The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 343: Cortisol Face, Adrenal Cocktails & Cortisol Testing – Debunking Cortisol Myths & Facts
Advice can be amazing—or a total miss—depending on who it is for and who it’s coming from. That’s especially true when it comes to hormones, where one-size-fits-all solutions from TikTok and Instagram don’t work. In this episode, Erin clears up the confusion about cortisol’s role in the body, addresses popular trends like adrenal cocktails and cortisol face, and discusses what high and low cortisol levels really mean for your health. Learn why lowering cortisol doesn’t always lead to weight loss and how to navigate testing options to get the most accurate results.

Episode 341: Building Your Autoimmune Tool Kit
In this episode, Erin is joined by The Funk’tional Nutritionist’s new practitioner and Collective Community Manager, Nicole Antes, RD. They dive into creating an Autoimmune Healing Toolkit—a personalized approach to managing autoimmune conditions and supporting your body during flares. Nicole shares her extensive experience working with clients with autoimmunity, emphasizing the importance of addressing both symptoms and root causes to rebalance the immune system.
Interested in working with Nicole in our Functional C.A.R.E. Method™ 1:1 services? We have limited spots available to get started! Send us your application here.

Episode 340: Balance Your Hormones in Under an Hour
Today Erin is teaching you how to balance your hormones using the 5 key elements of hormone health – do these things and you WILL balance your hormones.
If you need more specificity, resources and support, then we invite you to join us for Your Hormone Revival™, our 3 month program that teaches you how to balance your hormones (with the option for lab testing for even more insight as to the root cause of your hormone imbalance!).
Get access to Your Hormone Revival™ within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective - our monthly health membership to start feeling like your best self again that reopens on January 7th!

Episode 335: How I Prioritize My Health Through the Holidays
Do you tend to take the path of least resistance during the holiday season and tell yourself you’ll get back on the healthy lifestyle train in January? There’s a way for you to set non-negotiables around your nutrition, movement, and mindset so you can continue caring for yourself (and show up better for your loved ones, too). Tune in to learn some crowd-pleasing recipes, calendar tricks, mindset shifts, and supplements that will help you feel your best through the end of the year—and beyond!

Episode 307: Starting a Business from Scratch
Erin answers the question, “If you had to start a business from scratch, what would be the first three things you would prioritize?” Erin covers the basic, more tangible topics, like starting an email list, networking with your existing community and getting confident speaking about what you offer. She also dives into more unpopular opinions, like getting started before you have everything perfect and avoiding niching down at the start. Although Erin mentioned three takeaways, you’ll get more than expected from this episode!
Enrollment for our spring cohort of the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy is now open & spaces are limited. Apply today!

Episode 302: Ambition & Adrenals | Why highly ambitious people burnout - and what we can do about it
Are you an entrepreneur or a highly ambitious person that seems to be stuck in the “go-go-go” mentality and may benefit from learning when and how to rein it in? If so, this episode is for you. Erin uncovers the common hormone imbalances she sees in highly ambitious people and how our culture fosters an environment for burnout. Erin explains tools to rewire your self-image and identity to ensure you put your body before your business.

Episode 299: Manifest Your Wealth: Money Mindset
Today’s episode is a bit different. Erin talks about how she renegotiated her relationship with money, receiving and abundance over the past 5 years. And how this allowed her to take her company from under 6 figures to over 7 figures in just a few short years. But don’t get it twisted - it’s not just about the money, it’s about the IMPACT that this has allowed TFN to create.
We all have money stories and narratives. We have a collective money story, based on the society we live in. We also have a personal money story, based on how we were raised, our upbringing and our own unique experiences in life. We need to look at both to understand why we believe what we believe – especially if we’re looking to create a new and different relationship with money and wealth.
There’s always room to improve your money mindset, and this episode is gonna get the ball rolling. To keep it going, join Erin in her brand new training series, Manifest Your Wealth.

Episode 298: Where Science Meets the Sacred
Here at TFN, we practice the Intuitive Functional Medicine™ model, meaning we utilize evidence-based practices… AND we also believe that YOU get to be the evidence. Because REAL power comes when we can use research, science and external data points, and allow that to coalesce with the sacred wisdom of our bodies. But what does that look like? And how do we get there? That’s what today’s episode is all about. Erin gets into the deep inner work that is an often overlooked, but very necessary, part of the healing process.
This is another sneak peek into The Funk’tional Nutrition Collective… before enrollment closes on 2/9!!

Episode 293: New Year, New Paradigm: How to Make Health a Priority in 2024
One of the most profound shifts we can make this year is to place our health at the top of our priority list. It's not just about reacting to health crises; it's about nurturing a consistent, proactive approach to our well-being. This means making time, space, and budget for our health, and recognizing that we are worth the investment.
Our latest episode challenges the status quo and invites you to build a new health paradigm. We're talking about prioritizing health, taking responsibility, and embracing our whole selves. Listen on to hear about the official launch of the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective – and exactly WHY Erin created it.

Episode 290: Imbalanced Cortisol: 2 Questions to Ask Yourself
If you’ve ever seen imbalanced cortisol on a hormone test and thought “how do I fix this?”, then this episode is for you.
There are MANY reasons for imbalanced cortisol, and Erin lays out many of them in this episode. But after 12 years of practice, there is something that she consistently sees as the NUMBER ONE reason for burnout, stress and cortisol issues. As a functional medicine practitioner, these are the 2 questions she asks anytime cortisol shows up as high or low on a hormone lab.
This is exactly what you need to uncover and correct burnout, stress, “adrenal fatigue” and cortisol issues – and prevent them from coming back again.

Episode 285: Uncover Your Core Values | GET LIFTED
If today's podcast had a subtitle it would be: What if you actually started embodying the inspirational quotes & memes you share on social media? (Juicy, right?) We're unpacking desired values (how you want to show up) vs. embodied values (how you actually show up) and how to find alignment between these two. Erin teaches a game-changing exercise to help you uncover your personal core values so you can use them as a discernment tool to realign your priorities in your life.

Episode 283: What Does It Mean to “Be in Your Energy”? | GET LIFTED
On today’s GLT episode, Erin explains why being in your own energy is a super power. She also unpacks what, exactly, that means — and how to do it. If you have a tendency to seek answers outside yourself, this one's for you. You’ll walk away from this discussion with a clearer understanding of how to TRULY access your own authenticity.

Episode 273: Re-Imagining the Back to School Busy
Back to school and the transition to fall has become synonymous with busyness. In this episode, Erin addresses the “chaos energy” that can accompany times of change. She explains how food plays an impactful role on your mental state, and why it’s important to evaluate food choices for both yourself and your family. Throughout this episode you’ll hear thought-provoking questions designed to help you assess the impact of busyness on you and those around you — and alternatives for a more positive effect. This is not your typical “back to school” conversation!

Episode 260: Boundaries in Life & Parenting with Annie Hopkins
Setting healthy and appropriate boundaries is vital for our health–people who struggle to prioritize themselves have also been shown to fall ill most often. The question of how to set boundaries, however, may not be the right question to start with. Instead, what we need to unpack first is: why is boundary setting so hard?
In today’s discussion with Annie Hopkins, a pelvic floor physical therapist and owner of Full Bloom Wellness, Erin and Annie go over the definition of boundaries and why self-identity and self-worth is required for healthy boundary setting. Listeners will also learn the surprising brain-based distinction between compassion and empathy, and how to care for others without burning out.