The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 236: Can Functional Nutrition & Body Neutrality Coexist?
For the last podcast of the year, we’re bringing you an unscripted conversation between two friends and colleagues.
Erin and Michelle are two nutritionists who exist in the gray area - the messy middle - of nutrition and wellness. They both live and practice in the space that requires nuance, context, critical thinking, compassion…and conversation.
Today’s episode is a convo between two wellness professionals who work with people to help them feel better, who don’t swear allegiance to any ONE dietary paradigm or methodology, and whose primary focus is to advocate for the needs of their clients. Because it’s their clients who suffer when they try to adhere to the dichotomous “THIS OR THAT” food, nutrition, diet & health rules that run rampant in the wellness space.
Michelle Shapiro is an Integrative Functional Registered Dietitian from NYC with 8+ years of experience serving over 1000 clients to reverse their anxiety, heal longstanding gut issues and approach weight loss lovingly and in a body neutral way. Michelle, in her work, aims to bridge the gap for clients between functional nutrition and body positivity. And that’s exactly what we’re chatting about in today’s show.
Episode 229: A New Approach to Healing Disordered Eating with Jessica Flanigan Brown
Self-compassion: not typically considered a healing "biohack", but today's show might change your opinion on that.
It's fair to say that most of us struggle with self-compassion. With easy access to external influences (hello social media, beauty standards, and manipulative marketing), it becomes easy to view ourselves through an excessively critical lens. Self-compassion is an important part of a complete healing plan, which is why Erin and one of her mentors, Jessica Flanigan Brown, bring this topic to light. Simply put, the concept of self-compassion is foreign to most in the disordered eating space, and especially in mainstream diet culture. Self-compassion is the missing link to helping those affected by eating disorders to heal and persevere.
Tune in to learn about self-compassion and its critical components, the difference between intuitive eating and the self-compassion-centered concept of "Inner Eater", and relatable client examples where self-compassion-centered treatment has been successful. Walk away knowing how to take your first steps towards practicing self-compassion. Most importantly, be part of the ripple effect of healing and share this episode with someone in your life who may struggle with self-compassion.
Episode 214: Food Sensitivities: Symptoms, Testing & All the Complexities
Food sensitivities are a growing problem—and the reasons behind it are complex. Unpacking food sensitivities is NOT a straightforward task, and for the first time in nearly 5 years of podcasting, Erin addresses this tricky topic and helps to make sense of all the moving parts and considerations. In today’s episode you’ll hear Erin discussing food sensitivity testing (the good, the bad, & the confusing), the differences between food allergies and food sensitivities, obvious (and not so obvious) symptoms and signs you might have a food sensitivity, the nitty gritty science behind our body’s reactions to foods, how our hormones relate, downsides to restrictive healing diets, and considerations to take if you suspect you may be dealing with a food sensitivity.
Episode 150: Breaking Free from Perfectionism & Emotional Eating
This episode is short, sweet and really gets to the root of what many of us struggle with when it comes to our relationship with food. Erin discusses the connection between over- or under- eating and our desire for a semblance of control, plus how we can shift our mindset around emotional eating and incorporate different intuitive practices into the way we eat and approach food. These are important concepts to think about and apply to your own life - certainly food for thought!
Episode 146: Intuitive Fasting - An Opinion Piece on Our Wellness Culture
There’s a growing trend in Wellness Culture where opinions and recommendations are increasingly standardized, leaving little room for nuance or exception. Today Erin gives us a peek into how her mind operates in this opinion episode on our wellness and diet culture, and it’s centered on a recently released intuitive eating nutrition book that has a large portion of the wellness world falling into two camps: FOR or ANTI.
Unfortunately this leaves a lot of folks who are simply searching for some help to think they have to “choose a side” when it comes to their health. Who’s to blame for this polarization and distortion? Where has our compassion gone? In this episode, you won’t hear Erin take a hard stand for or against this topic, or even defend her own position. Instead she asks questions about our collective reactivity - in the nutrition space and beyond - and attempts to understand what that means about us. How can we utilize that reactivity to affect the change we’re looking for? This one is certainly food for thought...
Episode 128: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weight Loss
The title says it all for this episode. I get into the nitty gritty with a listener question about deciphering when you truly do need to lose weight, common reasons behind weight loss resistance and the top questions you should be asking yourself before attempting to lose weight. This episode is jam packed with loads of details and goes far beyond just looking at food for weight loss and overall health - there’s a reason this is one of THE top downloaded episodes!
Episode 117: Ayurveda, Transformation & Weight Loss with Neha Premjee
Ever feel like your body is working against you no matter what you do? Ayurvedic health and weight loss expert Neha Premjee joins me for a healing conversation that I think so many can benefit from. She talks about her 70 pound weight loss journey and what she learned, details how to use Ayurveda as a way to decode and understand your own body (for weight loss, chronic illness, & more), and breaks down how Ayurveda gives you a framework to begin healing from within. Find out more about this ancient science and why in order to truly transform, something inside YOU needs to shift.
Episode 110: Emotional Eating with Psychologist Kim Daniels
Dr. Kim Daniels is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been working with clients for over 19 years and is passionate about helping helping those struggling with eating and weight concerns to make peace with food and their bodies and enjoy a new, healthy life. In this episode we’re talking all about emotional eating, which is more important than ever in this time of high anxiety.
Episode 108: Conversations Around Weight Loss with Lucia Hawley
In this episode I’m interviewing with Lucia Hawley, who is a functional nutritional therapy practitioner with a master’s degree in Social Work and Clinical Mental Health. She teaches overwhelmed women how to stop dieting, lose weight for life, and to master their minds instead of counting one more point calorie or macro. Listen in as we discuss topics all related to not only how our bodies work, but how and why our bodies, minds, and spirits were created to radically coexist.
Episode 101: Intermittent Fasting Part 2
We’re continuing to dig into intermittent fasting in this episode (continued from last week) and we get into intermittent fasting as a weight loss tool, who should NOT do intermittent fasting, what fasting does to your hormones, and much more. I also answer some listener questions that came in about this particular topic.
Episode 100: Intermittent Fasting Part 1
This episode is a deep dive into metabolic health and why it’s so important. Can intermittent fasting be a therapeutic tool? What are the different ways to approach intermittent fasting? What are the pros & cons of a fat fast?
Episode 84: Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) with Meg Doll
In today’s episode I sit down with Meg Doll, a friend of mine and a registered holistic nutritionist. Listen in as we discuss what is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA)?, How do you know if you have HA?, Causes of HA, steps to recover, exercise considerations, and much more.
Episode 79: When You’re Scared to Stop Dieting - A Convo with Wellness Lately
I’m sitting down and talking with Bridget Shannon & Dana Barron of Wellness Lately. We get kind of fired up as we’re passionately talking about diet culture today - we do use some choice words in this episode so be sure to use ear muffs for the littles!
Episode 77: Opting out of Diet Culture & Cultivating Self Trust
Today I’m sitting down with Naomi Katz, who is an Intuitive Eating, body image, & self-trust coach for grown-ups who already know what’s best for their own bodies. If this sounds like you, you’ll want to listen as we cover topics like The Cult of Positivity, the fight for self compassion, and tools to start building self trust around food.