Episode 322: #1 Way to Shift Your Energy NOW | Manifest Your Health Series

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This week, Erin discusses how we can live in a hamster wheel of the same limited (usually negative) thoughts and beliefs day after day while wondering why nothing has changed. In order to live your biggest dreams (the ones you deserve, by the way), it’s important to start looking at and acknowledging the things that are working in your life. Erin leaves you with specific practices to help shift your energy into a healing frequency — immediately.

In our Manifest Your Health™ mini series, Erin continues to offer up new ways to think about your health.  You'll walk away with perspective shifts to help you view your own healing potential!

In this episode:

Where you resist is usually the place to start [8:40]

Start looking for what’s NOT wrong [12:33]

How 90% of our thoughts today are the same as yesterday [18:36]

How focusing on lack can trigger the stress response [20:31]

Catching your thought patterns before they become symptoms [24:00]

The science behind abundance mining & ways to start today [34:29]

Resources mentioned:

Manifest Your Health

Manifest Your Wealth

Eat to Achieve™ (Available for free within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Qualia NAD+ (get up to 50% off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with link + code FUNKS)

Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) 

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!) 

Ned Natural Remedies (get 20% off your order with code FUNK)

Learn more about Manifest Your Health

Related episodes:

321: Neurobiology of Chronic Conditions | Manifest Your Health Series

320: Subconscious Mind’s Role in Healing Your Gut | Manifest Your Health Series

319: Using Manifestation to Heal Your Body | Manifest Your Health Series

  • Erin Holt [00:00:02]:

    I'm Erin Holt, and this is the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, where we lean into intuitive functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions, and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience, and because of that, I've got a major bone to pick with diet culture and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us. But functional medicine isn't the panacea that it's made out to be either. We've got some work to do, and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect.

    Erin Holt [00:00:39]:

    So I founded the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy, a school and mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you if you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show, rate, review, and share because you never know whose life you might change. And of course, keep coming back for more. Hello, beautiful babies. It feels so good to be back. I'm back in my office.

    Erin Holt [00:01:17]:

    The month of July we spent in Maine, up at our lake house, and now I'm back in New Hampshire, and it just feels so good to be home. As much as I love our home in Maine, and it's right on the lake, so it's just spectacular. So beautiful. Hopefully you've seen photos of it or videos on Instagram. It's just, there's something about being home. I feel so grounded and settled and I just. I love the vibe, the energy that we've cultivated in this house over the past, gosh, almost ten years now. I think in October it will be ten years that we've lived here.

    Erin Holt [00:01:52]:

    That's crazy. Anyway. Anyway, today. Today I'm going to teach you how to shift your energy. Shift your vibration, shift your frequency, shift how you feel. What I'm going to teach you is the number one, easiest, most simple, and free way to do it. So, are you ready? Nod your head yes. If you want in.

    Erin Holt [00:02:12]:

    You're ready for this. Tell your subconscious mind you're in for better energy. We're going to do it. I'm going to teach you how. The cart to Manifest Your Health is officially open for early enrollment if you're on the waitlist. If you're not on the waitlist, then we'll open the the cart to everyone on 8/8 August, 8. Lionsgate.

    Erin Holt [00:02:31]:

    And yes, that was absolutely by design. Why? Because Lionsgate is known for being a very powerful portal, and if I can align my enrollment periods with bitchin astrology, you bet your ass I'm gonna do it. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way. I think last year there was a cart open for FNA where everybody on the planet who did astrology was like, whatever you do, don't do anything during this time. I'm like, how about the biggest launch of the year? Is that good? We got to do it. Anyway. But if I can align it with great astrology, then I'm going to. So, Lionsgate is the day that we officially open enrollment for Manifest Your Health.

    Erin Holt [00:03:14]:

    But if you're on the wait list, you can sneak in and save a couple hundred bucks now. So anyway, because Manifest Your Health is top of mind, I wanted to create today's episode as a resource for everybody going through Manifest Your Health as a reminder for why it's so important to keep doing the practice that I'm about to teach you. But I figured if I'm creating it over there, then I should share it here, too, because y'all can benefit from it just as much. So we're going to get into it. One of the things that I really love to do in all of my programs, Manifest Your Health, included, is intentionally curate and create a specific atmosphere conducive to healing. So what I mean by that is, if you think about certain Facebook groups or other types of groups, there's a tendency for people to bond over pain and struggle. So especially if you're doing something for health challenges like Lyme or autoimmune support or any type of other chronic ailment, people have a tendency to want to congregate and bond over that struggle, or even over the sort of addiction to healing, the perpetual need to be on the quest for healing, to seeking out and searching for the root cause. People can really bond over that.

    Erin Holt [00:04:31]:

    And I've been there. I've been in those groups. Get it? And I get the desire to want to be in spaces with people who understand, but, and also, I really love to create spaces for people to bond over health, over vibrancy, growth, evolution, expansion, worlds getting bigger. If you want to change, it is so important that you surround yourself with people who are willing to change, meaning people who are willing to dismantle their beliefs. Because most people are trying to defend their current identity, to defend their current beliefs, rather than dismantle them. And I've talked about this before. We are heavily influenced by the beliefs and by the programs of those who we spend the most time with, those who surround us. And part of my healing process was to remove myself from those quote unquote healing groups.

    Erin Holt [00:05:26]:

    I had to remove myself from them and put myself in places and spaces where people were showcasing possibility, where people were showcasing what's possible. Abundance, vibrancy, vitality. I needed to plug myself into those frequencies, those possibilities, rather than be indoctrinated with limiting beliefs of healing is really hard. Healing is a struggle. It's hard to heal. Most people can't heal. Those type of beliefs. And I found, especially this year, I've realized how sensitive I am to other people's beliefs. I pick up on them pretty easily.

    Erin Holt [00:06:01]:

    So it's important that I am aware of this. A. And b, putting myself in places and spaces, surrounding myself with messages of hope and inspiration and limitless possibilities. I do really well with that. And because of that, I really try to recreate that in all of the groups that I create. For those of you who did Manifest Your Wealth with me, that's wealth with a w. Wealth. You know, that group was fire. The group was popping off, the energy was contagious.

    Erin Holt [00:06:34]:

    You all felt that. It's like the majority created the frequency. And then we all got like swept up in the frequency and it was co created. It was just this really magical, beautiful thing. And what I'm going to talk about today is the exact thing that we did in that group to create that frequency, that energy, that vibe. So what am I talking about? It is a practice that I refer to as abundance mining. And I choose that word mining intentionally. Mining is the process of extracting useful materials.

    Erin Holt [00:07:07]:

    So it's looking around at your life, at your situation, at your circumstance, and asking what's useful here? What's useful here? And then pulling that stuff up, holding onto that, really focusing on the useful stuff. Chances are, more often than not, your shitty limiting beliefs aren't actually useful. They're not actually serving you. So it is our job to look for what is useful. So I love the term mining because I think that's exactly what we're doing with this practice. And today I'm going to share with you some of the science of why abundance mining actually works. It really, really works as a good practice. And this is exactly why I ask people to share their wins or celebrate their wins or mine for the gems.

    Erin Holt [00:07:53]:

    I'll often say. It's not just something random to do. It's not fluff. I think sometimes when we get into the abundance or gratitude conversation, it can sometimes feel like that. It can feel fluffy. But I'm not somebody who does fluff. Everything in my programs is intentionally created for a reason. Everything I do in my life is intentionally created for reason. And usually those things come with receipts.

    Erin Holt [00:08:19]:

    You know, comes with, like, evidence, evidence based practices. And when they don't come with evidence based receipts, they usually come with vibes. So they're backed by vibes. The very least bbv. Okay, so either evidence based or bbv. But either way, they're good stuff. Trust me on this. So I'm curious.

    Erin Holt [00:08:40]:

    Be honest. Be honest. How many of you just heard the word abundance? And you're like, okay, this is lame, I'm out. Be honest. Who cares? No big deal. Just be honest. Was it you? Were you, like, stupid? Abundance? Stupid. So pause for a second.

    Erin Holt [00:09:01]:

    If that's you, pause for a second before you turn the show off, pause and ask yourself, why. Why was that a deal breaker for you? If this is something you resist or even reject, this is where we have to start. I'm going to say that again. Where you resist or reject is usually the place that you have to start. We can receive so much medicine in our own resistance. Getting curious about our own resistance can teach us so much about ourselves. So if you heard the word abundance, and you're like, nah, I'm good. Why? Here are the two biggest things that I hear whenever I talk about gratitude or abundance. The first one is, I already know that chances are I'm not the first person to talk to you about abundance.

    Erin Holt [00:09:48]:

    Right, right. But there is a difference between cognitively understanding something and then actually embodying it. Huge difference. So when you say you already know this, is this something that you're eating, living, breathing as a daily practice? Or do you mean it's just something that you've heard about before? Catch your mind. Not just today, not just for today's episode, but all the time. All the time. Be looking for this. Catch your mind telling you, I already know that.

    Erin Holt [00:10:25]:

    Because the second you tell yourself, I already know that is the second you block yourself from receiving. The second you tell yourself, I already know that is the second you block yourself from receiving. From receiving new ideas, new inspiration, new vantage points, new ways of seeing things, new ways of thinking about things. Because I can talk about abundance one way, someone else can talk about it another way. And both have medicine. Both have medicine. So try not to shut yourself off by saying, I already know that I've heard the same thing, the same concept, the same topic taught by, like, 40 different people, and that provides 40 different opportunities for me to understand it in a new, different, unique way.

    Erin Holt [00:11:09]:

    Okay. The other thing that I'll often hear when I present abundance or gratitude is it's too simple. And what's so interesting about this is the underlying belief that's often associated with it. The underlying belief is that something has to be a struggle or something has to be a challenge, or something has to be hard to get results. So if you're like, well, abundance, it's just too simple of a concept. Do you have a belief that in order for things to, quote unquote, work, they have to be hard? Because as that translates and relates to healing, your underlying belief might be, healing is hard. And if it's not hard, if I'm not struggling with my health, then it's not working.

    Erin Holt [00:11:55]:

    Whatever I'm doing is not working. If it's not a struggle, if it's not hard. Just pay attention to that, because that can be like a little sneaky clue into the healing is hard. Limiting belief. And that's really what I love to do, is help you discover your limiting beliefs so that you can change them and you can rearrange them. Because as long as you believe that healing is hard, hey, guess what? Your healing journey is probably going to be pretty challenging. So anyway, abundance mining it is super simple. I'll give you that.

    Erin Holt [00:12:21]:

    It's sneaky simple, but it's really powerful. It's a super effective tool to shift your energy, to shift your reality. So if you're down, let's go. Let's get into it. I know I said this, that I did this in Manifest Your Health and Manifest Your Wealth, but it's actually been baked into pretty much all of my programs that I've ever created since, I don't know, the past decade and change before Eat to Achieve was even called Eat to Achieve. I ran it as a 21 day program, and I had a practice called what's not wrong? And it was based off of Thich Nhat Hanh's Peace is Every Step. And I'm gonna read a part of that to you because it's just so good. We often ask what's wrong.

    Erin Holt [00:13:01]:

    Doing so we invite painful seeds of sorrow to come up and manifest. We feel suffering, anger, and depression, and produce more such seeds. We would be much happier if we tried to stay in touch with the healthy, joyful seeds inside of us and around us. We should learn to ask what's not wrong and be in touch with that. There are so many elements in the world and within our bodies, feelings, perceptions, and consciousness that are wholesome, refreshing, and healing. If we block ourselves, if we stay in the prison of our sorrow, we will not be in touch with these healing elements. Oh, so good.

    Erin Holt [00:16:21]:

    When I was at my lowest point with my health, I took this so seriously. I had a baby. Hattie was just a little, tiny baby. I was so tired. I wasn't sleeping. I felt like trash. And so every single morning, I would wake up, and I would open my eyes, and I started a practice of saying, what's not wrong? And it was so basic in the beginning. It was really basic. It was like, I have running water, I have a roof over my head. I had to start with baby steps, and then those baby steps slowly built.

    Erin Holt [00:16:49]:

    And eventually, I was able to see more and more and more of what's not wrong, rather than focusing my attention on what is wrong. Because at that time in my life, it felt like there was a lot to focus on. But that's the deal. The mind needs clear directives. You have to clearly inform the mind where you want it to go and what you want it to look for. If you were in last week's workshop with me, you know that now more than ever. So we really want to utilize the power of the mind by giving it clear instruction.

    Erin Holt [00:17:19]:

    And you get to set the tone for the day to seek out more of what's not wrong. The mind understands the assignment and will seek that out if you give it clear directives. Search for more of that, and you can even bake practices in throughout the day. One called abundance tracking, which I will share with you a little later. But really start your day off here. And the more time you spend here, the more you raise your frequency. The more you raise your frequency, the more you call in more of what you want. And eventually, these practices just become part of who you are, become a normalized way of living for you.

    Erin Holt [00:17:57]:

    And that's what I mean when I talk about embodying. The difference between, oh, I already know that, and, oh, I'm practicing that as part of the way that I live my life. So I will literally, even now, to this day, I will literally have a better day if I spend five minutes in the morning writing down ten things I'm grateful for. First thing in the morning, just, I drink my coffee, and I write down five things I am grateful for. Or you could do ten things that are not wrong in my life right now. And that's because it's powerful, potent medicine in the morning. Because in the morning, you wake up in a very programmable and suggestible state. Most of us, day in and day out, are thinking the very same thoughts as we thought yesterday. The majority, like 90% of the thoughts that we have today are the same thoughts as yesterday.

    Erin Holt [00:18:48]:

    So we're basically each day just trancing ourselves with the past. We think the same way, we feel the same way, we behave the same way, we make the same choices, and then we create the same results. We're like, why are we stuck on this hamster wheel? Why am I back here? But the majority of the thoughts are based on the things we were thinking in the past. And by now, I'm sure if you listen to this podcast, you know, and you understand that the body and the mind, they don't really know the difference between real and imagined. So if you're thinking past thoughts, your body is in the past. You're just recreating the same exact body that you had yesterday. You're on a loop. So if you want a different body, if you want a different body of health, you got to change this.

    Erin Holt [00:19:35]:

    You've got to like stick a stake in the wheel spoke and disrupt this habitual thought pattern. And the way to do this is to stop clocking all of the things that are wrong, all of the ways things aren't working out for you, all of the areas of lack, and begin to put redirect your attention on the things that are not wrong. The places where things are working out for you, the areas of abundance. So recently, I caught myself in a pattern, as we do, and I was going to bed thinking about this issue. I was waking up in the middle of the night thinking about this issue. And then the first thought out of my head in the morning was this issue. And that set the tone for the rest of the day. Why? Because when we wake up in the morning, we're in a very hypnotic state.

    Erin Holt [00:20:31]:

    So whatever the, the first thoughts that pop up are usually going to set the tone for the rest of the day. The problem, this issue for me is an old trusty one. I felt lack of support in my life. Feeling lack of support is an old pattern of mine, for sure. And the more I thought about this, the more I focused on this lack, the more it was keeping me mired in the lack. So I continue to see more of that in my field. The more I focused on it, the more I was teaching my brain. Hey, this is important.

    Erin Holt [00:21:05]:

    Look for more of this. If you've been following along with the Manifest Your Health podcast series, you understand why this is true from a neuroscience perspective, right? By now. So I was just creating more and more and more of that in my field. The more I focused on, oh, my gosh, I'm really not supported, the more I saw evidence of me not being able supported. And in addition to that, I'm so curious if any of you can relate to this. I'm going to bet that a lot of you can't. In addition to that, when I feel under resourced by external support in my life, which, again, is an old pattern of me to be focusing on that, my body is like, hold my beer. I got this. Why? Because the body's always looking out, right? The body's always trying to do what it thinks is best for us.

    Erin Holt [00:21:59]:

    So the body jumps in to provide the resources for me. So if I'm thinking the thoughts and I'm feeling the feelings of being under resourced by external support in my life, I don't have enough support here. My body's like, I got you. Don't you worry about a thing. And the way that the body does this, the way that the body provides resources is through. Drumroll, please. Stress chemicals. So the hormones of stress, our stress chemicals, essentially flood the body with what feels like energy.

    Erin Holt [00:22:38]:

    It's like, yes, it's go time. All right. I got a rush of energy in my body. The issue is that the body eventually becomes dependent on that to feel something. And it can almost become addictive, where the absence of that rush actually feels like something is wrong. So how many of you can relate to this? Like, when we're keyed up, when we're jacked up, we're like, hell, yeah. And then without that rush of stress chemicals, we're like, ooh, this doesn't feel right. Something's wrong here.

    Erin Holt [00:23:06]:

    So what can happen is that your mind can use these issues, these feelings of lack, focusing on what's wrong, to essentially reaffirm those same feelings in your body. And that creates its own loop in its own cycle. So we all know, if you're listeners of the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, we all know that long term, these unchecked stress chemicals can lead to disease. So obviously, this is not a good solution. What I am describing is not a great solution, but it is an old pattern that flares up for me and maybe flares up for you, too. So a really good way to connect the dots with this is notice what happens when you're focused on lack. Bring awareness to your thoughts.

    Erin Holt [00:23:58]:

    And notice when you get stuck in a pattern of lack. Notice when you are focused on the problem. Just notice what happens in your body. Notice how you feel. Because this situation that I'm describing is really not unique to me. It's a pretty common pattern. We all have different triggers. So mine is feeling lack of support.

    Erin Holt [00:24:20]:

    That's a trigger of mine to set off this whole cascade. But the end result is very similar. The cascade that I just described is very similar for all of us. So we need to find ways to shift our energy without stress chemicals pumping through our body. Right? Can we all agree on that? And that's where abundance mining can come in. Abundance mining, I think, is one of the best ways to do this. And before I get into it even more, I want to take a little detour. This detour is kind of like me, abundance mining in real time, because even though I was telling you, I found myself caught in an old pattern, which.

    Erin Holt [00:25:04]:

    Is it frustrating? Yeah. Yeah, it definitely is. I'm like, how am I back here again, it is frustrating, but I still choose to focus on the growth in the progress. It is an old pattern that flares up. Catching myself fixating on lack of support. I'm not supported. I'm not supported. I'm not supported.

    Erin Holt [00:25:22]:

    I'm not supported enough. That's an old pattern of mine. But it used to be that symptoms would flare up instead. And because of the work that I've done through the Manifest Your Health process, not just abundance mining, but a lot of other tools, I can catch myself in the thought loop before it becomes a symptom loop. I'm going to say that again. I catch myself in the thought loop before it becomes a symptom loop. Before those thoughts, thoughts of lack, thoughts of lack.

    Erin Holt [00:25:56]:

    Fixating on the lack, those thoughts would create feelings, and those feelings would create stress hormone in my body. It would create that stress hormone cascade. That stress hormone cascade would create more of the same thoughts. I'm so stressed out because I don't have enough support in my life, which would create the same feelings, which would create the same stress chemicals, and that would eventually impact my physical body because we can't just have stress chemicals cruising through our body totally unchecked all the time without feeling like trash. So it eventually would catch up to my physical body and I would get sick, I would have a health flare, I would have a symptoms flare up, and I wouldn't have any conscious awareness of how that all happened. Be like, oh, I feel like trash. That would be like the end result. But now, because of my tools, I can bring awareness to it long before it gets to the point of having the symptom flare up because symptoms are our body's way of communicating with us.

    Erin Holt [00:26:57]:

    And so if we can catch it before it gets to the physical level, we can change it and redirect it a lot more swiftly, a lot more quickly. And so when I catch myself in a thought loop, is it frustrating that I go down those thought loops? It sure is. But I'm so grateful that now it doesn't get to the point where my body has to communicate with me through big, uncomfortable symptoms.

    Erin Holt [00:28:47]:

    All right, let's get back into abundance mining. Celebrating, or at the very least, acknowledging or hunting for, searching for, mining for the abundance that currently exists in your life is a huge, important, momentum building step in the manifestation process of calling in what you want, reaching your goals, reaching your desires. It is a huge part in you feeling better, having more energy, shifting your energy and redirecting yourself toward more of what you want.

    Erin Holt [00:29:50]:

    And so because it's so crucial, it's such a critical step. I love to create communities around it. As I was describing, I like to create a space to share and celebrate your inevitable wins, your progress, your shift. And I like to create these spaces because for a lot of people, celebrating wins doesn't always feel safe. It can actually feel really uncomfortable. Raise your hand if that's you. I know I can't see you, but I'm guessing there's some hands raised. It can feel uncomfortable to celebrate the good stuff in your life.

    Erin Holt [00:30:29]:

    To acknowledge the good stuff in your life. So I like to provide the opportunity and the space to practice this because it is a practice and I'm going to share with you something that Astrid Schmidt recently said on Instagram. I've shared her with you before. She's been on the podcast. I've quoted her here before. I really love her work. But recently she said, anytime we're calling in more or better, we're going to have to contend with the ways in which we had to close our energy and contract in on ourselves. The only reason we want what we want is because we want to feel like more of ourselves in the having of it.

    Erin Holt [00:31:09]:

    If we envision our biggest dreams, that's our own frequency, fully uninterrupted, that's our metaphysical self fully radiating and shining. But what happens is we get triggered by our own light since early life taught us that it's not safe to be ourselves, to be our fully magnificent self, to be in our power. We learned how to contract in on ourselves to stay safe, which is really early in primitive survival architecture that needs to be updated. So as you call in your manifestations, as you cast a huge vision for your life, notice the expansion in the thrills that come with that and then see how many minutes can you clock there before you get triggered by it. Wow. It is so good and so true. It reminds me of the upper limit. So Gay Hendrix talks about this in his book the Big Leap.

    Erin Holt [00:32:15]:

    I don't know. I'm sure he's not the only person talking about the upper limit, but it's the first person that where I heard this concept and the way he describes it. And I'm paraphrasing because I've read that book so many damn times. But the way he talks about it is basically when we are creating new experiences, new feelings of joy, gratitude, abundance, we can hit a level that's been untapped for us before. So we can hit an altogether new level of joy, abundance, gratitude, expansion, love, compassion, those elevated emotions. And when we do, it can feel a little destabilizing for us because we're like, oh, my gosh, we've never been here before. I've never been here before. And so that can feel like we've hit an upper limit, and we cannot get past it, surpass it, and so many of us will feel really stuck there.

    Erin Holt [00:33:03]:

    And he says the way to practice moving beyond that is to just hold those feelings in your body. How long can you practice holding joy? How long can you practice holding expansion? How long can you practice holding abundance and gratitude? And so that's really what Astrid was saying. Practice holding that this is the way you can teach your body to stay open. This is the way you can teach your body that it's safe to receive. It's safe to receive the things that you're calling in. And this, in and of itself, is a rewiring practice. You've heard me say it before, but I'm going to say it again because it bears repeating. Our brain is wired to look out for what's wrong.

    Erin Holt [00:33:46]:

    It's wired to look for what's not working. It's wired to look for what's dangerous. There's a predisposition of our mind to latch on to the negative. The default setting of our brain is to overestimate threats, and it decreases our attention and our awareness for the positive. So just know that that is innately baked into you. It is baked into your human brain. There's nothing wrong with you. We've all got that.

    Erin Holt [00:34:11]:

    We're all fighting that uphill battle. We all have a predisposition toward this. So if you want to see more of the good in your life, you actually have to practice that. That's on you, my dude. That's on you. You have to strengthen your attention to what you want to see, how you want to feel. We can override that negativity bias in the brain. We can overcome scarcity thinking, but we have to practice it.

    Erin Holt [00:34:39]:

    We have to mine for the gems. We have to actively search for evidence of abundance, and then we have to log it, and we have to track it. And this is what I call the abundance tracker. Actually, take time out of your day to write it down so we can do the abundance mining in the morning. We can ask ourselves to look for what's not wrong. We can do the gratitude journal. I really think that's a super important practice first thing in the morning. But then maybe at the end of the day or midday or throughout your day, every single time you notice abundance, write it down, log it and track it.

    Erin Holt [00:35:13]:

    This will show your subconscious mind that abundance is available. And all around you. Every time a manifestation comes in something that you're like, oh, I would really like to see this. And then you see it. Big or small, write it down. This will show your subconscious mind that manifestations are happening all the time, all around you. Every time you experience any type of win, big or small, write it down. Show your subconscious mind what is possible.

    Erin Holt [00:35:39]:

    This is the mining. You are mining it, you are looking for it, what is useful here. And then you're writing it down. You're showing your mind more of what you want to see. Gather evidence for what you want to see, what you want to create, what you want to do, what you want to be, what you want to have. Strengthen your attention to see more of what you want. Strengthen your attention to feel more of what you want. How do you want to feel? And I recognize that this might seem overly simplistic, it might seem subtle, but this is the work. It's to search for the abundance.

    Erin Holt [00:36:14]:

    Show your brain what to look for. Where can you find it? The more you can find it, the more you can create more of it. It's easy to mine for the shit, but that's just going to get you more shit. Mine for the gems, mine for the goodies. Do that instead and see what happens. This is what changes your subconscious filters. It literally changes what you are able to see. It makes me think of people who go out of their way to DM me, who take the time out of their day to send me a private message and thank me for the podcast.

    Erin Holt [00:36:51]:

    I just got one last week from somebody who just wanted to thank me for the podcast as a resource. She shared it with a friend. They've been listening for years. And neither of these people are customers. They've never purchased anything, none of my programs, not spent one red cent with the functional nutritionist. But they've used this podcast as resource, as a way to self advocate at the doctors, as a way to change their health and change the way they think about their health. And just took a couple minutes out of her day to reach out to me and thank me. And I get messages like those a lot.

    Erin Holt [00:37:25]:

    I love them. I love them so much. I always make a attempt to respond to you personally. If you do send me a message, super, super appreciate it. And then I think about people who go out of their way to leave a negative podcast, reverse. One that I'm thinking about right now was actually this time last year, I did a episode where I was talking about Manifest Your Health, and they left a review saying that was one long ad for her new program. And so it's so interesting because that episode led to 108 people joining Manifest Your Health. So obviously they received something from that podcast.

    Erin Holt [00:38:01]:

    But this listener chose to see black, chose to see negative. I invested my time, and all I got was this ad. And so it's the same podcast, it's just a different experience on the receiver's end based on how they are choosing to see, what they are focusing on. You can see lack, or you can see abundance in the same exact situation, but that's on you. That's really up to you. That's up to how you practice, how you choose to see things. It will make a difference to your whole life if you practice abundance mining. That's why I say you can change your energy like that, but you can change your reality.

    Erin Holt [00:38:37]:

    You can change what you see in your reality, you can change what you experience. You can change how you feel. You can change your entire world by practicing this stuff. The thing that I love about abundance and focusing on abundance, it puts you in the frequency of receiving, of gratitude. And the more time you spend there, the more you, like, upgrade your frequency. Maybe that's a weird way to talk about it, but the more you spend time in abundance, receiving, and gratitude, the more you become a magnet for calling in what you want. The frequency of gratitude is also very healing for the body. Gratitude puts your body into a coherent state.

    Erin Holt [00:39:22]:

    It puts your heart into a coherent state. It puts your brain into a coherent state. To put your entire body into this coherent, harmonious, healing state, it supercharges your ability to heal. I love it. I love it so much. If I'm feeling a little flaky and shaky, a little under the weather, my energy's lagging. I'm moving directly into abundance and gratitude, because I know that that's going to change my biochemistry. Gratitude acts as an amplifier to create brain coherence.

    Erin Holt [00:39:51]:

    So it's sending more energy to the brain. It's sending more energy to create with, to influence imagination. So you can start to see solutions to your problems. Rather than staying stuck and mired in the problems, you can open up your brain to see more opportunity, more possibility. So that really is why I say it's the number one way to shift your energy now, abundance. Focusing on abundance. And then the other reason that I think it's important to have a space to share this with other people. It's not just for you.

    Erin Holt [00:40:24]:

    Not only are you receiving the medicine for yourself, but you share it with other people, too. You can serve as an expander. We did an episode on expanders a couple of weeks ago or a few weeks ago. When you share your wins, when you share your growth and evolution, even if it's uncomfortable for you for the reasons that we've discussed, when you do it, you show other people what's possible. When other people see your wins, it shows them evidence of what is possible and what can be done. So you get to create a that field of possibility for other people. I love that. Oh, my gosh.

    Erin Holt [00:41:02]:

    I just like, I got like a little tickle in my belly and it came all the way up into my heart when I said that. It's so powerful. So don't hold back your wins. It's almost like contagious. You mine for your own abundance. You share that, and then other people kind of catch on with that, too. It's really good medicine. It's good stuff.

    Erin Holt [00:41:25]:

    That's part, that's a little tiny aspect of what we do in Manifest Your Health. But whether or not you join Manifest Your Health, you can practice this anytime, anywhere, and I suggest that you do. And hopefully this episode convinced you of why you should do more of it. All right, love you guys so much. Hopefully this was helpful for you. Send me a DM if you got something good out of this. I would love to hear your response to this episode. And for those of you who are joining us in Manifest Your Health, get ready because it's going to be a wild ride and I cannot wait.

    Erin Holt [00:42:02]:

    Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend, and keep coming back for more. Take care of you.


Episode 323: Be Your Own Health Expert & the Body-Belief Connection | Balanced Bites Podcast Interview


Episode 321: Neurobiology of Chronic Conditions | Manifest Your Health Series