The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 345: The Microbiome Uncovered: Expert Insights on Gut Health, Testing, and Healing with Dr. Thomas Fabian
If you’re dealing with bloating, digestive discomfort, food sensitivities, or frustrating conditions like SIBO or H. pylori, you’re in the right place. Gut health isn’t just about digestion—it’s connected to immunity, inflammation, and even your energy levels. Understanding your microbiome and how to support it is key to overcoming these challenges and feeling your best.
In this episode, we’ll break down the science of gut health, explore what stool testing can reveal, and discuss practical strategies to address common issues like dysbiosis, pathogens, and inflammation. Whether you’re looking to improve your digestion or support your overall wellness, this conversation is packed with actionable insights you can use.

Episode 337: Colon Hydrotherapy - Why Aren't More People Talking About This?
Struggling with constipation, looking to detox, or improve your mental clarity? Colon hydrotherapy might be a really helpful tool for you. Joanna Stanescu joins Erin on today’s episode to discuss all things colon hydrotherapy - common misconceptions, benefits, contraindications, and what to expect if you’ve never received one before.
Joanna Stanescu is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and Colon Hydrotherapist. She owns The Root Chakra inside South Bay Holistic Spa located in South San Jose, CA.

Episode 336: The Lymphatic System: A Whole Body Approach to Healing with Dr. Perry Nickelston
Overcoming chronic pain requires an understanding of how different parts of the body (and the mind) influence each other in the healing process. Today’s podcast guest, Dr. Perry Nickelston, focuses on healing chronic pain and inflammation via the lymphatic and vascular systems. What this conversation emphasizes, however, is the fact that nothing heals in isolation.
Erin and Dr. Perry delve into why blood flow and lymphatic health are essential for the health of the rest of the brain/body (and visa versa), the importance of the vagus nerve, diaphragmatic breathing and how it keeps the lymphatic system pumping efficiently, the lymph and brain health, and more.
Perry Nickelston, DC aka ‘The Lymph Doc’ is a Chiropractic Physician with primary focus on treating chronic pain and inflammation via the lymphatic and vascular systems. Owner of Stop Chasing Pain, LLC. International speaker and educator of the self care MOJO series. Lymphatic Mojo, Blood Flow Mojo, Tongue Mojo, Glymphatic Mojo, Visceral Mojo, Vagus Nerve Mojo, Primal Movement Mojo.
Author of the upcoming book Stop Chasing Pain: A vital guide to healing your body, moving well, and gaining control of your life.
He is a 1997 graduate from Palmer Chiropractic University and a master fitness trainer with over 25 years experience in the health industry.

Episode 333: Functional Stool Testing: What It Is & How to Know If You Need It
If you have obvious GI symptoms going on (digestion, bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, loose stools, diarrhea, constipation, or sluggish bowels) you might want a stool test. But there are some non obvious conditions that also have a GI component, such as autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, and skin conditions, that would also benefit from results of a stool test. Learn about functional stool testing, what it is, how you know if you need it and how it can help you.
Interested in having your stool test analyzed by Team FN? Sign up for The Gut Panel - our new program designed to give you more insight as to what your root cause may be. Limited to 10 spots!

Episode 332: Coffee Enemas: The Whys, Whats and Hows
Are you experiencing bloating, belching, pain with eating, or heartburn? These symptoms can be due to constipation, sluggish bowels or trapped gas. To find relief in times of digestive discomfort, coffee enemas can be a great resource. Learn how coffee enemas can support your body’s natural detoxification process and gut-brain connection as well as how to properly set one up and what to expect afterwards.

Episode 331: All About Digestive Enzymes
Are you in the middle of a stressful season and experiencing digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation, or nausea? You’re in the right place! If you have your diet and lifestyle dialed in, you may need some extra digestive support—like digestive enzymes! Learn about the root causes of low digestive enzymes and stomach acid (such as H. pylori and SIBO), as well as how to determine which digestive enzymes may be the best fit for you and how to incorporate them into your routine.
Looking for more support in diving into the root cause of your low digestive juices? Opt into our FREE Digestive Guide, or take a deeper dive with our 1:1 membership, with spots opening next month to get started!
Feel like you’re doing all the basics and are still catching every cold that goes around? It may be time to take a deeper dive. We’re accepting clients in our 1:1 membership and would love to see your application!

Episode 312: Estrogen Dominance & Detox: What You Need to Know
Grab your DUTCH test and your headphones because this episode is a companion guide to your test, specifically the estrogen section. Learn the symptoms of estrogen dominance, how excessive estrogen can lead to diseases like PCOS and endometriosis, and why estrogen dominance is so common in this day and age. If you suspect you have estrogen dominance, you’ll learn about the supplement and food as medicine approaches we use in practice to help balance hormones. The biggest take-away from today? Never underestimate the importance of regular bowel movements.

Episode 308: Sleepy Girl Mocktails, Minerals & HTMAs
Erin brings Rachel, the Lead Practitioner for Team FN and Lead Clinical Mentor of the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy, on this episode to discuss the popular TikTok and Instagram trend- The Sleepy Girl Mocktail. Surprisingly, not all trends are bad and this is one we can get behind! You’ll learn why magnesium is important, how common deficiencies are (and why!) and ways to increase your magnesium levels through supplementation and topicals. Rachel dives into the newest functional lab test we’ve introduced to our 1:1 Membership- the HTMA test, and shares how it can be an effective and affordable way to find lifestyle and nutrition recommendations for her patients. This is a great episode for both clients and practitioners alike!
Interested to learn more about how to run HTMA tests in your own practice? Enrollment into the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy spring cohort is now open and spots are limited!

Episode 303: All About Acid Reflux & GERD
Erin explains how digestion works in the body and how dysfunction in any part of the process can lead to acid reflux & GERD. Learn how conventional medicine treatment can often mask the underlying root cause of GERD and potentially exacerbate the issue. Erin discusses the common foods and medications that contribute to reflux and simple ways to support yourself in your treatment journey.

Episode 289: Probiotics: Are They Worth It?
Probiotics are a 77 billion dollar industry (2022) and are expected to grow even more in the next decade. We all know how important gut health is, so if there is an easy solution to our tummy troubles, we’re gonna take it. Since we’re spending a lot of money on probiotics, we should probably ask the question…are they worth it?
Today's show uses the current research to explain what probiotics CAN do, and what they probably CAN’T do. After listening, you can determine for yourself: should you be using them, and if so, what kind?
Erin will also discuss specific ways to introduce probiotics & prebiotics with success – including what she refers to as “Microdosing Probiotics” for folks who are ultra sensitive. You’ll also learn overall strategies to support your microbiome and build a better gut!

Episode 257: Leaky Gut, Microbiome, & Digestion | Legacy Series
Terms like “leaky gut” and “microbiome” are buzzwords in health these days–so much so that practitioners sometimes jump to prescribing a leaky gut protocol without understanding what’s going on in the whole body.
This episode gives an overview of gut health from top to tail and explains where things can go wrong. There is a WEALTH of information in this discussion–Erin talks about autoimmunity, hormones, and the impact of the modern environment on our gut health. Stay tuned until the end for actionable tips on how to improve your gut health and microbiome diversity!

Episode 256: Healthy Travel Hacks
Staying healthy while traveling doesn’t have to be a challenge–it just takes planning ahead and knowing some tips and tricks! Being in a different place and off your normal schedule can throw your system off-balance, but these hacks will help you stay happy and healthy while on the road.
This episode responds to listener questions Erin received after returning from a week-long trip. After listening to this episode, you will come away with healthy snack ideas for the plane, the best supplements to bring while traveling and why, how to eat and drink on vacation without derailing your immune system, post-travel best practices, and more.

Episode 248: Why You Need to Stop Self-Treating Your Gut
Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t harm you. Herbs have the capacity to negatively alter our gut microbiome if they aren’t used properly, so it’s important to know the root cause before diving into herbal remedies for gut problems. And it’s especially important to seek professional help rather than self-diagnosing and treating with potentially harmful remedies.
In this episode, Erin takes a deep dive into problems with antibiotics and herbal remedies (spoiler alert: they have similar problems), why the 5R protocol needs a revamp, when it’s time to explore functional lab testing, and how to safely support your gut health at home. This conversation is also great for practitioners seeking to learn more about how to treat the gut safely and effectively!

Episode 231: Manifest Your Health™: SIBO, IBS, GERD & Constipation
Get a taste of how Erin blends functional medicine, energy anatomy & intuitive medicine in her unique functional alchemy approach.
This Manifest Your Health™ coaching episode addresses a listener’s struggles with SIBO, IBS, GERD & constipation. Podcast listener Hillary is a classic example of someone stuck in the symptom ⇒ diagnosis ⇒ prescription of conventional medicine (without feeling better).
Erin discusses strategies to feel better, as well as functional lab testing to gather more information. She also offers insight into the emotions and energetics behind Hillary’s symptoms to help her figure out what is at the TRUE root of her ongoing health issues.
This is a great episode for anyone struggling with ongoing SIBO, IBS, constipation - or any practitioner who works with clients with GI disorders!