The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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- Menopause

Episode 246: Becoming a Better Functional Practitioner
There’s no question that the conventional medicine system is tragically broken. We’re seeing a greater demand for another way, and functional practitioners are filling that need. But if you’re a newer practitioner, how do you get started growing your skillset and confidence, and do so in a way that is responsible to your clients?
In the first episode of a 2-part conversation, Erin presents actionable steps for practitioners to become advanced in their fields and accelerate their clients’ transformation. Seeking mentorship, developing an advanced mindset and critical thinking skills, and devoting oneself to continued education are all key elements to building a successful practice and getting tangible results.

Episode 245: Our Favorite Functional Labs
Why do some functional medicine providers have waitlists and others don’t? A functional medicine approach at its core is a root cause resolution approach, and successful providers are those who have honed their skills at quickly identifying root causes and creating effective treatment plans. And while labs can help direct that treatment, being a functional provider is more than just ordering labs–you have not only know what labs to run, but WHEN and WHY to choose them, and what to do with the results.
Today, Team FN shares their most favorite functional labs – AND discusses their approach and philosophies around ordering labs and how they discern which labs are right for which client. Grab a pen and paper–this conversation has nuggets of wisdom for both practitioners who want to fine-tune their approaches to lab testing AND the layperson who wants to better understand which labs to ask for.

Episode 244: Thyroid Dysfunction 101
Thyroid dysfunction affects approximately 28 million Americans–8 out of 10 of which are women. In fact, hypothyroid is so commonplace that Levothyroxine is consistently one of the top-prescribed drugs year after year. There are a lot of ways to support the thyroid before it gets to this point, so we have to ask ourselves WHY this issue is so common and how we can be proactive about achieving optimal thyroid health.
Like most other areas of our health, thyroid health is multifaceted, and there are plenty of possible causes for dysfunction. In under 60 minutes, Erin breaks down the symptoms of hypothyroid; the impact of root causes such as caloric restriction, liver health, and non-thyroid hormonal balance; things your conventional medicine practitioner might miss in lab results; and the relationship between the energetic body and the thyroid.

Episode 243: Balance Your Hormones in Under An Hour
Today Erin is teaching you how to balance your hormones using the 5 key elements of hormone health – do these things and you WILL balance your hormones.

Episode 238: Ozempic & Wegovy: Weight Loss Magic?
Today Erin is talking about Ozempic and Wegovy, popular medications used for Type 2 Diabetes and weight loss.
Today is *not* a show to convince you to do anything or not do anything. Instead, Erin recorded this for people interested in these drugs to better help you understand the potential risks, and for practitioners to better help their clients/patients understand these medications.
Erin also provides ways to naturally increase the GLP-1 hormone in the event that you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars injecting yourself every week with a pharmaceutical.
We hope this helps you better understand these super popular drugs, and if so - please share it with friends & family who are talking about it.

Episode 237: Tips for Healthy Living with Team FN
Today’s episode was inspired by a recent poll on Erin’s Instagram, where she asked “What’s something that bothers you about wellness?”
There was a strong recurring theme in your answers - Folks are overwhelmed with broad sweeping generalizations, and exhausted with feeling like better health requires an all-or-nothing approach. It’s easy to feel like we’re falling short when we’re being inundated with ALL the health information, ALL the time.
So to help you all with this, Erin asked different people about real, basic strategies that work for them. This episode is a little different and includes the perspectives of practitioners and non-practitioners. It’s a peek behind the curtain of what real people are doing in their day-to-day lives.
Tune in as members of Erin’s team answer two big questions about what they do for their health: “What’s something that you do every day that’s a non-negotiable, built in habit?” and “What’s something you learned or implemented in 2022 that you would want to share with someone else?”

Episode 236: Can Functional Nutrition & Body Neutrality Coexist?
For the last podcast of the year, we’re bringing you an unscripted conversation between two friends and colleagues.
Erin and Michelle are two nutritionists who exist in the gray area - the messy middle - of nutrition and wellness. They both live and practice in the space that requires nuance, context, critical thinking, compassion…and conversation.
Today’s episode is a convo between two wellness professionals who work with people to help them feel better, who don’t swear allegiance to any ONE dietary paradigm or methodology, and whose primary focus is to advocate for the needs of their clients. Because it’s their clients who suffer when they try to adhere to the dichotomous “THIS OR THAT” food, nutrition, diet & health rules that run rampant in the wellness space.
Michelle Shapiro is an Integrative Functional Registered Dietitian from NYC with 8+ years of experience serving over 1000 clients to reverse their anxiety, heal longstanding gut issues and approach weight loss lovingly and in a body neutral way. Michelle, in her work, aims to bridge the gap for clients between functional nutrition and body positivity. And that’s exactly what we’re chatting about in today’s show.

Episode 233: Protein Intake & Building Muscle Mass
On today’s show Erin sits down with Angelo Keely, the Co-founder and CEO of Kion, a supplement and functional food company dedicated to helping health and fitness enthusiasts live long, fun, active lives by providing clean, energy enhancing solutions.
Angelo knows his stuff when it comes to protein intake, so this is exactly what this episode is all about - protein needs, different types of protein, amino acids, strategizing protein intake for muscle mass, and why building muscle is a worthwhile health investment.
Like Erin, Angelo does not subscribe to any one diet dogma, so it was great to get his well rounded thoughts on all things protein and amino acids. Erin enjoyed talking to him so much that she lost track of time, so we know you’re gonna love this discussion, too!

Episode 225: How Concerned Should You Be about Antinutrients? with Deanna Minich
One of Erin's Instagram posts recently received a lot of attention and A LOT of comments. The post was a video showing how to make a no-soak, no-strain (read: CONVENIENT) nut milk. Many of the comments expressed the concern for antinutrients in nuts. Today Erin sits down with nutrition vet Deanna Minich to tag team the antinutrient discussion and answer the question: how concerned should you be with antinutrients?
Deanna Minich is a nutrition scientist, international lecturer, teacher, and author. She has over twenty years of experience in academia and in the food and dietary supplement industries.
This discussion will provide you with more context and perspective on antinutrients and dietary diversity, equipping you to make the best - and safest - choices for your health.

Episode 224: Funk’tional Alchemy: Clearing, Coding & Rewiring for Health
Have you ever wondered what Erin means when she talks about “going deeper” with her clients? This episode explores exactly that.
Functional medicine promises a “root cause approach” but in order to do this, we must go deeper than blind testing and cookie cutter protocols. Critical thinking, individuation & a deep reverence and understanding of the mind-body connection is key.
Approaching health from a subconscious, brain & emotion-based level creates the most profound, long lasting and sustainable change in the body.
In her practice, Erin demystifies the seemingly “magical mystery realm” of the mind-body connection to bridge it with practical strategies that work.
If you feel like you’ve tried everything and you’re still stuck…
If you’re looking for a new approach to health…
This episode is for you.

Episode 220: Hormone Lab Testing: A Non-Algorithmic Approach
On today’s episode Erin explains the approach she and the Funk’tional Nutritionist Team takes to health, healing, and hormone testing in our private practice and in Your Hormone Revival, our 3-month balancing program to revive adrenal, thyroid, and hormone health through root cause restoration. You’ll hear not just what kind of hormone testing we do, but also WHY we do it the way that we do, all while sprinkling in answers to a lot of your questions about hormone testing along the way. By the end you’ll understand the value of a provider who can not only look at lab markers, but also interpret what those lab markers mean in conjunction with one another, AND in conjunction with YOUR unique context.
Whether you’re looking to test your thyroid hormones, you’re wondering about your estrogen or progesterone levels, or perhaps you suspect something is up with your adrenals or cortisol, you’ll want to tune in to this episode! This also provides valuable information to practitioners who want to understand the true meaning of taking a functional, root cause approach to labs and supporting their clients.

Episode 218: Hear From an FNA Student!
If you’ve been considering joining the next round of the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy in September, but want to know what the experience of being in the school is all about, listen up! Hear directly from current FNA student Lori Fish Bard, MS, CNS, LDN as she shares why she joined and her experience thus far.

Episode 217: Going Beyond Gluten for Celiac Disease
When navigating healing from food sensitivities and food allergies, the first action step is to remove the trigger. In the case of Celiac disease, that trigger is gluten and gluten-containing grains. However, while removing gluten from the diet is a crucial first step, it doesn’t necessarily heal intestinal permeability, reduce gut inflammation, restore a damaged gut lining, and stop the autoimmune response. Today on the show Lori Fish Bard, MS, CNS, LDN sits down with Erin to explain why this is the case.

Episode 215: Business Growth, Expansion & Going Viral
Today’s episode is all about energy in business, and how in order to be successful in business (whether that’s increased visibility, growth, expansion, or something else), you must first understand how your energy—your subconscious beliefs, your mindset—affect it.
In this episode Erin discusses her business expansion and going viral, the framework Erin created for visibility, and how she had to work on her energy and her mindset before she could truly expand and be seen. This is one of those episodes that was originally intended for entrepreneurs and business owners, but actually speaks to anyone looking to expand themselves. Tune in to understand why!