The Funk’tional Nutrition Blog
On Finding Peace Amidst Troll Culture
Every full moon is a chance to take stock of what’s going on in your life and release the things that aren’t working...the things that no longer serve you. Oftentimes—if you pay attention—the week (or weeks) leading up to the full moon presents you opportunities to understand what these things are. This week was no exception for me. Over on Instagram, I had a quite few combative comments and direct messages. Unfortunately, with an audience of over 11K, these types of things are not uncommon. This week, however, there was a significant uptick.
A Guided Meditation for Uncertain Times
I’ve been talking A LOT about all the ways we can support our immune system—one of the best ways to do this is by down-regulating our stress response. These are uncertain times. Uncertainty can create a lot of anxiety.
What I hope to do with this meditation is give you a resource to come back to during these uncertain times, to calm down your own system, to relax yourself, to understand that you are safe and you have a modality for healing. This is a tool that I have used for my own healing (mental, emotional and physical) and I am happy to share it with you.
Meditation to Discover Balance & Self Healing
The wilderness is my spiritual compass. It’s how I connect to something bigger than myself. If I’m feeling lost, overwhelmed or out of sorts, nothing soothes my soul like a walk in the woods. This is something I discovered over the past 5 year while I was going through hell and back with my health.
3 Actions for Emotional Eaters
The holidays are a doozy, no? I'm still getting emails from people telling me they are having a tough time “recovering.” They are still in holiday eating mode, and they’re feeling they need to cleanse themselves. There’s a lot of emotion involved, and the knee-jerk reaction is to do something extreme to “get back on track.” What’s going on here?
Who Do You Want to be on Social Media?
Earlier this week my husband posted this photo on Instagram. My response: “Ugh. I don’t like that photo. My alignment is wonky and I’m not even doing a proper handstand. Why did you post it?”
My Thoughts on Calorie Counting, Food Portioning & Food Tracking
Seeing as I’m a functional nutritionist, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I often get asked about diets. Under the “diet umbrella” comes inquiries about calorie counting, food portioning and food tracking.
Based on what I’ve seen with group nutrition participants, individual clients, and my own food transformation, I’ve formed a pretty strong opinion of the above topics. Today I will share them with you.
Anti-Multitask Challenge
A few weeks back I attended a restorative yoga class and for 2 hours (TWO HOURS!) I was relatively still. Alone with my thoughts, this could have been a really bad thing. But it wasn’t. I could have wanted to crawl out of my skin. But I didn’t. I could have been bored or annoyed or judgmental, but I found none of those feelings.