The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 338: My Fave Health Tools & Gadgets of 2024
With all the health tools on the market, how do you know which ones are worth the investment? That's what we're getting into today — with Erin's honest opinion & feedback. Tune in to hear her favorite health tools and gadgets from 2024, including clean beauty tools, face masks, wearable — and walkable — devices and more. Some of these might make it to your holiday wish list...and some might make it to the naughty list! These are the unfiltered updates you all have been asking for!

Episode 333: Functional Stool Testing: What It Is & How to Know If You Need It
If you have obvious GI symptoms going on (digestion, bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, loose stools, diarrhea, constipation, or sluggish bowels) you might want a stool test. But there are some non obvious conditions that also have a GI component, such as autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, and skin conditions, that would also benefit from results of a stool test. Learn about functional stool testing, what it is, how you know if you need it and how it can help you.
Interested in having your stool test analyzed by Team FN? Sign up for The Gut Panel - our new program designed to give you more insight as to what your root cause may be. Limited to 10 spots!

Episode 295: Mold Toxicity: A Functional Approach
Mold. It's not always as straightforward as it seems, and its symptoms can mimic other conditions. It can be a hidden culprit behind various health issues, but it's not always easy to identify. From respiratory issues to brain fog, mold exposure can manifest in various ways.
In this episode, we're not just scratching the surface; we're exploring the ins and outs of how mold can affect our bodies and what we can do about it. Erin sits down with her Lead Practitioner, Rachel Mistry, to guide you through the process of identifying, understanding, and addressing mold exposure.

Episode 272: The Candida-Skin Connection
Candida, a type of fungus, can trigger skin issues when it overgrows. Dealing with these conditions goes beyond just a topical treatment — oftentimes it’s an inside job.
Here at The Funk’tional Nutritionist, we regularly see clients with skin concerns, so today Team FN dives into the intricate relationship between fungal overgrowth and its effects on the skin. By the end of this conversation, you’ll have a solid grasp of what causes Candida overgrowth, how to recognize it, and effective ways to find relief.

Episode 223: Fragrances, Hormones & Simple Steps to Healthy Living
In this re-release, Erin answers your questions about the effect of fragrance on your hormones - plus what to be aware of with the products we use on our bodies and in our home.
Most people have no idea how harmful synthetic fragrances can be - or how often we are using them! The chemicals used to create or prolong these “fresh” scents impact our neurological health, metabolism, and immune system.
We’re bringing this topic back to the forefront because Erin will be doing a deep dive on autoimmunity here on the show soon, and exposure to certain chemicals is part of why autoimmune diseases are on the rise.
Tune in to hear why cutting out fragrance is a simple, easy step to healthy living.

Episode 167: Fragrances, Hormones & Small Steps to Non Toxic Living
A 2016 study found that more than 50% of the population said they’d prefer public spaces like offices, hotels, airplanes and healthcare facilities be fragrance-free. Despite this, fragrance use is ubiquitous: it’s found in everything from perfumes, beauty products, and cleaning supplies to plastics, paints, and disinfectants.
The problem with these synthetic and artificial fragrances is the health effects they can have on our bodies. Chemicals used to create or prolong these “fresh” scents often have deleterious effects on our health like neurological, metabolic, respiratory, and hormonal imbalances.
Today’s episode continues the summer series, answering your questions about hormones. Listen in as Erin gets into the nitty gritty answering your questions about fragrance effects on hormone health, and lays out what to be aware of in products we often use on our bodies or in our home. This is a topic everyone can benefit from because most people don’t even know how toxic synthetic fragrances are, nor how pervasive they are in products many of us use daily.

Episode 156: Integrative Dermatology - Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea & Beyond with Dr. Julie Greenberg
Ready for a high-level conversation about the connection between our gut microbiome and our skin? Today Erin sits down with Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND to get DEEP into this topic, exploring the effect of western diets, key roles of specific gut bacteria, common skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea, the relationship of candida and other fungal problems, and yes - Botox and fillers, too.
If you’re a practitioner or clinician, or even someone who geeks out on nutrition information, you’ll want to bust out a pen and paper for some notes on this one! Dr. Greenberg delivers an outstanding, comprehensive take on this delicate connection that you’ll absolutely want to tune in for.

Episode 122: The Gut-Skin Connection - Leaky Gut, Rosacea, Acne, Eczema, Keratosis Pilaris & Psoriasis
Today I’m picking up where we left off on the Gut-Skin Connection. If you missed part one, be sure to check that out! Last week I talked about how the gut and skin are linked, the different mechanisms that link them and why a healthy diet for your gut is also a healthy diet for your skin.
This week I continue the conversation and discuss leaky gut, specific skin conditions, how they often manifest and important things to consider for them.
This episode is definitely for you if you’ve been suffering from a common skin condition like rosacea, acne, eczema, keratosis pilaris or psoriasis. I also talk about histamines and candida, and weave information throughout this episode that’s really important to hear from a holistic perspective.

Episode 121: The Gut-Skin Connection
Many of you already know that your skin is your largest organ, but we often forget that addressing skin conditions often requires us to go beyond topical solutions. Conventional/allopathic medicine tends to focus on the organ in question. For skin issues, the "solutions" are always skin-focused with treatments like dermatology, steroids, cortisone creams, Acutane, etc. They work from the outside.
The truth of the matter is that skin is almost always an inside job. Sometimes it's hormones. Sometimes it's overburdened detoxification pathways. Often it's gut-related. Functional medicine likes to take a step back and ask, what's driving the imbalance? What are the triggers? Where did it start? How can we address the root so the organ can self-heal? These are the questions I ask in my practice, and how I attempt to address skin issues from the inside-out.

Episode 87: Eczema, Skin Rashes & What You Need to Know with Jennifer Fugo
This interview with clinical nutritionist Jennifer Fugo dissects chronic skin conditions such as eczema, skin rashes, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and yeast, rosacea, and psoriasis. You’ll hear how the intersection between the various systems within the body can affect these conditions and important things to consider for skin health!

Episode 47: Weaning off Antidepressants, Eczema Diets & the Problem with Nutrition
Today Kyle and I cover topics like: Immune-boosting herbs we’re loving now, How to support yourself nutritionally when weaning off SSRIs, Supplements to consider when coming off anti-depressants, Nutrition to support the brain and mood, Gluten & the brain, Talking about gluten sensitivity , Thyroid health & the brain, Eczema triggers, Supplements & life practices for eczema relief, and the question: Is Jillian Michael’s keto stance legit?