The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 331: All About Digestive Enzymes
Are you in the middle of a stressful season and experiencing digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation, or nausea? You’re in the right place! If you have your diet and lifestyle dialed in, you may need some extra digestive support—like digestive enzymes! Learn about the root causes of low digestive enzymes and stomach acid (such as H. pylori and SIBO), as well as how to determine which digestive enzymes may be the best fit for you and how to incorporate them into your routine.
Looking for more support in diving into the root cause of your low digestive juices? Opt into our FREE Digestive Guide, or take a deeper dive with our 1:1 membership, with spots opening next month to get started!
Feel like you’re doing all the basics and are still catching every cold that goes around? It may be time to take a deeper dive. We’re accepting clients in our 1:1 membership and would love to see your application!

Episode 294: 3 Changes I Made to Regulate My Appetite
Hunger is a normal and natural response of the body, and we shouldn’t pathologize it. However, if we experience excessive hunger or have a tendency to eat a lot at night, it may be a sign that something needs to be addressed.
Today, Erin unpacks some of the science and psychology of appetite regulation, and shares 3 major changes she made to her diet and lifestyle in order to find balance and satiety. Listen to learn more about the importance of protein-rich meals, eating three full meals a day, and the emotional and mental aspects of appetite regulation.

Episode 269: What I Eat in a Day (& Why)
Recently, Erin was approached by the Los Angeles Times to share her insights on navigating diet culture. With the overwhelming amount of conflicting advice we encounter daily, finding personal solutions can be quite a struggle. One of the questions raised during the interview was about the impact of "What I eat in a day" posts on social media, which sparked the idea for this insightful episode.
Tune in as Erin shares her thoughts on evaluating nutrition advice and what to look for in a trusted source. Erin also walks through exactly what she eats in a day, how she fuels her body to be the healthiest version of herself — and why. This episode will give you the confidence to pick and choose what best suits your own life. There are tons of specific recommendations that you don’t want to miss!

Episode 265: Muscle Mass, Nutrition, & Training for Longevity with Liz Wolfe
Proper muscle mass is foundational for a resilient body and healthy aging. Training to build muscle is a worthy endeavor–regardless of any body composition goals–and today’s episode explores why.
In this conversation, Erin chats with Liz Wolfe about the interplay between muscle mass and nutrition, from blood sugar balance to glucose control; tips on protein, carb, and amino acid intake around working out; and thoughts on building a lifestyle around nutrition and working out that is not grounded in perfectionism.
Liz Wolfe is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and best-selling author who encourages women - all women, but especially the 40-ish crowd - to embrace their inner (and outer) badass using nutrition, fitness and beauty concepts that serve both their bodies and their sanity.
After spending the latter half of her 30s in denial about the milestone that is the big 4-0, she realized that getting real about the aging process is not just a privilege, but an empowering, exciting, and necessary step to living your most fulfilled life.
Liz is the author of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller Eat the Yolks, the host of the award-winning Balanced Bites Podcast, and the co-founder of the Athletic Mom fitness program.

Episode 261: The Shoulds & Shames of Weight Loss | Legacy Series
When it comes to weight, body image, and our intentions surrounding it, women often receive messaging that promotes weight loss as salvation AND anti-diet messages that promote body acceptance as the only way. These black and white messages create fragmentation within ourselves and shame surrounding whichever direction we lean.
It’s not wrong to have a body image goal, but in order to achieve sustainable change, health and wellbeing, it’s necessary to understand the “why” behind these goals first. Today on the show Erin taps into these “whys” to really get to the root of our body intentions and offers up questions to uncover our own belief patterns.

Episode 259: Low FODMAP Diet Considerations | Legacy Series
A low FODMAP diet has become the sweetheart of diets in treating SIBO within the functional and conventional medicine world. However, as with any protocol implementation, one must be sure to ask, “what’s the end game here?”
In this episode, Erin unpacks the low FODMAP diet, what it is, how it helps to reduce symptoms of SIBO & IBS and why she very rarely implements it with her clients. Erin clears the confusion and helps lay out how to determine if it’s right for you, as well as potential drawbacks to the diet. This episode is great for anyone who is suffering from SIBO symptoms, IBS, or are otherwise curious about transitioning onto or off of a low FODMAP diet.

Episode 205: The Shoulds & Shames Behind Weight Loss Goals
Women hear an enormous amount of “you should…” statements on a daily basis—from social media to our family to our friends to our own self-talk. And when it comes to weight, body image and our intentions surrounding it, women often receive messaging that promotes weight loss as salvation AND anti-diet messages that promote body acceptance.
These conflicting, black and white, either/or messages creates fragmentation within ourselves and shame surrounding whichever direction we lean. There’s no room for gray area, for both thoughts to be true, and this can be especially pronounced for those who have struggled with eating disorders or even dealt with chronic illness. It’s not wrong to have a body image goal, but in order to achieve sustainable change, health and wellbeing, it’s necessary to understand the “why” behind these goals first.
Today on the show Erin taps into these whys to really get to the root of our body intentions and offers up thought provoking questions to uncover our own belief patterns. You might hear yourself in some of the examples Erin showcases, and you wouldn’t be alone if you did—these are conversations Erin has had with others both in her group programs and 1:1 work, as well as in real life with friends and family.
If, like so many others, you’ve ever found yourself somewhere in the gray area between diet culture and anti-diet culture, this will be an especially important episode to hear!

Episode 189: Metabolism Series Part 3: Glucose Monitoring, Red Flags & Metabolic Health
This minisode is Part 3 of a 3 part series Erin is doing on Metabolic Health, where she answers some of the most common questions she has received on all things metabolism! Tune in as Erin wraps up this series with topics like red flags to look for with high and low blood sugar, glucose monitoring, lethargy after eating, how much hunger is “normal”, what stress/sleep have to do with blood sugar, and the best types of movement practices for your hormones.

Episode 152: Eating for Candida & Autoimmunity, Sugar Substitutes: A Mixed Bag Q&A
This episode is a mixed bag of blood sugar-related topics, ranging from weight loss to sugar substitutes to Candida to diabetes to immunity to hormones. Erin covers it all! Listen in as she answers questions from the community and breaks down why you have more control than you think when it comes to your health.

Episode 151: How to Determine the Right Amount of Sugar for You
Blood sugar regulation is one of the most, if not THE most, important thing to consider when setting out to improve your health. Whether your end-goal is improved adrenal health, thyroid health, hormone balance, weight loss, brain health or increased energy...if you have dysregulated blood sugar, you can’t achieve any of those goals. This is often the first thing Erin addresses with clients in her 1:1 practice, and is THE reason she created her 4-week plan to determine your body's unique carbohydrate needs and end the carb confusion - The Carb Compatibility Project™. This episode is part one of a two-parter from Instagram Live all about blood sugar and how you can begin to tap into your own authority to determine your unique carbohydrate and sugar needs.

Episode 146: Intuitive Fasting - An Opinion Piece on Our Wellness Culture
There’s a growing trend in Wellness Culture where opinions and recommendations are increasingly standardized, leaving little room for nuance or exception. Today Erin gives us a peek into how her mind operates in this opinion episode on our wellness and diet culture, and it’s centered on a recently released intuitive eating nutrition book that has a large portion of the wellness world falling into two camps: FOR or ANTI.
Unfortunately this leaves a lot of folks who are simply searching for some help to think they have to “choose a side” when it comes to their health. Who’s to blame for this polarization and distortion? Where has our compassion gone? In this episode, you won’t hear Erin take a hard stand for or against this topic, or even defend her own position. Instead she asks questions about our collective reactivity - in the nutrition space and beyond - and attempts to understand what that means about us. How can we utilize that reactivity to affect the change we’re looking for? This one is certainly food for thought...

Episode 141: The Lowdown on the NutriSense Continuous Glucose Monitor
I’ve been experimenting with NutriSense’s Continuous Glucose Monitor, and in this episode, I sat down with NutriSense Cofounder and Director of Nutrition, Kara Collier, RDN to get into the nitty gritty about what exactly is a CGM, the tech behind it and why someone would use it. Listen in to hear the breakdown on who this CGM is good for, who it’s NOT good for, and how it can be a beneficial step to help some who are looking to take their established health behaviors to the next level.

Episode 135: Intermittent Fasting - Who it's For, Who it's Not For
Can intermittent fasting be a therapeutic tool? Rich with content and resources, this episode is an extensive, deep dive into intermittent fasting, metabolic dysfunction and how you can assess whether IF is right for you based on your unique context.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is fasting-curious, anyone who’s interested in IF or currently trying IF. I dissect who should try it, in what situations is it therapeutic and why, potential benefits, contraindications, whether it works for women’s bodies and the debate over if it’s just another diet culture tool. Have a listen and be sure to share this episode with anyone in your life who has type II diabetes, high insulin, prediabetes, insulin-resistance, metabolic resistance, high blood sugar, anyone going through menopause, or post-menopause.

Episode 55: How to Tell if Your Blood Sugar is a Problem
Talking about blood sugar isn’t exactly sexy or glamorous. It’s for sure not winning any clickbait awards.
But blood sugar regulation is arguably one of the most important things to consider when we’re trying to put together an owner’s manual for our own healthy bodies.
The truth is that most people don’t realize just how much unstable blood sugar impacts their health -- everything from hormonal balance to thyroid function to inflammation to brain health.
Just like Ron Burgundy, blood sugar is kind of a big deal.