like, allows our conscious mind to come offline so that our subconscious can just kind of, like, soak it up and drink it in and, like, really receive the messages that we need to receive. So I thank you for saying that, because that is something that I really attempt to do for a reason. Not because I think we need science to validate stuff, but because I think it just helps people connect with the messages so much more.

    Erin Holt [00:40:43]:

    All right, any, like, last, last thoughts about the Manifest Your Health system? Because we are reopening it for next month. So if anyone's, like, interested in it or on the fence, like, any last final thoughts?

    Cameryn [00:40:56]:

    Yeah. Well, I guess I also didn't answer the question about, like, my health. I just, like, I got a new car. It was, like, all material things. Health is definitely still a work in progress, I'd say. And I'm actually really in a season of revamping my life, so I'm still learning a lot more about it and diving more into the energy healing, and I think it's still taking me to places I need to be at. So I'm actually grateful for it and not nearly at all as anxious about it as I was before prior to Manifest Your Health. So I think that was, like, a big takeaway.

    Erin Holt [00:41:37]:

    So I want to leave folks with, like, just a little treat, little snack, something you can do right now to wire your brain for possibility and to look for evidence that something is possible. What you can do is show your mind that there are some things that you used to view as impossible, but now you do naturally. So I want you to think about three to five things, and if you have a journal practice, you could write these down in a journal, or you could just kind of think about it. Three to five things that you didn't think was possible then, but now you have them, or you do them with ease. So identify things that seem easy now but didn't then. So here's an example. When I found out that I was sensitive to gluten, it was very hard for me to remove gluten. I was in college like that.

    Erin Holt [00:42:29]:

    It was just. I was, like, not, like, living my healthiest lifestyle, you know? And it was just more of a challenge, and it was just difficult, and I didn't want to do it. So it was, like, really like, making that decision, making that choice, changing that behavior was really based on willpower. There was a lot of back and forth, a lot of indecision. It was exhausting. And then there came a moment where I just decided, and I shifted my identity, and it just became, like, what I do, you know, after that, back and forth. It's now what I do.

    Erin Holt [00:42:58]:

    I haven't thought about being gluten free in, like, over a decade. It's, like, not anything I put thought or anything into. It's just, like, how I live my life. It's how I am. So when I first found out, I'm like, you've got to be crazy. Going gluten free? That's impossible. I could never do this.

    Erin Holt [00:43:15]:

    And now it's just like, something like that exists on the back burner. I don't even think about. It's just super easy. It's how I live my life. So something like that. A story that you used to tell yourself, like, impossible, and now it's very possible because it's just something that you have in your life. So if you can find three to five examples of that, that is a really, really good way to wire your brain toward possibility. And then don't forget about what I said about those wonder questions at the beginning of the show.

    Erin Holt [00:43:40]:

    If you find yourself making statements and playing in the field of predictability, switch it around and say, how could this be different? How? What would it look like for me to be XYZ? So, any last. Any final thoughts, Cam, before we dip out?

    Cameryn [00:43:57]:

    I just think this is all wild, to be honest.

    Erin Holt [00:44:01]:

    Here we are. We're just doing it.

    Cameryn [00:44:03]:

    No, it's just so cool. Like, you're just so great to be around. I just appreciate it so much. It's just. I don't know. It's a good question.

    Erin Holt [00:44:12]:

    I literally pay her to say that. I literally have to pay her and say that.

    Cameryn [00:44:22]:

    I remember I was Voxing you at one point, and I was like, people just don't understand how great this program is, and they just need to sign up for it for yourself.

    Erin Holt [00:44:31]:

    That's it.

    Cameryn [00:44:31]:

    That's the marketing.

    Erin Holt [00:44:32]:

    That's it. Peasy. All right, well, Cam, thank you so much for your time. We appreciate hearing from you. I think this is the first expander episode that we've ever done, so if this was helpful for you guys and you want to hear more from our clients, let us know, and we will. You know, as long as it's HIPAA compliant, we've got waivers signed. We'll do it. We'll do it.

    Erin Holt [00:44:51]:

    All right, Cam, thank you.

    Cameryn [00:44:52]:

    Thank you.

    Erin Holt [00:44:59]:

    Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend, and keep coming back for more. Take care of you.


Episode 319: Using Manifestation to Heal Your Body | Manifest Your Health Series


Episode 317: Chronic Inflammation, Neuroplasticity & Your Healing Potential | Manifest Your Health Series