Episode 214: Food Sensitivities: Symptoms, Testing & All the Complexities

Episode 214: Food Sensitivities: Symptoms, Testing & All the Complexities

Food sensitivities are a growing problem—and the reasons behind it are complex. Unpacking food sensitivities is NOT a straightforward task, and for the first time in nearly 5 years of podcasting, Erin addresses this tricky topic and helps to make sense of all the moving parts and considerations. In today’s episode you’ll hear Erin discussing food sensitivity testing (the good, the bad, & the confusing), the differences between food allergies and food sensitivities, obvious (and not so obvious) symptoms and signs you might have a food sensitivity, the nitty gritty science behind our body’s reactions to foods, how our hormones relate, downsides to restrictive healing diets, and considerations to take if you suspect you may be dealing with a food sensitivity.

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Episode 213: Understand Your Cycle; Take Back Your Power with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Episode 213: Understand Your Cycle; Take Back Your Power with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Erin sits down with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and Fertility Awareness Educator, to get into the nitty gritty of everything you ever wanted to know about your period. Tune in to hear Lisa highlight why your cycle is a vital sign, the role blood plays, what’s considered “normal” with periods and PMS, how to know your fertile window, differences in birth control options, and how cycle tracking can not only give you insight into your reproductive and overall health, but also help you plan your life.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, trying to NOT get pregnant, or just trying to understand your body better, this is an especially relevant episode that offers up powerful information to take charge of your fertility. Reproductive health affects EVERYONE, so share this episode with anyone you care about!

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Episode 212: A Functional Medicine Approach to Labs

Episode 212: A Functional Medicine Approach to Labs

Today on the show Erin highlights the differences between functional medicine and conventional medicine in terms of how we approach lab testing. While oftentimes healthcare can be cost prohibitive for some, Erin discusses how you can utilize very basic lab work—that doctors will run and is covered by insurance—through a functional lens. Tune in to hear the differences in functional and conventional lab interpretations, limitations of conventional lab reference ranges, and real world examples of how to approach common lab markers with a functional lens.

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Episode 211: Connecting Healthcare Practitioners & People in Need

Episode 211: Connecting Healthcare Practitioners & People in Need

In America the ability to access healthcare varies widely depending on your healthcare plan, where you live, or resources available to you. Open Path Healing Arts Collective is looking to change that. It’s a nonprofit organization that offers nutrition and other healing modalities to people who need care but lack adequate health insurance coverage, and today, Erin sits down with Karie Reinertson, Healing Arts Collective Program Manager, to talk about this nonprofit organization, how it serves communities, and how practitioners can become a part of the Collective.

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Episode 209: Health & Environmental Effects of CBD & Full Spectrum Hemp

Episode 209: Health & Environmental Effects of CBD & Full Spectrum Hemp

Today Erin sits down with Ret Taylor, cofounder of Ned & Co, to give us a high overview of Ned’s full spectrum hemp, how CBD, CBG and CBN interact with our body and affect stress and sleep, plus the importance of magnesium for our overall health. Tune in to hear Erin and Ret discuss consumerism culture, health and environmental effects of sourcing and farming practices, and how Ned truly puts their money where their mouth is.

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Episode 202: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe Your Pain: Sexism in Healthcare

Episode 202: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe Your Pain: Sexism in Healthcare

What do you do when your doctor doesn’t listen? When your provider doesn’t believe you?

A 2019 interview with Selma Blair on Good Morning America brought to light a scary fact: women are not being heard by their medical providers. Chronic conditions are going undiagnosed for YEARS, despite the fact that women are reporting real physical problems. When you layer in intersectionality, the issue gets even worse. This lack of care can have irreversible consequences, and despite increased awareness, the problem still persists today.

In this episode, Erin interviews Dr. Cristin Zaimes of Oceanside Physical Therapy to discuss how sexism in healthcare creates shame and distrust in our own bodies. While this episode originally aired in March 2019, Erin and Cristin highlight why this conversation is just as relevant and important today. Tune in as they discuss what we can do to change this—including ways to tap into our innate power to heal.

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A Special 200th Episode: How it Started, How it’s Going & Answering Other Listener Questions

A Special 200th Episode: How it Started, How it’s Going & Answering Other Listener Questions

Today on the show Erin celebrates some big podcast milestones: 200 episodes and 2 million downloads!! Tune in to reminisce with Erin and hear answers to a smorgasbord of listener questions ranging from career pivots (is it ever too late? How about with a baby?) to whether coffee enemas are actually beneficial (and how to do one properly!) She also covers questions about molecular mimicry with gluten and thyroid, detoxing mycotoxins, what you should know about binders and serves up thought provoking questions to ask yourself when healing feels like a struggle.

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Episode 198: Protocols, Elimination Diets & the Pursuit of Wellness with Jessica Flanigan

Episode 198: Protocols, Elimination Diets & the Pursuit of Wellness with Jessica Flanigan

A functional approach to healing is a root cause approach. It attempts to unearth, understand and resolve unique root causes of any imbalances going on within the body. Where it can get a bad rap is when it becomes too cookie cutter, relying too heavily on protocols, elimination diets and supplements.

Today’s conversation is with clinical nutritionist Jessica Flanigan and taps into this growing trend in the wellness world. Erin and Jessica discuss problems seen in our modern culture of healing, how to find a skilled clinician, authority and power versus experience, how restriction can affect oral tolerance and the power that belief work and spirituality have on our healing.

While this interview originally aired in 2018, Jessica showcases why, even today, she’s always been lightyears ahead of the functional medicine space by offering ways practitioners can approach going deeper with clients to find the root cause of their issues… and ways we can go deeper with ourselves. If you’re struggling to get to the root of your health issues, feeling exhausted by the pursuit of wellness, or are wondering if the health answers you seek fall outside the echo chamber, this conversation is definitely one to hear.

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Episode 195: Why Wine Makes You Feel Terrible: A Case for Natural Wines

Episode 195: Why Wine Makes You Feel Terrible: A Case for Natural Wines

If you’re mindful of what you consume and you also drink wine, or if you’re looking for a way to enjoy wine without feeling terrible, this is a conversation for you. Today Erin sits down with founder of Dry Farm Wines Todd White to discuss how we can consume and enjoy natural wine in a way that’s in alignment with our overall health - and the health of the planet. Tune in to hear about the environmental impact of conventional and natural winemaking, organic, biodynamic farming, the importance indigenous yeast, how wine additives, alcohol content and sulfites affect your health, and even touch on the spiritual and community aspects of wine. While we’re not about to tell you that wine is a health food, this conversation does make a good case for enjoying what you consume.

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Episode 185: Practical Strategies to Reduce Chemical Exposure with Lara Adler

Episode 185: Practical Strategies to Reduce Chemical Exposure with Lara Adler

Today Erin is sitting down with Lara Adler, who is an environmental toxin expert and educator. Every time the “environmental toxicity” conversation comes up there is potential for overwhelm, but Lara presents this really complex (and important!) information in such a way that you can walk away with low-cost action steps that don’t feel overwhelming.

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Episode 183: Looking for a Functional Approach? Where to Get Started

Episode 183: Looking for a Functional Approach? Where to Get Started

Today’s episode is for you if you are interested in getting started with a functional approach for your health, but not really sure where to start. Erin recognizes that the cost of functional medicine can be a limiter for some, so she makes a case for starting with ONE budget-friendly intervention. This is the ONE PLACE Erin recommends everyone start before jumping into her 1:1 practice!

Listen in as Erin discusses the difference between functional medicine/nutrition and the conventional/allopathic approach, and uses real world case examples of clients as it relates to all of this - where conventional medicine can fall short, where to start with the functional approach, and why you should start there.

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Episode 182: The Risks of Low Vitamin A & How to Increase Your Levels

Episode 182: The Risks of Low Vitamin A & How to Increase Your Levels

If you have skin issues, immune issues, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, food sensitivities, or get sick often—you’ll want to listen in, because Vitamin A is crucial for all of these things!

In today’s episode Erin explains the Beta Carotene/Vitamin A connection and differences, and why a vegetarian or vegan diet may not give everyone the Vitamin A their body needs. To break down the importance of Vitamin A, Erin dives into the conditions often associated with low Vitamin A, the benefits of having healthy Vitamin A levels, and what you can do to increase your Vitamin A if you have secured the data that you’re low (hint—the first step is to find the reason why!

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Episode 178: My Thoughts on the New Nutrition Scoring System

Episode 178: My Thoughts on the New Nutrition Scoring System

Erin gives you her thoughts on the “new tool” developed by Tufts to help consumers, food companies, restaurants, and cafeterias choose and produce healthier(?) foods and officials to make public nutrition policy. She discusses why these scores aren’t perfect and how they continue to vilify certain nutrients & foods (like fats & meats), which can have negative health consequences.

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