The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 143: Nutrigenomics with Dr. Yael Joffe
Our genes influence not just the color of our eyes or our height, but also how we respond to things in our world: how we respond to the food we eat, the exercise we do, how we process trauma and stress. Understanding your genetics can equate to better self-knowledge because understanding your own blueprint gives you insight about who you are - and how you exist in the world.
On this episode of the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast, Erin sits down for a fascinating conversation with Yael Joffe, PhD, RD, FACN and dives deep into the facets of nutrigenomics, genetic testing, epigenetics and how we can apply this data to not only understand ourselves better, but also how to apply this information to better our health. Whether you’re looking for insight into an autoimmune condition, weight loss or to gain a more complete understanding of your own gene expression, nutrigenomics is an increasingly viable option for those looking to optimize their health.
Episode 142: Gluten Sensitivity & Celiac Disease
Inspired by many listener questions, this episode gets into the nitty gritty between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. WTF is the difference? Is there one? Listen in as Erin unpacks these questions, plus the best ways to test for it and how to determine if you should go gluten-free. You won’t be wondering if you “just” have a gluten sensitivity after this episode!
Episode 136: Cholesterol: Friend or Foe? Everything You Wanted to Know
Unpacking all your cholesterol questions in this episode, and as always, answering this is not as straightforward as “cholesterol is bad/good.” I discuss whether cholesterol is a problem, what it does in the body, problems with low cholesterol, underlying reasons for high cholesterol, how your hormones are related and how to support healthy cholesterol levels.
Episode 135: Intermittent Fasting - Who it's For, Who it's Not For
Can intermittent fasting be a therapeutic tool? Rich with content and resources, this episode is an extensive, deep dive into intermittent fasting, metabolic dysfunction and how you can assess whether IF is right for you based on your unique context.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is fasting-curious, anyone who’s interested in IF or currently trying IF. I dissect who should try it, in what situations is it therapeutic and why, potential benefits, contraindications, whether it works for women’s bodies and the debate over if it’s just another diet culture tool. Have a listen and be sure to share this episode with anyone in your life who has type II diabetes, high insulin, prediabetes, insulin-resistance, metabolic resistance, high blood sugar, anyone going through menopause, or post-menopause.
Episode 133: Healing with Herbs
We have been healers throughout history. Groups of women gathered together to heal each other and heal their community with plants and foods. We all need to go back to that place of trusting ourselves.
This week on the show we interviewed herbalist, Amy McKelvey. Amy told us how she got into herbalism, as well as a pretty interesting history of herbs. She also addresses the importance of plants and our connection to the world around us to achieve healing. In this jam-packed 90 minutes, we covered everything from whether or not you can overdo supplements, to maximizing benefits of the supplements, to how to energize your life! You will learn a TON listening to this show! Originally aired May 2018.
Episode 132: How Much Protein Do We *Really* Need?
You’ve probably heard me say when it comes to nutrition, we can’t do the high level stuff without addressing the foundation and the building blocks first - and in this episode, I mean it literally. We’ll be talking about amino acids today which are the actual building blocks of protein and your body. While this is more of a nutrition 101/back to basics episode about protein, I definitely get into some higher level funk med stuff as well. I’ll discuss the different types of protein, best ways to get it and why amino acids are really what run the show in your body.
Episode 130: Plant-based Diets, Eating Meat & Sustainable Diets
Get ready for a meaty episode. This was recorded with my good friend and former podcast co-host, Kyle Maiorana, and in it we break down everything you’ve ever wanted to know about vegetarian diets, how to sustainably include animals in your diet and what to consider if you're transitioning from a vegetarian diet to an animal-inclusive one (and vice versa).
Episode 116: The Problem with Food Dyes (& Why You Shouldn't Buy Kellogg's New Waffles)
Why my feathers are all sorts of ruffled over Kellogg’s new unicorn & mermaid frozen waffles...and the BIG problem with food dyes. This episode is for the busy parent who is looking to glean some information to make more informed decisions about their food purchases. It’s also a short episode that you can share with people that you care about.
Episode 91: Integrative Cancer Care with Cathy Biase
Today we’re talking about integrative cancer care with Cathy Biase, who is a registered holistic nutritionist and cancer coach. She works alongside oncologists and conventional care with nutrition for cancer, gut health, micro-biome, and circadian rhythms. There are definitely some new perspectives in this episode, so tune in to learn more about topics like keto and cancer, supplement safety, cancer prevention, the hormone connection, and more.
Episode 90: Migraine Triggers, Prevention & Treatments & Coronavirus Update
This episode is all about migraines. Listen in as I cover different types of causes and triggers (which is really important to understand, it’s the #1 way to prevent them!), the migraine-hormone link, and different treatment options/symptom relief. Plus, an update on Coronavirus.
Episode 85: How Much Protein Do We *Really* Need?
Is too much a protein a thing? I answer this question and dive deep into the benefits of protein/what it does in the body/why we need it, dietary recommendations for protein, what you need to know about amino acids, glutamine, why I don’t use Tylenol, symptoms of protein deficiency, collagen peptides, bone broth, best sources of protein, protein powders, vegan protein options, and my thoughts on the Impossible Burger.
Episode 74: All About Cholesterol
In today’s episode we’re getting into all things cholesterol. Listen in as I answer all of your cholesterol questions, like: Is eating cholesterol a problem? What does cholesterol do in the body? What even IS cholesterol? Is sugar the real problem? What is the connection between gut health & heart disease?
Episode 68: The Clean Water Crisis with Dr. Tina Beaudoin
In this episode I’m interviewing Dr. Tina Beaudoin, who is a clean drinking water expert and President of the NH Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Listen in as we cover topics like contaminants in Water You NEED to Know About, Fluoride: Do We Want it in Our Water?, and How to Test Your Home Water.
Episode 57: Ghee, Spirulina, Cooking Oils, Lectins & Advice for Future Nutritionists
Tune in for this listener question episode! I answer questions on homemade ghee, spirulina health benefits & drawbacks, laws, rules, and beyond, and cooking oils & smoke points -- what are the best options? I also offer some advice for future nutritionists & RDs, regulations for dietitians in the US, my thoughts on Plant Paradox, and lectins & nightshades.