Episode 319: Using Manifestation to Heal Your Body | Manifest Your Health Series

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Today’s episode puts the tool of manifestation on the table to show what’s possible when healing the body. In this conversation, Erin shares parts of her story and how she used manifestation to heal, as well as 5 main nuggets of wisdom that listeners can take away and apply to their own lives. If you’re struggling with fears around healing or feel you’ve exhausted options, this episode is for you!

In our Manifest Your Health™ mini series, Erin continues to offer up new ways to think about your health.  You'll walk away with perspective shifts to help you view your own healing potential!

In this episode:

The origin story of Manifest Your Health™ [8:35]

Hardwired beliefs and the reticular activating system [14:52]

Breaking the stress-fear-symptom cycle [20:19]

Magnetizing realities through feeling [22:36]

Frequency medicine and subconscious reprogramming [25:12]

Limiting beliefs and compassionate self-ownership [35:25]

Resources mentioned:

Manifest Your Health

Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) 

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!)  

Ned Natural Remedies (get 20% off your order with code FUNK)

Qualia NAD+ (get up to 50% off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with code FUNK)

Learn more about Manifest Your Health

Related episodes:

157: Manifest Your Health™

224: Funk’tional Alchemy: Clearing, Coding & Rewiring for Health

240: Neurobiology of Chronic Conditions

318: Reframing Chronic Health Symptoms | Manifest Your Health Series

  • Erin Holt [00:00:02]:

    I'm Erin Holt, and this is the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, where we lean into intuitive functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions, and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience, and because of that, I've got a major bone to pick with diet culture and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us. But functional medicine isn't the panacea that it's made out to be, either. We've got some work to do, and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect.

    Erin Holt [00:00:39]:

    So I founded the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy, a school and mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you if you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show, rate, review, and share because you never know whose life you might change, and of course, keep coming back for more. Hello, my friends. I hope you enjoyed last week's episode. I was really excited about using Cam as an expander because even though she wasn't like, oh, yeah, all my health issues just, poof, vanished in a few short weeks, I think her experience really speaks into what the Manifest Your Health system can actually do. As I've shared with you, a few weeks ago, 70% of participants did actually notice a reduction in symptoms, and that was in only six weeks.

    Erin Holt [00:01:43]:

    But it kind of begs the question, what is healing and what is health? Is healing just the absence of symptoms, or is it something more? And I like how Cam joked about manifesting a bunch of material things, like a job and a jeep. But I think that's kind of the point, that her focus went from what is happening in my body? What are the symptoms? It went from this, like, hypervigilance on her physical health to, holy shit, there's this whole world outside of this. In really turning her focus to that world. This is the process of getting stuck to unstuck. And in this episode today, I will share with you some stories of how I personally put autoimmunity into remission. But I've also been thinking a lot about my recovery from eating disorders lately, especially bulimia. So if you are new to the show, maybe you just came in on the Manifest Your Health series. I struggled with both anorexia and then bulimia for a long time, well over a decade, from my teens into my early twenties.

    Erin Holt [00:02:53]:

    And I was bulimic, I believe, for eight years. So it's a long time. And I have a penchant for Bravo Housewives. I love me some Bravo housewives. And a couple of things I've noticed in the past few years is that some of these housewives are coming out, these women, I should say, are coming out talking about their lifelong battle with eating disorders that they are still currently struggling with, like, present day. And it really made me see, like, oh, my gosh, I am so fortunate and so grateful that I was able to overcome this thing that not everybody is able to overcome. And I just don't think I realize how spectacular that was and what a big deal that was that I was able to put bulimia completely into remission, I mean, for, like, going on, you know, well over ten years now. And so I've thought a lot about it because I didn't go the traditional route.

    Erin Holt [00:03:47]:

    I didn't go the conventional eating disorder recovery route. You know, probably not shocking, if you know anything about me, it's probably not shocking to hear that. But one of the main things that I did, one of the main things that I did during my healing and recovery process was take the focus off of food, which is previously where the hyper focus had been. I took the focus off of the way I looked. I took the focus off of my body, and I put it on literally every single other thing in my life. I put it on my career. I had just graduated. And I'm like, all right, I've got this degree in nutrition and dietetics now.

    Erin Holt [00:04:23]:

    What do I actually want to do with my life? What do I actually want to do with this degree? I really started looking at that and making some big changes. I put my focus on my romantic relationship, made some big changes there. I put my focus on my relationships with my friends. That's actually an area of my life that the eating disorder had made very, very small. That's the thing. My world had become very small, and I chose to make it bigger. When all you focus on is your health, your world can become very small. And, you know, sometimes we do need to pull ourselves in.

    Erin Holt [00:04:56]:

    Sometimes we haven't made our health a priority, and we actually need a concentrated amount of time for us to pull in kind of contract so that we can focus on the healing. We might have to have hard conversations and set boundaries with people who don't understand the choices that we're making for our health. We might have to pull ourselves in, and perhaps our world gets a little small, but that shouldn't be a lifelong thing. The goal here is not to make your world smaller and smaller and smaller. The more you hyper focus on your health or your body or your symptoms, it's to eventually figure out a way to see things beyond just health challenges. And in doing that, in opening up our purview to see the rest of our life, the rest of the world, that can often reduce symptoms and clear up those health challenges. And so that's why I just thought that hearing Cam talk about her experience, it just. I think it's speaking into healing in a new and different way that perhaps some of us are not looking at it yet.

    Erin Holt [00:05:53]:

    In this episode, I'm also going to share with you the "I'm done" moment that changed everything for me. I the moment where I said, look, I feel stuck here, and I don't want to be stuck here anymore. I know there's a bigger world out there for me. I acknowledge that. I acknowledge the fact that, look, my world feels small right now, and I think there's something out there that's even bigger, bolder, braver, waiting for me. And I know that this can't be it for me. The current health challenge I was in, I know that this can't be it for me. And I chose to believe that. There wasn't heaps and heaps of evidence of that truth that that was going to be true, but I chose to believe it.

    Erin Holt [00:06:33]:

    I made a decision to believe I put all my faith behind that, and I'll share a story with you of how for two months, I basically chose to just dispend any disbelief that I had. And this is a real moment where I get to say, like, shout out to younger me because she understood the assignment. She knew what she was doing. Maybe our higher self was guiding us during that time. But I'm so grateful that I had that "I'm done" moment and made the decision that I made to look for another way and to open up again my purview to seeing things differently. And my hope for you is that perhaps this can be one of those moments for you. This can become one of those moments for you. I want your future self to celebrate you on the decision that you make right now.

    Erin Holt [00:07:24]:

    And if you have a hard time with this, if you have a hard time keeping the faith and suspending disbelief, well, that's what Manifest Your Health is for. And the cart will officially open August 5. We will be running an early bird discount through August 8. You can get on the waitlist on the website, thefunk'tionalnutritionist.com/manifest-your-health. I'm going to put that in the show notes, of course, but I would encourage you to get on the waitlist just so you don't miss the email notifications to receive the discount because it's going to be a few hundred dollars off. So today you're going to hear a re release of an episode I released last year. So you'll hear me reference the beta group of Manifest Your Health because I was talking about it last year. I ended up running it twice last summer because we had such a great amount of interest, and I'm going to be running it again in August.

    Erin Holt [00:08:17]:

    So if you missed out last summer or you're new here and didn't know about it last summer, now is your chance to get in. All right, without much further ado, here's my story. Hello, my friends. I am very excited about sitting down to record today's episode. It's one of my favorite topics. Two years ago, I released a podcast episode, episode 157, called Manifest Your Health. It was a live stream that I had recorded a couple of months prior within a private container. And then I decided to put it out in the world for all to see.

    Erin Holt [00:08:53]:

    And it was really my coming out of the closet announcement of how I used principles of manifestation to heal my body. I had been really nervous to talk about that publicly anywhere, but it was this moment of F it. I just need to show people what's possible. And in the episode, it's kind of funny. In the episode two years ago, I mentioned that I was birthing a new body of work, but I also recognized that I wasn't totally ready to talk about it yet. I joked that I was writing an album, and then, exactly two years later, pretty much to the week, I launched and sold out Manifest Your Health program, the beta launch, which is just really wild to me. Just a quick update on that. We actually had three times as many applications as we had spots available for that program, so we have decided to.

    Erin Holt [00:09:54]:

    Drumroll, please. Offer a second beta group. We'll be doing that in August. We'll be opening enrollment a lot sooner than August, though, so just stay till the end. If you want details on that. Today, I want to map out the trajectory of how I got to Manifest Your Health. Really, why I had to create this process for myself. I felt like I hadn't quite reached my potential for healing, but I also felt that I had exhausted a lot of the options that already existed. And pretty much whenever I get to that point in my life, in my healing, in my career, and whatever, I'm like, I guess I gotta figure it out and invent it.

    Erin Holt [00:10:41]:

    So that's what I did. So I'll talk a little bit about my story, but I'm gonna weave in five golden nuggets that you can take away and apply to your life, to your body, and to your healing, like, effective immediately. So we're going to journey back to the end of 2019. And I had what felt like to me a really big health scare. I was showing signs of disease progression, and I was freaking out. I was researching LDN, low dose naltrexone. Like, I was like, I got to do something about this. I started the LDN.

    Erin Holt [00:11:20]:

    I had a bad reaction to it. I just was freaking out. I didn't know what else to do. I felt like I was out of options and I was effing scared. Like, really, really scared. And so I called my rheumatologist. I'm supposed to get organ scans once a year, and I had to wait two months, a little over two months, I think, to get the appointments. So I had two months to just sit and feel like a little bit of a sitting duck.

    Erin Holt [00:11:51]:

    So in a moment of synchronicity and what I consider to be divine intervention, divine guidance, I was waiting at a physical therapy office, Oceanside Physical Therapy. And in walks Nadine Wheeler, who was my former cranial sacral therapist. I had seen her for years. I went to her for hypnobirthing. I hadn't seen her in, like, legit, like, since Hattie had been born. So at that point, it probably been like five or six years, I don't even know. And she walked in, and she had bright blue hair.

    Erin Holt [00:12:32]:

    You couldn't miss her. And so we reconnected. I reached out. I scheduled an appointment with her. I just knew I needed some support at that time. I needed some help. And what I didn't know, what I didn't expect, is what I was going to get with her. I walked into our office, and the entire first appointment we spent talking about law of attraction and manifestation, I didn't sign up for that, but that is what I got.

    Erin Holt [00:13:00]:

    The universe is like, this is what you need instead. I'm like, cool, cool, cool. The wild part about this, I mean, there's so many wild parts, but one of the wild parts about this is that I had already been, like, tinkering around and experimenting with manifestation. I had run Your Hhrmone Revival. And I just kept seeing this number, 32. So I was at the point where I'm like, I want to take more people. This program is changing people's lives, and I want to take on more people. I didn't really have evidence that I could necessarily do that from a marketing perspective, but I just believed that I could.

    Erin Holt [00:13:40]:

    And I remember I wrote down on this piece of paper, 32. I just put 32 lines down because I'm just like. I just kept seeing this number, 32. I knew it was gonna be 32. And because I believed it so fiercely, I got all of my energy behind it. And what did you know? Like, I had 32 sign ups. I think that was like, twelve more than I had ever had in the past. At that time was like, that's like a lot of people.

    Erin Holt [00:14:07]:

    So when I walked in and she starts talking about this law of attraction and manifestation, I had already just seen evidence that it's possible, that this process works, this manifestation process works, which is so important. This is gonna be golden nugget number one for you. And it's actually the reason why I released episode 157, Manifest Your Health in the first place. Even though I was, like, really nervous to do it, I'm like, this is a little far out. It's a little weird. People might start tuning out at this one. But I just needed to show, hey, this is possible. It's possible.

    Erin Holt [00:14:49]:

    I know it's possible because it worked for me. So something to understand is that your brain is made to find more of your own beliefs. So your brain is super efficient at looking for evidence that whatever you believe is actually true. Whatever's hardwired into your brain, your brain is going to actively search for more of it. So if you have a belief that healing is hard, or I can't heal, or these symptoms are scary, these symptoms mean something is really wrong or I will never heal. If you believe those things, then your brain will look for more evidence that these things are true. And we have this area of the brain, the reticular activating system, or the RAS, and it essentially filters out many of the things that you come in contact with that are in conflict with your own beliefs. So we take in a lot of stimulus, a lot of information into our brains every single second of every single minute of every single hour of every single day.

    Erin Holt [00:15:55]:

    And we can't consciously be aware of all the inputs coming in. It would just be way too much for us to handle and process. So the brain has to get real good at filtering certain things out. It will delete it will distort, it will generalize according to whatever your preset filters or beliefs are. So basically, it will look for what you're thinking, for what you're already feeling, for what you're already believing, and it will, like, echo that back to you. It will reinforce that. So if we want to change, we have to actively seek out evidence that change is possible. We need to search for evidence of what we want to see or create or do or be or have.

    Erin Holt [00:16:37]:

    We have to look for what's possible rather than looking to reinforce what we already believe and have. So this is a really important concept that requires active participation. It's been referred to as self directed neuroplasticity because if we don't make use of this power of our brain ourselves, other forces will shape our brains for us. So when Nadine started bringing up manifestation, I was like, oh, yeah, I have evidence that this stuff works. So I was really fertile ground for this seed to be planted, and my brain allowed me to make that leap. Hey, if it works over there for work stuff, of course it could work over here for health stuff.

    Erin Holt [00:20:19]:

    So I had this two month incubation time when I was waiting for my, my appointment, my scans, and I really had two options. One of the options was I could stress out about it. I could feel super scared of. The other option was I could find a new way to feel. So, as I explained to all of you in episode 240, the Neurobiology of Chronic Conditions. And get ready, because this is golden nugget number two, the more stress and fear you feel, the more that can actually exacerbate symptoms. And then when you see concrete evidence of your symptoms exacerbated, it's like proof positive to your brain this is disease progression. Something really is wrong here.

    Erin Holt [00:21:12]:

    So then you freak out. And the more you freak out, the more fear you feel, the more you experience symptoms. It becomes a cycle. Wash, rinse, repeat. So I knew that I wanted to break out of that cycle, and I knew that approaching things in the very same way was going to get me the very same results, just going to get me more of the same. So instead, I chose something different. And what I chose to do, I got really fascinated with spontaneous remission. I got really fascinated with the placebo effect, and I got really fascinated with what I refer to as mind over matter medicine.

    Erin Holt [00:21:56]:

    Essentially, people healing themselves with the power of their mind, because I wanted to look for evidence that it was possible. I wanted to see evidence of healing, so I would just read a lot of books. I watched a lot of Netflix specials, really, whatever I could get my greasy little paws on. I continued to search for evidence that it was possible. And at the time, back then, I didn't really have enough understanding of the specific brain science of why that was so important. But I did know that I felt better doing it. So I kept doing it. And ready for golden nugget number three.

    Erin Holt [00:22:36]:

    Feeling is manifesting. So I felt better doing it. I just kept doing the thing that made me feel better. Feeling is manifesting. A new way of thinking, creates a new way of feeling, creates a new way of being, which begets a new way of thinking, and this really creates a new point of attraction. You magnetize certain realities, certain experiences, based on how you're feeling. So, a question I asked myself is, what would it feel like to have this situation completely in remission? What would my internal emotional situation feel like in my body if it were true? And how can I practice feeling those feelings now, right now? So, in addition to the evidence I was collecting, evidence that it was possible, I also had to reach for practices and behaviors and thoughts that allowed me to access those feelings. So I'm going to look for evidence that it's possible, and I'm also going to teach my body what it would feel like if what I want to happen actually happened. And then by the time it came for my scans, I was told I was 100% fine.

    Erin Holt [00:24:04]:

    Like, you're totally fine here. Everything looks good. Good to go. So I knew that all this stuff worked for me. This really changed the game for me. This really turned everything around. But I wasn't talking about it publicly yet. I wasn't talking about it on the podcast.

    Erin Holt [00:24:23]:

    I wasn't talking about it on social media. I just kind of kept chugging along privately. And over the next couple of years, I built up an arsenal of tools for myself. I also built up muscle memory using the tools, these unique tools that I was creating and gathering. It became easier for me to shift myself when I did get caught in a fear cycle, because that's the thing. It wasn't like a set it and forget it. And I wasn't like, oh, all my health anxiety is gone, be gone. It wasn't as simple as that.

    Erin Holt [00:24:57]:

    It wasn't a set it and forget it. But I started getting really good at, really swift and efficient at shifting myself. I did it daily. I could do it quickly. I didn't have to stay stuck in healthxiety. Or fear for long. So let's jump ahead to April 2021. We were in St.

    Erin Holt [00:25:20]:

    Augustine. My mom lives down there. We go down once a year. And St. Augustine, Florida, by the way. And we had rented a house because it was like Covid time. It was a lawless time. Nobody was in school.

    Erin Holt [00:25:32]:

    Everyone was working from home. Wee. So we rented a house down in St. Augustine for a month. And right when I got down there, I was not feeling my best. And so I scheduled a virtual appointment with my rheumatologist, and I met with him virtually and was explaining what was going on. I was seeing physical symptoms, and they were freaking me out a little bit. And so I told him what was going on, and he's like, yeah, that is evidence of disease progression.

    Erin Holt [00:26:00]:

    And I was like, holy shit balls. What? And then a few minutes later, he's like, oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood what you were saying. He's like, no, no, no. Like, you're fine. That's not a problem. I was like, come on, bro. You just told me two conflicting things, and I'm freaking out, man.

    Erin Holt [00:26:22]:

    So in that moment, I recognized it was yet another opportunity for me. What was it? What is that? Afgo. Another fucking growth opportunity. Another fucking growth opportunity. Here we go. So I had another choice. He told me two things. Like, within the span of two minutes, he told me two different things completely opposite of one another.

    Erin Holt [00:26:43]:

    Two seeds had been planted, and I got to choose. Which one do I water? I have the opportunity to believe either one of these. Which one do I want to believe to be true? Which one do I want to hitch my wagon to? Which one do I want to buy into? Which one feels the best? That's the one I went with. So I was like, all right, here we go. I got all my tools. I'm going to pull them out. I'm going to practice all my tools. I'm going to go all in on the second thing that he said to me, which is like, you're fine.

    Erin Holt [00:27:18]:

    You're all set. I even took it a step further, and I visualized on that call, him saying to me, it's like it never happened. I visualized him saying that, to me, it's like it never happened. This whole thing that you've dealt with, like it never happened. What would it feel like? I went back into feeling. What would it feel like to hear him say that to me? And I practiced feeling those feelings. I use all my tools, my specific meditations, my specific hypnosis, my specific journal prompts, my breath work sessions, and I even added a new layer because I had a little extra time on my hands. And, you know, idle, idle hands, it can go one of two ways, right? So I'm gonna, like, I'm gonna use this time for good.

    Erin Holt [00:28:03]:

    I'm gonna program into my subconscious, into my mind, the stuff that I wanna believe. So I started purchasing and listening to a lot of courses and lectures. And I refer to this lovingly as my frequency medicine. And this, by the way, is golden nugget number four. So we just determined that how we feel influences what we're calling in. So if I don't feel the way I need to feel, to call in the good shit then I need to shift. One of the ways that I do that, that I shift radically and quickly is by taking my frequency medicine. And it's listening to positive and inspiring messages just like all on repeat, baking it into my subconscious.

    Erin Holt [00:28:51]:

    My subconscious knows the way to heal. It always has, it always will. Yours does too, by the way. I just have to remind myself of that fact. And so my frequency medicine is how I keep my energy field pristine, and this creates a potency for manifestation. So on top of this, I started to really pay attention to which situations, which people, which conversations, which relationships, which tasks made me feel, which ways. My friend and I have this joke, we'll go frequency check. Like, how are you feeling? How you living? How you vibing? Are we doing good? What needs to be cleaned up? I have my own telltale signs for when something is not aligned.

    Erin Holt [00:29:36]:

    And if that's happening, I shift accordingly. And by the way, for my friends who have done Your Hormone Revival with me, it's similar to the life audit work that we do. And just as an aside, we are shifting YHR to a self study course, and that should be available in August. By the way, I know some of you have been asking about it, about that and waiting for it. So this has a lot to do with why I love building courses for people, by the way, with this process. You know, with, with a lot of this work, you absolutely can get immediate results. And also it does require a continuous reprogramming.

    Erin Holt [00:30:18]:

    We're human, we're constantly works in progress. You know, I understand that about myself, which is why I bring in all the support I need to continue to grow and evolve and feel good. So you buy it, you run through the course once, but then you can come back to it, you can listen to it over and over and over again, to constantly program into your subconscious what you actually want to believe. What you actually want to see, what you actually want to experience. And this is all kind of coded in to YHR, to Energetics of Expansion, to Energetics of Being Seen. Body Intentions Breakthrough. And now we have Manifest Your Health, which codes this in as well.

    Erin Holt [00:30:59]:

    I do intend to continue to build out more courses for people. One of my goals and my intentions is to do that is to create a library of resources for you to return to time and time again. Because this frequency medicine has been so powerful for me, and I've kind of, like, cobbled it together from, like, the weirdest places. And so my goal is to create one hub for a lot of this to exist for all of you.

    Erin Holt [00:32:55]:

    Anyway, these tools. So this is back to St. Augustine 2021. Putting these tools in place really got me back right on track. And that's when I decided, okay, I got to come out of the closet on this stuff. I got to stop hiding this.

    Erin Holt [00:33:30]:

    This is how I healed myself. So I had this feeling of, I am actually doing people a massive disservice if I don't share this, if I don't talk about it. And I. And I. This is when I live streamed in to a group, and I even said, I'm, like, really nervous to talk about it, but I just went for it. I just did a 20 minute riff, and I posted the video, and I walked away, and it was the most engaged with video of the entire four month experience of the program that I was running at the time. And so I'm like, okay, there is something here. Like, this is.

    Erin Holt [00:34:08]:

    This is something people actually want to hear about and want to know about. So, since day one, my approach to health has been merging the science with the spiritual. When I was in dietetic school studying o chem and nutritional biochem, I was also in clairvoyance school studying energy medicine. And the shift that started happening over the past couple of years is, instead of making this one small aspect of my work, I started bringing it into the forefront of my work. I was infusing it more into my one on one sessions. Your Hormone Revival got an update. I started infusing more manifestation type practices into my work. I wasn't exactly calling it that.

    Erin Holt [00:34:52]:

    I was just kind of being like, try this. It works really well. I have always talked a lot about the emotional body, but I started talking more about the energy body and energy anatomy as well. And then I got an opportunity to do a deeper dive into the mental body. So, remember, we have four bodies. Physical body, emotional body, energetic body, mental body. So the following year, something. There is some type of vortex in St.

    Erin Holt [00:35:25]:

    Augustine. I don't even know my friends always, like, you always have, like, a transformational experience whenever you go there. So the following year, last year, 2022, is back in St. Augustine. We rented a house for two weeks, and then from there, I was flying to Dallas, Texas, to go to a week long training for subconscious reprogramming, neural rewiring. So I had Covid as soon as I got there, as soon as I got to St. Augustine, and my coach for the program that I was about to embark on, or the training I was about to embark on, called me, took me through a process. We did some subconscious stuff, and we did some brain rewiring.

    Erin Holt [00:36:06]:

    And because I was feeling so, so awful, I was like, I'll do anything, man. And through that, process it immediately, and I mean immediately, shifted things for me. So that was my buy in. I was like, oh, this stuff actually, like, really works. So I went to that training for seven days and spent the next year diving even more deeper into subconscious work, even more deeper into brain rewiring. And you have all seen the effects of that, because that's the stuff I haven't hidden. I just went full tilt, full shaboogie on the podcast, created a program, Body Intentions Breakthrough. I just went all in on that, threw that right at you guys.

    Erin Holt [00:36:46]:

    And so, golden nugget number, what are we at? Are we at five? There might be more than five. Our minds can make us sick, or they can make us well. Our minds can be more potent or more powerful than any supplement or any pill you take. That's literally what the placebo effect is. And our minds can sometimes block our manifestations. You know, so it's. We have to understand if you're like, I've tried the manifestation thing. I did the law of attraction thing.

    Erin Holt [00:37:21]:

    I was thinking positively. I was high vibing in. The biggest obstacle to pulling in what you want is limiting beliefs, because your reality is always going to be a reflection of what you believe. The tricky part about that is a lot of the times we're not aware of our own beliefs. They are sub conscious. They are below the level of your conscious awareness. And so this was sort of the rate limiting step for me and for my own healing. It's kind of like, once I unlocked that, once I cracked that code, I was like, oh, damn, it's over for you, hosts.

    Erin Holt [00:38:01]:

    The sky ain't even the limit. And this is really why I weaved so much of those brain based health tactics into my work over the past year and change. And this is really, I think, where the Manifest Your Health process gelled. It went from, like, a collection of tools and practices to more of an actual system. And then many of you probably know that I enrolled in a Stanford year long training at Stanford, and I signed up for it knowing that I would get some really great education for the Manifest Your Health process. I knew that I wanted to build a process, a program, a system for self healing. And I always knew that I wanted it to be self healing within community. But as I started to implement some of this work over the past year to two years, I noticed that some people were getting stuck.

    Erin Holt [00:39:08]:

    And I just had a conversation with my friend Annie Hopkins. You guys will actually hear it. I think next week I'll. I'll release that conversation. And she was talking about how when we talk about taking ownership of our own health, taking responsibility for our own health, realizing that we have the ability to heal. Her mind sometimes shifts into the idea of, I brought this on myself, so there can be a real fine line between self empowerment and self blame. That is what I have learned to be true. If you have the propensity for self blame, for judgment, for self flagellation, for inner criticism, this is something you have to be extraordinarily mindful of, like frequency check.

    Erin Holt [00:39:58]:

    If feelings are fuel for our manifestations, are you operating from a place of criticism and self attack or from compassion? Because that's absolutely going to influence what you create. So we have to have the tools to not only be aware of this, but also to shift yourself. I want to teach people how to be their own leader, to be their own guide, to be their own healer, to access their own inner healer, to be their own health guru. But this radical responsibility can sometimes pitch people into old, destructive patterns of self blame. And so really what my intention with the Stanford training was is how do we, I teach people to access compassionate self ownership. And that's really what I'm learning, the tools to help help people do. And then it also also, equally as important, it build in the accountability for me to actually build out this program, because I need to create a program in order to graduate. So it became like go time.

    Erin Holt [00:41:09]:

    So by the time I was back in St. Augustine, 2023, two years after producing that very first Manifest Your Health episode, I had already launched and sold out the beta test for Manifest Your Health. And the cool thing about it is that I didn't even really market it much. I didn't have much to market. There's not a whole lot of details because we're still building it out. I'm using the beta experience to really build the whole thing out. So people bought into it without many details. And I think that just speaks so much to how much people are ready for a new way.

    Erin Holt [00:41:50]:

    I do talk about the process in episode 224, Functional Alchemy, Clearing, Coding, and Rewiring for Health. But that's when I was offering this as a one on one service, a one on one container, and I realized quickly that I have to stop dicking around with this, and I have to make it available for the masses. So no more holding it back, no more excuses. It is go time.

    Erin Holt [00:42:20]:

    Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Functional Nutrition podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend, and keep coming back for more.

    Erin Holt [00:42:30]:

    Take care of you.


Episode 320: Subconscious Mind’s Role in Healing Your Gut | Manifest Your Health Series


Episode 318: Reframing Chronic Health Symptoms | Manifest Your Health Series