The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 345: The Microbiome Uncovered: Expert Insights on Gut Health, Testing, and Healing with Dr. Thomas Fabian
If you’re dealing with bloating, digestive discomfort, food sensitivities, or frustrating conditions like SIBO or H. pylori, you’re in the right place. Gut health isn’t just about digestion—it’s connected to immunity, inflammation, and even your energy levels. Understanding your microbiome and how to support it is key to overcoming these challenges and feeling your best.
In this episode, we’ll break down the science of gut health, explore what stool testing can reveal, and discuss practical strategies to address common issues like dysbiosis, pathogens, and inflammation. Whether you’re looking to improve your digestion or support your overall wellness, this conversation is packed with actionable insights you can use.

Episode 272: The Candida-Skin Connection
Candida, a type of fungus, can trigger skin issues when it overgrows. Dealing with these conditions goes beyond just a topical treatment — oftentimes it’s an inside job.
Here at The Funk’tional Nutritionist, we regularly see clients with skin concerns, so today Team FN dives into the intricate relationship between fungal overgrowth and its effects on the skin. By the end of this conversation, you’ll have a solid grasp of what causes Candida overgrowth, how to recognize it, and effective ways to find relief.

Episode 267: It’s Not Always Your Mind (But Sometimes It Is)
Did you know that recurring or “chronic” symptoms are actually “neuroplastic” or hardwired into the brain and nervous system? When symptoms are chronic and hardwired, the solutions are no longer ONLY physical. Since chronic symptoms have a mind and nervous system component, it’s imperative that we address them from a mind and nervous system perspective, too.
Tune into today’s discussion on the importance of respecting the mental, emotional, and energetic aspects of the body, how to do so without bypassing what's happening at the physical level, and why fixating on one path or another can cause missed opportunities for full healing.

Episode 231: Manifest Your Health™: SIBO, IBS, GERD & Constipation
Get a taste of how Erin blends functional medicine, energy anatomy & intuitive medicine in her unique functional alchemy approach.
This Manifest Your Health™ coaching episode addresses a listener’s struggles with SIBO, IBS, GERD & constipation. Podcast listener Hillary is a classic example of someone stuck in the symptom ⇒ diagnosis ⇒ prescription of conventional medicine (without feeling better).
Erin discusses strategies to feel better, as well as functional lab testing to gather more information. She also offers insight into the emotions and energetics behind Hillary’s symptoms to help her figure out what is at the TRUE root of her ongoing health issues.
This is a great episode for anyone struggling with ongoing SIBO, IBS, constipation - or any practitioner who works with clients with GI disorders!

Episode 219: Endometriosis & the Overlap of Hormone, Gut & Immune Health with Dr. Lara Briden
There’s a bit of a misunderstanding in the health world that endometriosis is just a hormone problem, but this line of thinking is incomplete. Hormones can absolutely contribute to the endometriosis picture, but they are not the cause of endometriosis. And part of treating endometriosis should include strategies to support the hormones, though that’s not where the support should end.
Today on the show Erin speaks with Dr. Lara Briden all about endometriosis and why it’s such a complex thing to treat. Tune in to hear Lara dive into the immune side of endometriosis, epigenetics, gut dysbiosis, and how all these things can be interconnected. Erin and Lara also discuss testing options and strategies to treat endometriosis, plus and natural remedies you can try at home and lifestyle factors to consider. This episode is important to hear if you’ve been struggling with endometriosis or suspect you might have it, have been diagnosed with IBS but think there may be more going on, or if you’re a practitioner looking to deepen your understanding on the complexities of endometriosis.

Episode 203: Bladder Dysfunction, Gut Problems & Pelvic Floor Health
If you’ve got gut problems, have you considered your pelvic floor function?
The pelvic floor is a grouping of muscles that encompasses the center of your body and today, Erin brings back to the show Dr. Cristin Zaimes of Oceanside Physical Therapy to discuss all things pelvic floor and why it’s so important to our overall health. Cristin is an expert in pelvic floor physiology and brings deep knowledge on the subject. Tune in to hear her highlight how pelvic floor health is about so much more than doing Kegals - our gut, bladder, sexual health, and even breathing can be tied to how well our pelvic floor is functioning.
If you’ve ever experienced leakage when you sneeze or exercise, have experienced back pain when lifting, have any sexual pain or dysfunction, or have gut problems like constipation, diarrhea or even recurring SIBO, this will be a really informative episode for you!

Episode 181: SIBO & IBS - The Latest Research & Testing Options with Dr. Mark Pimentel
Erin sits down with Dr. Mark Pimentel, researcher, clinician, and cofounder of Gemelli Biotech™, to discuss the latest research on IBS, SIBO, and new testing options for people who have struggled with these conditions. This is definitely a higher level podcast interview, so this episode is great for clinicians, practitioners, anyone who loves to geek out on gut health and research, or anyone who’s been struggling with IBS or SIBO and looking for answers.

Episode 147: Inflammation & What You’re NOT Eating
You’ve likely heard all about foods that can cause inflammation in the body, but ever wonder if your inflammation is being caused by something you’re NOT eating? Sometimes we are so focused on the minutiae of what foods to avoid that we miss the big picture of what’s really going on - and what’s needed - within our bodies. This episode is actually a conversation Erin had with Toréa Rodriguez, FDN-P on Facebook Live, and in it they talk shop about things they’ve seen in their practice and experienced personally. They dive into challenges with elimination diets, navigating social situations while on a diet for your health, how the absence of certain foods can invite an inflammatory response in your gut microbiome, plus strategies to try if you know you’ve got inflammation. You’ll definitely want to listen in if you’re a practitioner, someone interested in nutrition or going through your own health struggles.

Episode 144: Considerations for a Low FODMAP Diet
A low FODMAP diet has become the sweetheart of diets in treating SIBO within the functional medicine and even conventional medicine world. However, as with any protocol implementation, one must be sure to ask, “what’s the end game here?” In this episode, Erin answers listener questions and takes a deep dive into the low FODMAP diet, what it is, how it helps to reduce symptoms of SIBO & IBS and why she very rarely implements it with her clients. Erin clears the confusion and helps lay out how to determine if it’s right for you, as well as potential drawbacks to the diet. This episode is great for anyone who is suffering from SIBO symptoms, IBS, or are otherwise curious about transitioning onto or off of a low FODMAP diet. Share with anyone who may find this beneficial!

Episode 134: Why You Need to Stop Self-treating Your Gut
Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t harm you. Herbs have the capacity to negatively alter our gut microbiome, so it’s important to know exactly what your needs are before diving into herbal remedies for gut problems. In this episode I take a deep dive into problems with antibiotics and herbal remedies, why the 5R protocol needs a revamp, when it’s time to explore functional lab testing and how to safely treat your gut at home. This episode is teeming with some piping hot early 2020 energy!

Episode 131: Can't poop? Constipation & Gut Health
I’m getting to the bottom of your constipation in this episode. Our gut health is tied to every other system in our bodies, so if you’ve got constipation, there’s a good chance something else isn’t working well, either. This is an information-packed episode filled with stats, studies, anecdotes and all the information you need to get your bowels moving again.

Episode 129: How to Eat for True Gut Health
Dissecting the question, “How do we feed our gut?” is the topic of this episode, and it’s one of the most potent/most powerful in terms of content. If you’ve listened to this episode before, I recommend you listen again because it is that important! I break down the role of our microbiome, dietary and environmental factors that nourish or harm it, antibiotic-use and get into the nitty gritty of how to truly use food as medicine. You might want to take notes for this one! Originally aired December 2019.

Episode 88: All Things Gut: H. Pylori, GERD, SIBO, Candida, CBD & More
Today I’m talking all about the gut and answering some listener questions about the gut. I’m going to talk about H. Pylori (what it is, who is at risk), reflux & GERD, the link between oral & gut health, different types of bloating, what you need to know about treatment, and more.